200字范文 > 表达不开心的句子‖有些事说出来显得我不大度 但我确实不开心

表达不开心的句子‖有些事说出来显得我不大度 但我确实不开心

时间:2019-06-28 14:11:48


表达不开心的句子‖有些事说出来显得我不大度 但我确实不开心

1、我又把头发剪短了, 好像变温柔了, 好像过得比以前好 ,又好像不怎么样, 我不清楚。

I cut my hair short again as if it were softer, as if it were better than before, and as if it were not so good. I don know.


Explaining this makes me look like a sinner.

3、生活很暗 , 抱歉 , 我也没光。

Life is dark. Im sorry, Im not light either.


"Some people hold back from crying, will say irony, will not sincerely".

5、我相貌平平 ,不能惊鸿一瞥, 你要是想错过我 ,就错过我吧。

I am so plain that I cannot catch a glimpse of you. If you want to miss me, miss me.

6、好像没有我 ,你的生活也不会有什么差错 ,开心的时候照样开心, 难过的时候照样难过 ,在你的世界,我与万物并列 ,或许 ,不如万物。

It seems that there will be no mistakes in your life without me. You will be happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad. In your world, I am tied with all things and maybe not as good as all things.

7、敏感的人注定要承受双倍的痛苦 。

Sensitive people are doomed to suffer twice as much.


Nothing is suddenly want to give up, don want to turn back frequently in the crowd, don want to mouth shut is you, found that you don seem worth me to do so.


It seems that I am not very happy to say some things, but I am really unhappy.

10、嘴硬到底是什么概念, 大概就是你问我怎么想的, 其实我眼泪都掉了下来, 还是说了一句 算了。

What exactly is the concept of mouth shut? You probably asked me what I thought. In fact, my tears fell down and I said, "Forget it."

11、你每次回我消息都很慢 我为了挣回面子也故意回得很慢 , 我以为我们扯平了, 其实你根本不在乎。

Every time you reply to me, the news is very slow. I also deliberately replied slowly in order to earn my face. I thought we were even, but you didn care.


"Don let me meet people who have no meaning."

13、你反复推开别人 直到确定自己是例外才安心,结果你一推一个准。

You push others away again and again until you are sureHe is an exception to peace of mindAs a result, you pushed for the right one.

14、我本来就很麻烦,情绪很多,爱哭粘人,胡思乱想,这些换谁谁都接受不了, 我知道, 所以我没有打算成为谁的偏爱。

I am already very troublesome, I have a lot of emotions, I like crying and clinging to people, and I think that nobody can accept these changes. I know, so I have no plan to be the preference of anyone.

15、如果你说你喜欢我,我会告诉你我很糟很烂很不值得,我会一遍遍的盘问你为什么要喜欢我,但你要是说你讨厌我,我会说,没关系我理解。If you say you like me, I will tell you that I am bad, rotten and unworthy. I will ask you over and over again why you like me, but if you say you hate me, I will say, it doesn matter. I understand.


