200字范文 > 初中英语语法24讲 第10讲 助动词和情态动词

初中英语语法24讲 第10讲 助动词和情态动词

时间:2021-04-19 12:32:21


初中英语语法24讲 第10讲 助动词和情态动词

第10章 助动词和情态动词初中英语语法24讲

在英语中,助动词一般都无具体意义,主要包括:be,have,do,will和shall,而情态动词有具体的词义,但是它们都不能单独作谓语,必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。本章从情态动词(如can,may,must等)的用法讲解入手,再深入到句子,如对Will you...和Shall I...等句型的解析。

典型例句:1.Heislistening to music.(他正在听音乐。)

典型例句:2.Icanspeak English fluently.(我会讲一口流利的英语。)




His brother doesn’t like playing basketball.(他哥哥不喜欢打篮球。)(表示否定)

I did go to see him,but he wasn’t in.(我确实去看望他了,但他不在家。)(加强语气)

Have you seen the film?(你看这部电影了吗?)(表示时态)

Maria types well.(×)Maria cans type well.

Maria can type well.(×)Maria can types well.(玛丽亚打字打得很好。)





助动词be与现在分词结合,可以构成进行时态(参见(第13章 动词的进行时));与过去分词结合,可以构成被动语态(参见(第16章 被动语态))。

Carl is playing badminton with Linda.(卡尔正在和琳达打羽毛球。)

Many people were killed in the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake.



助动词have与过去分词结合,可以构成完成时态(参见(第15章 动词的完成时))。

I have read today’s newspaper.(我已经读过今天的报纸了。)

Ketty has seen the Backstreet Boys in a concert in Beijing.



助动词shall和will与动词结合,可以构成将来时(参见(第14章 动词的将来时))。

We shall be very happy to see you.(我们见到你会很高兴的。)

I will make Charlie a chocolate cake tomorrow.(我明天将为查理制作一块巧克力蛋糕。)



I don’t like having a barbecue in hot weather.(我不喜欢在炎热的天气吃烧烤。)

Do you always forget to bring your bus card?(你经常忘记带公交卡吗?)


英语的情态动词主要有can,could,may,might,must,have to,will,would,shall,should,ought to,had better,need,dare等,用来表示请求、义务、劝告、推测、建议、征求对方意见或许可等。以下各节将重点讲述一些情态动词的用法。








Vincecanspeak English and a little German.(文斯会说英语和一点儿德语。)

Theremaybe a shower,so bring an umbrella with you.(可能会有阵雨,带上伞吧。)

Wemuststudy hard.(我们必须努力学习。)



Tommy can play the trumpet and draw pictures.(汤米会吹小号和画画。)

A robot can do many different things.(机器人能做许多不同的事情。)

They can do some shopping in Pedestrian Street of Nanjing Road.


Butterflies can see more colours than human can.(蝴蝶比人类能看到更多的颜色。)


B.can只有现在式can和过去式could,在表示其他时态时,可以用be able to来代替。

I could (=was able to)(过去时)send e-cards before having the computer lessons.


He has been able to(现在完成时)make a homepage and do online shopping on the Internet.


Perhaps people will be able to(将来时)live on the moon in the future.


比较:be able to可用于各种时态

can/could表示能力时,可用be able to代替。can只有现在式和过去式,而be able to可以用于各种时态。

I can (=am able to) use the microwave oven and the toaster.(我会用微波炉和烤箱。)



I may go to Vienna one day.(将来有一天我可能去维也纳。)

He asked if he might leave fifteen minutes earlier.(他问他是否可以提前15分钟离开。)


You might like to buy a railcard to travel around the country.





You must cut off the electricity before you change the bulb.(换灯泡前你应该切断电源。)

You must put the meat in the fridge in summer.(夏天你必须把肉放进冰箱里。)

You must climb mountains with a partner.(你必须和一位搭档一块儿爬山。)

补充:You must...句型

You must...句型的意思与祈使句相同。

You must turn left.=Turn left.(你必须向左转。)


The hair band must belong to Carolyn.(这根发带一定是卡罗琳的。)

The notebook must be Kathy’s.It has her name on it.



比较:must和have to的区别

must侧重于个人意愿和主观上的必要,have to侧重于客观上的必要。

I know I must study hard.(我知道我必须努力学习。)(句中强调个人意愿,应该用must)

The last bus has gone.We have to take a taxi.(末班车已经走了,我们只能乘出租车了。)

(句中表示客观情况,此时have to不能用must代替)

must只有一种形式,而have to则有较多的形式,可用于各种时态。如果must用于过去时态或将来时态时,则要用have to来代替。

My brother was badly ill,so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.


I haven’t got any money with me,so I’ll have to borrow some from my friend.



He said that they must work hard.(他说他们必须努力工作。)



Ican notcook or play chess.(我不会烹饪和下象棋。)

Youmay notleave now.(你现在不可以走。)

Youmust nottalk with food in your mouth.(嘴里有食物的时候不要说话。)



She can’t play basketball.(她不会打篮球。)

He can’t be a bad man.(他不可能是坏人。)


He couldn’t be a bad man.(他不大可能是坏人。)



may not也可以表示“不可以”,但单独使用的情况并不多,大多数情况下用于回答疑问句。

A:May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)

B:No,you may not.=No,you mustn’t.(不,你不可以进来。)



You mustn’t smoke here.It’s too dangerous.(太危险了,你绝不能在这儿吸烟。)

You mustn’t switch it off.(你们不要把它关掉。)

They mustn’t take any book out of the room.(他们不可以从房间里拿走任何书。)

补充:You must not...句型

You must not...这一句型和否定的祈使句的意思一致。

You mustn’t break anything.=Don’t break anything.(千万不要打破东西。)


CanI keep the file for future use?(我可以保存这份文件留做将来使用吗?)

MayI close the door?(我可以把门关上吗?)

MustI carry so much water?(我一定要带这么多水吗?)





A:Can you play the piano?(你会弹钢琴吗?)

B:Yes,I can.(是的,我会。)/No,I can’t.(不,我不会。)

Can I join the team?(我可以加入这个团队吗?)

Could they win the game?(他们可能赢这场比赛吗?)





否定回答:No,...may not.(不,……不可以。)/No,...mustn’t.(不,……绝对不可以。)

A:May I turn on the light?(我可以开灯吗?)

B:Yes,you may./Yes,please./Certainly./Sure.(是的,可以。/可以,请打开。/当然可以。/可以。)

B:No,you may not./I don’t think you can.(不,不行。/我想不行。)

A:May/Might I watch TV?(我可以看电视吗?)

B:Yes,sure.(当然可以。)/B:No,you mustn’t.(不,绝对不行。)(口气坚决)


Yes,of course.(是的,当然可以了。)/Yes,certainly.(是的,当然可以了。)/Sure.(当然。)

No,you must not.(不,不行。)(具有强烈禁止的意味)

No,you can’t.(不,不行。)(口语中多采用此句型)


Can I take your digital camera?

→May I take your digital camera?(我可以用你的数码相机吗?)(比较正式的用法)


Could/Can I go to the Ocean Park tomorrow,Mum?(妈妈,明天我可以去海洋公园吗?)

Could/Can we listen to music in the music room?(我们可以在音乐室听音乐吗?)


A:May/Might I ask a question now?(我现在可以问个问题吗?)

B:No,you may not./No,you’d better not.(不可以。/不,你现在最好别问。)




否定回答:No,...needn’t./...don’t have to.(不,不必了。)

A:Must I give the baby a bath now?(我现在必须给这个婴儿洗澡吗?)

B:Yes,you must.(是的,你必须。)

B:No,you needn’t./No,you don’t have to.(不,不必了。)





Monica can’t be in the classroom.(莫妮卡不可能在教室。)

You may come here whenever you like.(你想什么时候来就什么时候来。)



A:Where’s Cindy?(辛迪在哪儿呢?)

B:It’s a fine day.She may/might be enjoying the sunshine on the lawn.



Your sister can’t be touring Nanjing.I saw her just now.



Our football team plays better than before.It could win.


The news could be true.(这消息也许是真的。)

The earrings might be a present for her mother.(这对耳环可能是给她妈妈的礼物。)

I don’t know if I’ll get a gift.I might get it.(我不知道我能否得到一份礼物。可能会吧。)

She isn’t answering the phone.She must be out.(她没接电话。她肯定是出去了。)

Each Olympic medal must be at least 3 millimeters thick and 60 millimeters in diameter.



A.当表示对过去的状态、动作的推测时,must/may/might可用在肯定句中表示肯定的推测,一般用must/may/might+have done(现在完成时)表示。

The boy may have got lost.It isn’t easy to find this place.


She may have missed the bus.(她也许错过公共汽车了。)


My watch says it’s only ten past two.It must have stopped.


The road is wet.It must have rained last night.(路是湿的,昨天晚上肯定下雨了。)

Jack has got the highest mark in this exam.He must have studied hard.


B.can/could用在否定句中表示否定的推测,一般用can/could+not+have done(现在完成时)表示对过去的状态、动作的推测。此外,can/could还可用在疑问句中表示推测。

He can’t have forgotten.We were talking about it this morning.


There isn’t any water on the road.It can’t/couldn’t have rained last night.





Youneedntfinish that work today.(你今天不必把那项工作做完。)(need是情态动词)

Do youneedany help?(你需要帮助吗?)(need是行为动词)


You needn’t worry about him.He has grown up.(你不必为他担心,他已经长大了。)


A:Need I stay here any longer?(我还有必要留在这儿吗?)

B:Yes,you must.(是的,你必须。)/No,you needn’t.(不,你不必。)


We needn’t wait too long,need we?(我们不必等太久,是吧?)


I guess Anna just needs to talk to somebody sometimes.


3.Will you...?和Would you (like)...?及Shall I/we...?

Will yoube at home tomorrow?(你明天会在家吗?)

Would youhave a cup of tea?(可以请你喝杯茶吗?)

1.Will you...?的用法

Will youhelp me with my homework?(请你辅导我做作业好吗?)

Will youbuy a newspaper for me?(帮我买份儿报纸好吗?)

(1)Will you (please)+动词原形+……?


Will you show me some pens?(把笔给我看看好吗?)(请求对方做某事)

Will you have some rice dumplings?(请吃点儿粽子好吗?)(客气的说法)

说明:在Will you...(表示请求、劝说)的疑问句中,一般使用some,而不用any。


Will you please go with me?(您和我一起走好吗?)

Will you please take off your hat?(劳驾,把你的帽子摘掉好吗?)

2.对Will you...?句型的回答

对Will you...?句型的各种肯定和否定回答参见下表,通常根据具体语境而定。


A:Will you open the window?(请打开窗户好吧?)(请求对方做某事)

B:All right.(好吧。)

A:Will you have a piece of pizza?(吃块比萨好吧?)(建议对方做某事)


补充:表示请求和劝说时,用Won’t you...?这一句型比Will you...?还要客气。

Won’t you come to my house?(难道你不要来我家坐一坐吗?)

Won’t you forgive Alan?(你不原谅艾伦吗?)


A:Will you pass me the book?(请把那本书递给我好吗?)

B:No,I won’t./I am sorry.I can’t.(不,不行。/对不起,不行。)

A:Will you have some Pepsi cola?(喝点儿百事可乐好吗?)

B:No,thank you.(不用了,谢谢。)

2.Would you (like)...?的用法

Would youpay me in cash,please?(请您付给我现金行吗?)

Would you like tosing a song?(请唱首歌好吗?)

(1)Would you+动词原形+……?

would是will的过去式,Would you...?句型表示“可以请你……吗?”,语气比Will you...?句型更为婉转。

Would you have a cup of oolong tea?(可以请你喝杯乌龙茶吗?)

Would you tell me the way to the Exhibition Centre?

(劳驾,您能告诉我去展览中心怎么走吗?)(回答同“Will you...?”句型)

(2)Would you like...?



A:Would you like some Christmas pudding?(你需要来些圣诞布丁吗?)


说明:句型“主语+would like to...”表示“……想要……”,与“...want to...”意思一样,但比较客气。

I’d like to ask you a question.=I want to ask you a question.(我想问你一个问题。)


A:Would you like to chat with me at lunch time?(午餐时你愿意和我聊聊天吗?)

B:I’d like to.(我愿意。)/Sorry,I’m afraid I can’t.(对不起,我恐怕不能和你聊天。)


A:Would you like some caviar and mustard?(你需要些鱼子酱和芥末吗?)


3.Shall I/we...?的用法

Shall Ibuy the book for you?(我要为你买那本书吧?)

Shall wedance together?(我们一起跳个舞好吗?)

(1)Shall I...?的用法

Shall I...?用来提出自己的建议,并询问对方是否赞成这一建议,译为“我要……吗?”

A:Shall I drive you to the airport?(我要开车送你们去机场吗?)


A:Shall I wind the car window down?(我要把车窗摇下来吗?)


补充:Shall I...?的回答


(2)Shall we...?的用法

Shall we...?用来向对方提出建议、邀请,并询问对方是否赞成,译为“我们一起做……好吗?”。

A:Shall we take a boat together now?(我们现在一起去划船好吗?)

说明:Shall we...?意思上和Let’s...相近。

Let’s take a boat now.(咱们现在去划船吧!)

B:That’ fine with me.(行,没有问题。)

A:Shall we go to see the famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower?


B:Good idea.(好主意。)

A:Shall we make a model house?(我们一起制作一个模型房子好吗?)

B:Sorry,I’m afraid I can’t.(对不起,恐怕不能。)

补充:Shall we...?的回答

All right.(好吧。)/Good idea.(好主意。)/That’s fine with me.(行,没有问题。)/Sorry,I’m afraid I can’t.(对不起,恐怕不能。)

4.should,ought to和had better

情态动词should,ought to都可以表示劝告建议,一般情况下可以通用。在表示要求命令时,...had better(最好)的语气比...should(应该)强。



You should put the rubbish in the bin.(你应该把垃圾扔进垃圾箱里。)

You should wash the dress by hand in cool water.(你应该用凉水手洗这条裙子。)

We shouldn’t keep all the lights in our house on all right.


2.ought to的用法

ought to也可以表示劝告、建议,译为“应该”。一般情况下,ought to可和should通用,但ought to语气更强烈些。另外,ought to (do sth.)是惟一一个带不定式to的情态动词。要掌握它的否定式和疑问式。

My parents are getting older and older.I ought to/should visit them more often.


I enjoy his first play,so I think the new one ought to/should be good.


It’s too cold.You ought not to make a snowman outside.(天气太冷了,你不应该在外面堆雪人。)

A:Ought I to put on my coat?(我要穿外套吗?)

B:Yes,you ought (to).(是的,你要(穿上)。)/No,you ought not (to).(不,你(不必)穿上。)

3.had better的用法

had better译为“最好”,它后面要跟动词原形。had better只有一种形式,没有have/has better这类形式;它的否定式是在后面加not

We had better check the condition of the car before starting our journey.


He’d (=He had) better go now,or he’ll be late.(他最好现在就走,要不然该迟到了。)

You’d better eat these bananas before they go bad.


You’d better not eat so many sweets.(你最好别吃那么多的糖果。)

5.have to

当句子是现在时,主语为第一、二人称以及第三人称复数时用have to...,主语为第三人称单数时用has to...;当句子是过去时的时候用had to...;当句子是将来时的时候用will have to...。要注意to后面接动词原形

1.have to的肯定句

句型:主语+have/has/had/will have to+动词原形+……

We have to stay there for three hours.(我们不得不在那儿呆上3个小时。)

You have to eat less junk food like fried fish and chips.


Mary has to wear sports shoes for gym class.(玛丽体育课必须穿运动鞋。)

I had to get up at 5 a.m. yesterday.(我昨天早晨不得不5点钟起床。)

2.have to的否定句

句型:主语+dont/doesnt/didnt/wont have to+动词原形+……

Take it easy.You don’t have to be so nervous.(放轻松些,你没有必要这么紧张。)

说明:don’t have to do...意为“不必做……”。(表示没有必要)

Emily doesn’t have to go to the Children’s Palace to practise the guitar every day.


We won’t have to go to school next week.(下周我们不必去上学了。)

3.have to的疑问句

句型:Do/Does/Did/Will+主语+have to+动词原形+……?

A:Do we have to wear the school uniform?(我们必须穿校服吗?)

B:Yes,we do.(是的,我们必须穿。)/No,we don’t (have to).(不,我们没有必要穿。)

A:Does Jason have to practise English and Japanese every day?


B:Yes,he does.(是的,他必须每天练习。)/No,he doesn’t (have to).(不,他没有必要每天练习。)

A:Did you have to go on a diet before?(你以前必须节食吗?)

B:Yes,I did.I was overweight.(是的,必须。我超重了。)/No,I didn’t (have to).(不,没有必要。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


A:Can I help you? B:I bought this watch here yesterday,but it __________ work.【江西中考】






A:Must I answer this question in English? B:No,you __________.【临沂中考】




正确解析:以must提问的一般疑问句的否定回答常用needn’t或者don’t have to,而不用mustn’t。正确答案为B。


A:What would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift?

B:I haven’t decided yet.I __________ send her a hand bag.【成都中考】






Alice,please be quiet!The others __________ hear clearly.




Final Check(实力测验)


1.A:Must I wait till he comes back? B:No,you __________.

2.You __________ not make so much noise in the hospital.

3.A:Can you ride a bike? B:No,I __________.

4.A:Do you speak English? B:Yes,I __________.

5.A:Need I go home now? B:No.You __________ stay here.

6.__________ you like to help me?

7.My mother is ill.I __________ stay at home and look after her.

8.A:__________ I use your car? B:Yes,you __________.

9.__________ we begin our class now?

10.A:Need I hand in my homework? B:Yes,you __________.


1.You must wash the dishes.

=You __________ __________ wash the dishes.

2.She can cook well.

=She __________ __________ __________ cook well.

3.Wash your face at once.

=You __________ wash your face at once.

4.They couldn’t find any secrets(秘密).

=They __________ not __________ to find any secrets.

5.You should be here on time.

=You __________ __________ be here on time.


1.You __________ return the book now.You can keep it till next week.

2.A:Can I leave this door open at night? B:No,you __________.

3.Hurry up.He __________ for us at the station.

4.A:The food must be good. B:No,it __________ be good.

5.Your shirt is rather dirty.__________ I wash it for you?

6.I am afraid I __________ go with you.I am very bust these days.

7.The soldiers looked everywhere for the spy,but they __________ find him.

8.Your hair’s too long.I think you __________ get it cut.

9.I am going to bed.I __________ get up early tomorrow morning.

10.You’re in danger.You __________ get out.

11.You work too much.I think you __________ take it easy.

12.You have a little fever.You __________ attend the meeting.

13.A:Must I bring all the things with me when I go out for a picnic?

B:No,You __________.But you __________ bring all the food here.

14.Would she like __________?

15.Will you please __________?


1.She must be the headmaster.


2.I need some help.


3.Their plane may arrive soon.


4.Difficulties can and must be overcome.


5.He didn’t like the job because he had to wear a uniform.


6.They ought to join the army.


7.Shall I open the window?


8.Will you have another cup of tea?



1.Will you please to pass me the dictionary?


2.The weather is not good.We’d better to stay at home.


3.I haven’t to go there.I can make a phone call.


4.You don’t need write such a note.
















1.to pass→pass(解说:will后接动词原形。)

2.’d better to stay→’d better stay(解说:had better(’d better)后接不带to的动词不定式。)

3.haven’t to→don’t have to(解说:have to也属于情态动词,但它的否定形式借助于助动词do来构成。)

4.don’t need write→needn’t write/don’t need to write(解说:need作为情态动词,仅用于疑问句和否定句,这时,后接不带to的动词不定式。但need一词也可以作普通动词来使用,后接带to的动词不定式,这时,need可以用于任何句型,如果是疑问句、否定句,就必须借助于助动词do。)



1. — Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

— I’d love to, but I’m afraid I _______. I have too much work to do.

2. You _______ swim in this part of the lake. It’s dangerous.

3. — ________ I use your dictionary?

— Of course you can.

4. — ________ I know your name?

— Sure. My name is Han Huimei.

5. I don’t understand this sentence. ________ you explain it to me?

6. — ________ I tell him the truth right now?

— No, you ________. You can tell him about it later.

7. — That sweater _______ be yours.

— No, it _______ be mine. Mine is over there.

8. Jim left his English book at home. He _______ borrow one from other students.

9. _______ you have a merry Christmas and happy New Year!

10. — May I pick a flower in the garden?

— No, you _______.


1. Must I know your name, please?

2. They’ll go swimming next Saturday and so do we.

3. — It must be our monitor.

— No, it mustn’t be him. He has gone home.

4. You’d better to help him with his English.

5. With your help, we will able to finish the work on time.

6. Will you like to join us in the singing contest?

7. He had not better talk in class. The teacher will get angry.

8. — Could I use your cell phone?

— Yes, you could.

9. Will I help you carry the suitcase?

10. — Must I report this to our head teacher now?

— No, you mustn’t.


1. I ______ (didn’t / don’t) see Jane at the party yesterday.

2. ______ (Do / Does) anybody know how to spell this word?

3. Don’t ______ (be / do / ×) nervous. You will be great.

4. He ______ (don’t / doesn’t ) know how to use this washing machine.

5. He should ______ ( do / does) his homework all by himself.

6. We ______ (won’t / don’t) go picnicking tomorrow because it is going to rain.

7. ______ (Did / Do) you have any money with you?

8. — ______ (Can / Could) your father drive a car?

— Yes, he ______ (can / could). But he ______ (can / could) not before we bought our car.

9. Although the driver was badly hurt, he ______ (was able to / could) tell what had happened.

10. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone ______ (was able to / could) get out.


1. His mother asked him to take off his dirty shoes.


2. This new Chinese-English dictionary cost me over 100 yuan.


3. Our teacher asks him to speak English every day.


4. Mary’s pen pal comes from Australia.


5. I always do my homework in the evening.



1. “抱歉我没有赢得比赛。”“没关系。你不可能每次都赢。”



2. 为了保护我们的城市环境,决不能把垃圾扔进河里。


3. 如果你有重要的事情要做,今天下午你就不必去开会了。


4. “你会打沙滩排球球吗?”“不,我不会。”



5. 我们图书馆的书借期不可超过两星期。



1. How _______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have seen only part of the TV play?

A. can B. may C. mustD. need

2. — May I go to play football now, Mum?

— OK. But you _______ be back before 5 o’clock.

A. can B. must C. mayD. need

3. The light in the office is off. The teacher _______ be there now.

A. may B. can’tC. mustn’t D. must

4. You _______ open the door before the train gets into the station.

A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

5. — It nearly took me an hour to walk here.

— Have a drink, then. You _______ be thirsty.

A. should B. can C. will D. must

6. — I was told to be here before eight.

— Oh, you _______. I’m sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.

A. must B. can’t C. may D. needn’t

7. — _______ I fill in the check-in form right now, sir?

— No, you needn’t. You can complete it this afternoon.

A. May B. Can C. Would D. Must

8. — Must I be back home before 6 o’clock?

— No, you _______. But don’t be too late.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t

9. — Let’s go dancing tonight.

— Sorry, I _______. I have to go to a meeting.

A. mustn’t B. may not C. needn’t D. can’t

10. You _______ be careful with fire when you have a picnic in the forest. It’s too dangerous.

A. will B. must C. can D. may

11. — _______ I have to show the school report to my parents, Miss King?

— Yes, you do.

A. Must B. Do C. CanD. May

12. — Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

— I’d like to, but I _______ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill.

A. need B. mustC. should D. have to

13. — Look! The man at the gate _______ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning.

— No, it _______ be him. He is in the office now.

A. must, can’t B. must, mustn’t

C. can, can’t D. can, mustn’t

14. — Must I return the book tomorrow morning?

— No, you _______. You _______ keep it for three days.

A. mustn’t, mayB. mustn’t, must

C. needn’t, can D. needn’t, must

15. — Look! Mr Hu is on the other side of the street.

— It _______ be him. He has gone to Lan Zhou.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. won’t

16. Cars, buses and bikes _______ stop when the traffic light is red.

A. can B. must C. may D. need

17. — _______ I borrow your MP3?

— Sure. Here you are.

A. May B. Should C. Must D. Would

18. — Mom, _______ I play computer games?

— Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first.

A. must B. may C. willD. need

19. — Shall I tell Sally about it?

— No, you _______. I’ve told her already.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t

20. — I can’t stop playing computer games.

— For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you _______.

A. can B. may C. must D. have to

21. You have already tried your best, so you _______ worry about the matter.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t

22. — Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr Zhao?

— No, you _______. You may give it to me tomorrow.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not

23. — Must I wait for you here now?

— No, you _______. You may be back in half an hour.

A. don’t have toB. mustn’t

C. can’t D. shouldn’t

24. — Is Susan going to her hometown by train?

— I guess she ________. I know she likes driving her new car.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. could not

25. — Who is the girl standing over there?

— Well, if you ______ know, her name is Joe.

A. must B. may C. can D. shall

26. — My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?

— I’m sorry I _______. I’m leaving for London tonight.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t

27. — Would you like to go to the zoo with us?

— _________

A. No, I’m busy. B. Why not?

C. Thank you. D. That’s all right.

28. He ______ in the classroom just now. He ______ be there now.

A. heard to sing, mayB. was heard sing, must

C. heard sing, mustD. was heard to sing, may

29. — Must I park my car behind the building?

— No, you ______. You ______ park it here.

A. mustn’t, mayB. may not, must

C. don’t have to, mayD. shouldn’t, must

30. — Never touch my computer while I’m away.

— _________.

A. I shouldn’t B. I mustn’t C. I won’t D. I don’t

31. That tall boy ________ be John. John is medium height.

A. mustn’t B. must C. can’tD. might

32. This kind of food ______ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction.

A. should be carriedB. must be put

C. should be placed D. must be kept

33. — Must I finish that work today?

— No, you ______. You may finish it in three days.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t

34. — Where is mom now?

— I’m not sure. She ______ be in the kitchen.

A. shall B. may C. need D. must

35. — Joan, you are late!

— Sorry, I ______ next time.

A. don’t B. won’t C. am not D. haven’t

36. We _______ talk loudly when we see the sign on the right.

A. must B. mustn’t C. needD. needn’t

37. — Must I go and do it now?

— No, you ______. We still have two more days.

A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. won’t

38. — May I do the rest of the work tomorrow?

— Yes, of course. You _______ finish it today.

A. mustB. mustn’t C. needn’t D. need

39. — Must I finish the work today, Mom?

— No, you _______. You can finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t B. can’tC. shouldn’t D. needn’t

40. — Do I have to come back tomorrow?

— Yes, you ______.

A. can B. may C. mustD. should

41. — I really like playing computer games!

— I’m afraid you ________ stop, for your study and your health.

A. can B. willC. may D. must

42. — Listen! Is Tom singing in the classroom?

— No. It ______ be Tom. He has gone to Paris.

A. may not B. needn’t C. can’tD. must not

43. — Mr Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don’t forget it!

— OK, I _______.

A. won’t B. don’t C. will D. do

44. — Is John coming by train?

— He should, but he _______ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. mayD. need

45. — Are you going to Beijing by plane?

— It’s fast, but expensive. So I am not sure. I ______ take a train.

A. should B. mayC. mustD. will



1. can’t 2. mustn’t 3. Can / Could / May 4. May

5. Can6. Must, needn’t 7. must, can’t 8. had to

9. May10. mustn’t


1. Must → May 2. do → shall

3. mustn’t → can’t 4. to help → help

5. will able to → will be able to6. Will → Would

7. had not better → had better not8. could → can

9. Will → Shall10. mustn’t → needn’t / don’ t have to


1. didn’t 2. Does 3. be4. doesn’t

5. do6. won’t7. Do 8. Can, can, could

9. was able to 10. was able to


1. What did his mother ask him to do?

2. How much did this new Chinese-English dictionary cost you?

3. What does our teacher ask him to do every day?

4. Where does Mary’s pen pal come from?

5. When do you always do your homework?


1. — I’m sorry I didn’t win the game.

— Well, that’s OK. You can’t win every time.

2. To protect the environment in our city, rubbish mustn’t be thrown into the river.

3. You needn’t come / don’t need to come to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

4. — Can you play beach volleyball?

— No, I can’t.

5. We can’t keep the library books for more than / over two weeks.


1—5 ABBBD 6—10 DDCDB 11—15 BDACB 16—20 BABCD

21—25 BAACA 26—30 ABDCC 31—35CDBBB 36—40 BCCDC

41—45 DCACB
