200字范文 > 【双语】海平面上升速度远超预期 地球快要热死了

【双语】海平面上升速度远超预期 地球快要热死了

时间:2018-09-13 21:03:59


【双语】海平面上升速度远超预期 地球快要热死了

are "very worried" that the melting of the Greenlandice sheet could accelerate and raise sea levels more thanexpected.


say warmer conditions are encouraging algae to grow anddarken the surface.


ice absorbs more solar radiation than clean white ice sowarms up and melts more rapidly.


the Greenland ice sheet is adding up to 1mm a year tothe rise in the global average level of the oceans.


is the largest mass of ice in the northern hemispherecovering an area about seven times the size of the United Kingdomand reaching up to 3km (2 miles) in thickness.


means that the average sea level would rise around theworld by about seven metres, more than 20ft, if it all melted.


​That is why Greenland, though remote, is a focus of researchwhich has direct relevance to major coastal cities as far apart asMiami, London and Shanghai and low-lying areas in Bangladesh andparts of Britain.


were first observed on the Greenland ice sheet more than acentury ago but until recently its potential impact was ignored.Only in the last few years have researchers started to explore howthe microscopically small plants could affect future melting.


concern now is that rising temperatures will allow algae toflourish not only on the slopes of the narrow margins of theice-sheet but also on the flat areas in the far larger interiorwhere melting could happen on a much bigger scale.


snow reflects up to 90% of solar radiation while darkpatches of algae will only reflect about 35% or even as little as1% in the blackest spots.


the last 20 years, Greenland has been losing more ice thanit gains through snowfall in winter - a change in a natural balancethat normally keeps the ice-sheet stable.


research had found that the ice sheet is covered with arange of contaminants carried on the winds including dust and sootfrom as far away as Canadian prairie fires and the industrialheartlands of China, America and Europe.


studies over the past five years have shown that themajority of the dark material may be biological with differentkinds of algae turning the ice black, brown, green and evenmauve.


Meanwhile, another factor that may be driving the melting hasbeen identified by an Austrian member of the team, Stefan Hofer, aPhD student at Bristol.


a paper recently published in Science Advances, he analysedsatellite imagery and found that over the past 20 years there hasbeen a 15% decrease in cloud cover over Greenland in the summermonths.


​Although temperature is an obvious driver of melting, the paperestimated that two-thirds of additional melting, above thelong-term average, was attributable to clearer skies.


Black and Bloom project, funded by the Natural EnvironmentResearch Council (Nerc), aims to publish its new projections forsea level rise in two years’ time.

由自然环境研究委员会(Nerc)资助的“The Black and Bloom”旨在公布两年内海平面上升的预测情况。
