200字范文 > 好好学学天天向上英文怎么说(好好学习天天向上用英语怎么说)


时间:2024-04-24 08:00:07



“好好学习,天天向上”的英文是:Study well(hard)and make progress every day.

相关表达有: 你今年要好好学习。 You must get down to your studies this year. 如果你愿意在剩下的3周里好好学习,你还是能对付考试的。 You can still be ready for the exams if you will lay yourself down to your study during the remaining three weeks. 我多么后悔在树林和田野浪费的时间,那是我本该好好学习和贪玩荒废了的日子。 How I regretted the hours loafed away in the woods and fields,the days when I had played and should have studied. 从这儿以后,我们要好好学习。 From now on well study hard. 你把它好好修一修可以吗? Could you give it good trimming? 在外语学习上没有捷径,我们必须每天练习,只有这样我们才能精通它。 There is no short cut in the study of a foreign language.We must have drills every day.Only in this way can we have a good command of it. 我天天学习英语。 I study English every day. 我以前每天晚上出去玩,但我已决定改过自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力学习。 I used to out every evening but Ive decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies.
