200字范文 > 英文朗诵句子如何写 朗读句子英语怎么说(7篇)

英文朗诵句子如何写 朗读句子英语怎么说(7篇)

时间:2022-11-25 01:51:59


英文朗诵句子如何写 朗读句子英语怎么说(7篇)



supplementary agreement


by and between:

(1) l.l.c. ( ”授权方”)

地址:1000 flower street, glendale, galifornia 91201

l.l.c. ( ”licensor”) a delaware limited liability company, with its principal office located at glendale, california 91201; and

(2) limited company( 被授权方”)


guang zhou camsing limited company ( ” licensee”) with its principal office located at guangzhou, china.



(a)20__年3月12日, 与 就 事宜达成一致意见,签署了《品牌授权协议》(以下称“原协议”),协议有效期间自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日止;

on march 12, 20__ , and entered into a merchandise license agreement (hereinafter referred to as “initial agreement”) for “kung fu panda 2”, with the period starts from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__;


according to initial agreement, usd $270,000 shall be fully paid by camsing to as licensing royalty on or before august 31, 20__. has paid usd $25,000 as advance as of the singing date of initial agreement, while the remaining usd $245,000 is still unpaid;

(c) 多次向催讨未付款项,结合自身对授权品牌的实际使用情况,请求从未付款项中减免部分授权使用费。

has contacted camsing many times to collect remaining payments, while, considering about its actual application of merchandise license, requests for a deduction from the unpaid amounts.


therefore, both parties, through amicable negotiation, agree upon the payment of remaining unpaid usd $245,000 as following:

1. 同意免除自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日的授权使用费81,666美金;减免之后,camsing应付的款项为163,334美金(计算方式:245,000 -81,666=163,334)。同意,按本协议约定支付减免后的授权使用费163,334美金后,不再向主张任何费用,包括但不限于授权使用费、违约金等。

agrees to exempt license royalty usd $81,666 of the period from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__, that is shall pay usd $163,334 to after the exemption. in the event that has fully paid the remaining license royalty usd $163,334 after exemption according to provisions hereunder, agrees that it will not claim any ge against , including but not limited to license royalty, penalty, etc.

2. 支付方案:应自20__年7月1日起至11月30日止的5个月内分五期还清全部款项163,334美金,具体付款方案如下:


usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $43,334

合计usd $163,334

payment scheme: shall pay off the remaining usd $163,334 by five payments within the period from july 1, 20__ to november 30, 20__, the payment scheme is as following (all payments should be made on or before corresponding stipulated dates):

july 17, 20__august 15, 20__september 15, 20__october 15, 20__november 15, 20__

usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $30,000usd $43,334

total amountusd $163,334

3. 前述款项的支付均应汇入指定的如下账户:


收 款 人:

账 号:

aba 号:


联 系 人:


the stated payments shall be paid to the following ac specified by :

bank information: bank of america


ac no.:

aba no.:

swift code:


contract currency: united states dollars.

4. 应严格按照分期付款计划执行,如有一期逾期支付则视为违约,届时剩余应付款项的支付期限立即到期,并且原先减免的20__年度81,666美金的授权使用费不再减免,将一同并入应付款项由立即一次性全额支付,同时,还应按未付款项总金额每日万分之五的标准向支付逾期付款违约金。

shall strictly abide by the payment scheme, otherwise, even one payment delay shall be deemed as breach of contract, upon the payment term of remaining amounts shall expire immediately, besides, the exemption of usd $81,666 for year 20__ shall be cancelled and calculated into the remaining unpaid amounts, which shall be fully paid in a lump sum by camsing promptly. meanwhile, shall pay a penalty at a rate of 0.5‰ per day of due total amount for late payment.

5. 法律适用及争议解决:本协议适用中国法律。凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交至深圳国际仲裁院(scia)按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁,届时败诉方应承担对方为解决本争议而产生的一切合理费用,包括但不限于仲裁费、律师费、差旅费、评估费、调查费、鉴定费等相关费用。

applicable law and dispute resolution: this agreement shall be governed by the laws of china. any dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be submitted to shenzhen court of international arbitration (scia) for arbitration according to scia’s arbitration rules, and the losing party shall bear all reasonable ges of the other party concerning dispute resolution, including but not limited to arbitration fees, lawyer’s fees, business trips costs, evaluatioges, investigation fees, appraisal costs, etc.);

6. 本协议生效后,即成为原协议不可分割的组成部分,与原协议具有同等法律效力。除本协议对于剩余应付款项的约定外,原协议的其余部分应完全继续有效。如本协议与原协议发生冲突时,以本协议为准。

this agreement, after its entry into force, becomes an integral part of the initial agreement and has the same legal effect. except for the provisions about the remaining unpaid payment stipulated herein, other provisions of the original agreement shall remain in full effect. in case of any discrepancy, this agreement shall prevail.

7. 本协议为中英文版本,如有不符,以中文版本为准。

this agreement is written in chinese and english. in case of any discrepancy, the chinese version shall prevail.


this agreement is prepared in duplicate and shall enter into force upon chops and signatures of the authorized representatives; each party holds one copy, with the same legal effect.

(signing page with no text below)

signed by )

duly authorised for and on behalf of name)





signed by )

duly authorised for and on behalf of name)


















































the straw, the coal, and the bean

in a village dwelt a poor old woman, who had gathered together a dish of beans and wanted to cook them. so she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she lighted it with a handful of straw. when she was emptying the beans into the pan, one dropped without her observing it, and lay on the ground beside a straw, and soon afterwards a burning coal from the fire leapt down to the two.

then the straw began and said: “dear friends, from whence do you come here?” the coal replied: “i fortunately sprang out of the fire, and if i had not escaped by sheer force, my death would have been certain,--i should have been burnt to ashes.” the bean said: “i too have escaped with a whole skin, but if the old woman had got me into the pan, i should have been made into broth without any mercy, like my comrades.” “and would a better fate have fallen to my lot?” said the straw. “the old woman has destroyed all my brethren in fire and smoke; she seized sixty of them at once, and took their lives. i luckily slipped through her fingers.”

"but what are we to do now?” said the coal. “i think,” answered the bean, “that as we have so fortunately escaped death, we should keep together like good companions, and lest a new mischance should overtake us here, we should go away together, and repair to a foreign country.”

the proposition pleased the two others, and they set out on their way together. soon, however, they came to a little brook, and as there was no bridge or foot-plank, they did not know how they were to get over it. the straw hit on a good idea, and said: “i will lay myself straight across, and then you can walk over on me as on a bridge.” the straw therefore stretched itself from one bank to the other, and the coal, who was of an impetuous disposition, tripped quite boldly on to the newly-built bridge. but when she had reached the middle, and heard the water rushing beneath her, she was after all, afraid, and stood still, and ventured no farther. the straw, however, began to burn, broke in two pieces, and fell into the stream. the coal slipped after her, hissed when she got into the water, and breathed her last. the bean, who had prudently stayed behind on the shore, could not but laugh at the event, was unable to stop, and laughed so heartily that she burst. it would have been all over with her, likewise, if, by good fortune, a tailor who was traveling in search of work, had not sat down to rest by the brook. as he had a compassionate heart he pulled out his needle and thread, and sewed her together. the bean thanked him most prettily, but as the tailor used black thread, all beans since then have a black seam.



dear sir/madam,

this is the invitation from xxx co., ltd. we will participate in the xxx exhibition, the world’s leading global xxx convention. you and your company representatives are sincerely welcome to visit our booth. our information about this event is as follows,

exhibition name

booth number



website of our company

we are specializing in producing xxx parts used in the xxx field. with the rich experience and professional produce, our products’ quality always meets the high standard requirements of our customers. we have learned that your company has enjoyed a great reputation in the fiber communication field for many years. we are very expecting to establish a long term and good business relationship with your company in the near future. it would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition so that we can introduce our products. you may find something meeting your need.

if you have any question or enquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact me. we are looking forward to seeing you there and exchanging our opinions.

best regard,


company name



students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. my father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much. on my tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up?”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will come true.” not long ago, one of my primary school teachers was ill. she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. my father said to me,“this is a good chance. seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy.

i introduced myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them. with my father and headmasters help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future.



2.震撼世界的演讲梦想 英文稿




students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. my father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much. on my tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up?”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will come true.” not long ago, one of my primary school teachers was ill. she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. my father said to me,“this is a good chance. seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy.

i introduced myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them. with my father and headmasters help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future.



2.震撼世界的演讲梦想 英文稿




mrs. ghazala waheed wo abdul waheed, adult, ro house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part).


mr.* ***,ro china, refereed to as the lessee of the other part.(expression “lessor”

and “lessee” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their reective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

whereas the lessor is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of house no,***-*,dha,

lahore cantt, consisting of 4 bedrooms with bath, dd,tv; lounge, kitchen, store, servant, quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the demised premises).

and whereas the lessor has agreed the lease and the lessee has agreed to take on lease the demised premises on the terms and condition as given below:-

agreement in only valid if lessee is renewed and extended for the lease period.

2. the lessor lets lessee takes the demissed premises for a period of 2 months

commencing from 5th january xx年,自 年 月____日起至_______年____月____日止。

the tenancy shall be for a term of years,commencing on ______________and expiring on __________________.

4.2 租赁期满,如乙方不再根据此条款续约,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如


on expiry of the tenancy, if party b has not exercised its option to renew this agreement in accordance with this clause,party a has the right to repossess the entire leased property,and party b shall deliver the leased property to the party a provided always that party b shall have the option to renew this agreement upon giving prior written novice to party a of its intention to do so that least three(3) months before the expiration of this agreement.



5. 双方谈定的租金为每月____________________人民币,租金包括除水、电、液化气、电话费以外的一切管理费。

the rent for the leased property as agreed to by both parties is rmb___________yuan per month, which rent includes all management fee.

5.2 支付甲方壹个月的租金,应在每个月的第十天以前支付给甲方。

party b pay the rental fee before the tenth day of every calendar one month.

5.3 所有保证金、租金等费用均以人民币通过银行汇入甲方所提供的以下银行账户及户名:


all payments of security deposit,rent fee,etc heteunder shall be made be made by bank transfer rmb to party as following account.

account no:________________________,user name:_____________bank:___ ________ __


security deposit:

6. 为确保出租房屋及其设施之安全并完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订合同 0天内支付给甲方贰个月租金的租赁押金计__________________人民币作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。乙方搬入后十天内付壹个与租金计______________人民币。

to ensure the protection and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of tenancy,party b agrees to pay to party a with 0 days when the execution of this agreement a security for party b’s obligations hereunder. when party b move in,party b pay one month’s rental in the amount of___________with 0days.

6.2 除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期满或此合同提前终止之期且乙方透空、点清并付清所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方,如保证金以人民币支付,届时也应以人民币形式退还。

unless otherwise provided in this agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration or soonder detemination of this agreement provide that party b has vzcated the leased property and settled all related charges. if this security deposit was paid in rmb,it shall be returned to party b in the form of rmb.


other charges:


during the term of tenancy,party b is reonsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity, gas,telephone charges on the basis of the amount of such utilities party b uses. such charges shall be paid when due according to the invoice therefore received by party b from the management company or relevant authority every month.


party a’s obligations:

8. 甲方须按时将出租房屋及其家私家具用品与其设施以良好状态交付乙方使用。

party a shall deliver on schedule to party bvacant possession of the leased property including the furniture,furnishing and appliances and the related facilities for party b’s use(furniture,furnishing and appliances to be detailed in appendisl.)

8.2 租赁期内甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有规定),甲方保证乙方可不受干扰的享用该物业。

party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b’s quiet enjoyment of the leased property.

8.3 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及支付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰而安静享用出租房屋。

proviede that party b pays the rent and performs and observes party b’s terms and conditions in accordavce with this agreement, party b shall be entitled to hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this tenancy without any interruption by party a or any other person.

8.4 租赁期内出租房屋的结构,进出物业的排水、上下管道、电路等处于良好使用状态。

party a agrees to repair and maintain the structure,drains, pipes and cables, g in to or from the leased property at all times in good and tenable repair during the term of this tenancy.


party b’s obligations:

9. 乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。

party b shall promptly pay all rent ,security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

9.2 乙方应爱护使用出租房屋,如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋设施及屋内用具和饰品受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。

paryt b shall treat the leased property with care. if as a result of party b’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities and accessorties suffer any damage(fair wear and tear excepted ),party b shall be reonsible for compensating party a for such damages.

9.3 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用出租房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质,不应存放中华人民共和国法律下所禁止的危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。

party b shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this agreement and may not change such use on its own…party b shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the people’s republic of china in the leased property and shall be fully reonsible for any admages of losses as result thereof.

9.4 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。

without party a’s prior written consent ,party b may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party.


breach of agreement :

10. 1 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任。双方同意违约方应赔偿守约方之直接损失人民币____________元。

if either party a or party b fails to perform its obligations hereunder ,it shall constitute a breach of this agreement and the defaulting party shall be liable for the liabilities resulting from such breach. the parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party compensation ____________________for the direct loss and damage suffered by the other party as result of such breach .

10.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同,收回出租房屋,并且保证金不予返还;

party a shall have the right to terminage this agreement ,repossess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if party b commits one of the following:


sublets the leased property without party a’s written consent;


alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a’s consent;


fails to pay rent without any reason for more than thirty (30)days after the due date except where there is a diute in reect of this agreement.


applicable law:


the formation of this agreement ,its validity,interpretation,executiong and settlement of any diutes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people’s republic of china.


diute resolution:


in the case of diutes arising over this agreement of any matters related hereto ,the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the diute to arbitration by the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with its arbitration rules and the arbitration law of the people’s republic of decision of the arbitration body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto.



13. 1 本合同如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方洽谈解决。

if this agreement it unclear with reect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities.

13.2 本合同由中、英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。

this agreement is written both in the chinese and english versions shall be equally authentic.

13.3 本合同经双方签字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止或修改,本合同另有约定除外,本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。

this agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto an registration with the relevant and except as provided in this agreement ,this agreement may not bye terminated or amended without the consent of both are two(2) originals of this agreement ,one for party a,one for party b.

本合同于__________年 月_____日签订。

this agreement was signed in __________________on ________________

甲方: 乙方:

partya: partyb:

盖章: 盖章:

seal: seal:

地址: 地址:

address: address:

电话: 电话:

telephone number: telephone number:

传真: 传真:
