200字范文 > 讽刺人性的犀利句子 经典现实 句句扎心 值得我们反思

讽刺人性的犀利句子 经典现实 句句扎心 值得我们反思

时间:2021-12-17 10:16:26


讽刺人性的犀利句子 经典现实 句句扎心 值得我们反思


Perhaps every kind person will be in the rejection of others at the same time also feel as if they did something wrong, also feel guilty, but this world is some people do not know how to Thanksgiving, if you help her seven points, she may feel that you owe him three points, this is human nature! So not all of us are worthy of being kind, and our kindness should have an edge.


The world is like this, sometimes, you are kind to help others, but often when you are most in need of help, but no one to help you, you finally return for a generous is chilling, don know in this world there are too many people in the gratitude, they will take your kindness as a food, but also will be greedy to ask for,

those of the wedge, will also take your tolerance for granted, then more unscrupulous to bully you, this is not only the social reality, also is the so-called human nature!


We always sigh, the world has become too reality, then we will live very carefully, because been indifference, so our own and also slowly become that kind of person who is indifferent, once upon a time, we will be surprised to find that the original myself in order to protect themselves, have slowly become live like who I used to hate the most.


The older I grow up, the more I will find that sometimes it is not that I don want to tell the truth, but that after you tell the truth, you have to apologize to others, because you have exposed the truth. In todays realistic society, there are really too many things beyond our control.


The older you get, the more you realize that no amount of time in the world you spend maintaining friendships in which you don have the ability is more like dust than a breeze can blow away.


Conclusion: Although everyone of us has bright eyes now, but how many people can see to understand the heart? Perhaps in the future one day, we experience more, will really understand, originally want to live well in this world, then we should protect the most is ourselves.




