200字范文 > 当古诗词遇上英文 你是欣赏中文还是英文?

当古诗词遇上英文 你是欣赏中文还是英文?

时间:2020-04-08 16:14:14


当古诗词遇上英文 你是欣赏中文还是英文?


The age-old moon still shines oer the ancient great wall.

but our frontier guardsmen have not come back at all.

were the winged general of Dragon city here,

the tartar steeds would not dare to cross the frontier.


Through window screen she sees twilight of parting day,

A lone in gilded room,she wipes her tears away.

In lonely courtyard spring is growing desolate,

pear-petals on the ground,she won open the gate.


The wind so swift, the sky so steep,sad gibbons cry;

Water so clear and sand so white, birds wheel and fly.

The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;

The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.

Far from home in autumn, Im grieved to see my plight;

After my long ilness, I climb alone this height,

Living in hard times, at my frosted hair I pine;

Pressed by poverty, I give up my cup of wine.

关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。By riverside a pair of turtledoves are cooing;Theres a good maiden fair whom a young man is wooing.
