200字范文 > Python使用pygame模块编写俄罗斯方块游戏的代码实例


时间:2020-12-01 12:25:40







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形状——不同类型的方块。这里形状的名字被叫做T, S, Z ,J, L, I , O。下图例:

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模版——用一个列表存放形状被翻转后的所有可能样式。全部存放在变量里,变量名字如S_SHAPE_TEMPLATE or J_SHAPE_TEMPLATE



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import random, time, pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * FPS = 25 WINDOWWIDTH = 640 WINDOWHEIGHT = 480 BOXSIZE = 20 BOARDWIDTH = 10 BOARDHEIGHT = 20 BLANK = . MOVESIDEWAYSFREQ = 0.15 MOVEDOWNFREQ = 0.1 XMARGIN = int((WINDOWWIDTH - BOARDWIDTH * BOXSIZE) / 2) TOPMARGIN = WINDOWHEIGHT - (BOARDHEIGHT * BOXSIZE) - 5 # R G B WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GRAY = (185, 185, 185) BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0) RED= (155, 0, 0) LIGHTRED = (175, 20, 20) GREEN = ( 0, 155, 0) LIGHTGREEN = ( 20, 175, 20) BLUE = ( 0, 0, 155) LIGHTBLUE = ( 20, 20, 175) YELLOW = (155, 155, 0) LIGHTYELLOW = (175, 175, 20) BORDERCOLOR = BLUE BGCOLOR = BLACK TEXTCOLOR = WHITE TEXTSHADOWCOLOR = GRAY COLORS = ( BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW) LIGHTCOLORS = (LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTGREEN, LIGHTRED, LIGHTYELLOW) assert len(COLORS) == len(LIGHTCOLORS) # each color must have light color TEMPLATEWIDTH = 5 TEMPLATEHEIGHT = 5 S_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., ....., ..OO., .OO.., .....], [....., ..O.., ..OO., ...O., .....]] Z_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., ....., .OO.., ..OO., .....], [....., ..O.., .OO.., .O..., .....]] I_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[..O.., ..O.., ..O.., ..O.., .....], [....., ....., OOOO., ....., .....]] O_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., ....., .OO.., .OO.., .....]] J_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., .O..., .OOO., ....., .....], [....., ..OO., ..O.., ..O.., .....], [....., ....., .OOO., ...O., .....], [....., ..O.., ..O.., .OO.., .....]] L_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., ...O., .OOO., ....., .....], [....., ..O.., ..O.., ..OO., .....], [....., ....., .OOO., .O..., .....], [....., .OO.., ..O.., ..O.., .....]] T_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[....., ..O.., .OOO., ....., .....], [....., ..O.., ..OO., ..O.., .....], [....., ....., .OOO., ..O.., .....], [....., ..O.., .OO.., ..O.., .....]] PIECES = {S: S_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,: Z_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,J: J_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,L: L_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,I: I_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,O: O_SHAPE_TEMPLATE,T: T_SHAPE_TEMPLATE} def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, BASICFONT, BIGFONT pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font(freesansbold.ttf, 18) BIGFONT = pygame.font.Font(freesansbold.ttf, 100) pygame.display.set_caption(Tetromino) showTextScreen(Tetromino) while True: # game loopif random.randint(0, 1) == 0: pygame.mixer.music.load( etrisb.mid)else: pygame.mixer.music.load( etrisc.mid)pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)runGame()pygame.mixer.music.stop()showTextScreen(Game Over) def runGame(): # setup variables for the start of the game board = getBlankBoard() lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time() lastFallTime = time.time() movingDown = False # note: there is no movingUp variable movingLeft = False movingRight = False score = 0 level, fallFreq = calculateLevelAndFallFreq(score) fallingPiece = getNewPiece() nextPiece = getNewPiece() while True: # game loopif fallingPiece == None: # No falling piece in play, so start a new piece at the top fallingPiece = nextPiece nextPiece = getNewPiece() lastFallTime = time.time() # reset lastFallTime if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): return # can fit a new piece on the board, so game overcheckForQuit()for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == KEYUP: if (event.key == K_p): # Pausing the game DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) pygame.mixer.music.stop() showTextScreen(Paused) # pause until a key press pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) lastFallTime = time.time() lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time() elif (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a): movingLeft = False elif (event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d): movingRight = False elif (event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s): movingDown = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # moving the piece sideways if (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a) and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=-1): fallingPiece[x] -= 1 movingLeft = True movingRight = False lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()elif (event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d) and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=1): fallingPiece[x] += 1 movingRight = True movingLeft = False lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()# rotating the piece (if there is room to rotate) elif (event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] + 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]]) if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] - 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]]) elif (event.key == K_q): # rotate the other direction fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] - 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]]) if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] + 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]])# making the piece fall faster with the down key elif (event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s): movingDown = True if isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1): fallingPiece[y] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time()# move the current piece all the way down elif event.key == K_SPACE: movingDown = False movingLeft = False movingRight = False for i in range(1, BOARDHEIGHT): if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=i):break fallingPiece[y] += i - 1# handle moving the piece because of user inputif (movingLeft or movingRight) and time.time() - lastMoveSidewaysTime > MOVESIDEWAYSFREQ: if movingLeft and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=-1): fallingPiece[x] -= 1 elif movingRight and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=1): fallingPiece[x] += 1 lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()if movingDown and time.time() - lastMoveDownTime > MOVEDOWNFREQ and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1): fallingPiece[y] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time()# let the piece fall if it is time to fallif time.time() - lastFallTime > fallFreq: # see if the piece has landed if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1): # falling piece has landed, set it on the board addToBoard(board, fallingPiece) score += removeCompleteLines(board) level, fallFreq = calculateLevelAndFallFreq(score) fallingPiece = None else: # piece did not land, just move the piece down fallingPiece[y] += 1 lastFallTime = time.time()# drawing everything on the screenDISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR)drawBoard(board)drawStatus(score, level)drawNextPiece(nextPiece)if fallingPiece != None: drawPiece(fallingPiece)pygame.display.update()FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) def makeTextObjs(text, font, color): surf = font.render(text, True, color) return surf, surf.get_rect() def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def checkForKeyPress(): # Go through event queue looking for a KEYUP event. # Grab KEYDOWN events to remove them from the event queue. checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP]):if event.type == KEYDOWN: continuereturn event.key return None def showTextScreen(text): # This function displays large text in the # center of the screen until a key is pressed. # Draw the text drop shadow titleSurf, titleRect = makeTextObjs(text, BIGFONT, TEXTSHADOWCOLOR) titleRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(titleSurf, titleRect) # Draw the text titleSurf, titleRect = makeTextObjs(text, BIGFONT, TEXTCOLOR) titleRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) - 3, int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) - 3) DISPLAYSURF.blit(titleSurf, titleRect) # Draw the additional "Press a key to play." text. pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect = makeTextObjs(Press a key to play., BASICFONT, TEXTCOLOR) pressKeyRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 100) DISPLAYSURF.blit(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect) while checkForKeyPress() == None:pygame.display.update()FPSCLOCK.tick() def checkForQuit(): for event in pygame.event.get(QUIT): # get all the QUIT eventsterminate() # terminate if any QUIT events are present for event in pygame.event.get(KEYUP): # get all the KEYUP eventsif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() # terminate if the KEYUP event was for the Esc keypygame.event.post(event) # put the other KEYUP event objects back def calculateLevelAndFallFreq(score): # Based on the score, return the level the player is on and # how many seconds pass until a falling piece falls one space. level = int(score / 10) + 1 fallFreq = 0.27 - (level * 0.02) return level, fallFreq def getNewPiece(): # return a random new piece in a random rotation and color shape = random.choice(list(PIECES.keys())) newPiece = {shape: shape, otation: random.randint(0, len(PIECES[shape]) - 1), x: int(BOARDWIDTH / 2) - int(TEMPLATEWIDTH / 2), y: -2, # start it above the board (i.e. less than 0) color: random.randint(0, len(COLORS)-1)} return newPiece def addToBoard(board, piece): # fill in the board based on pieces location, shape, and rotation for x in range(TEMPLATEWIDTH):for y in range(TEMPLATEHEIGHT): if PIECES[piece[shape]][piece[ otation]][y][x] != BLANK: board[x + piece[x]][y + piece[y]] = piece[color] def getBlankBoard(): # create and return a new blank board data structure board = [] for i in range(BOARDWIDTH):board.append([BLANK] * BOARDHEIGHT) return board def isOnBoard(x, y): return x >= 0 and x < BOARDWIDTH and y < BOARDHEIGHT def isValidPosition(board, piece, adjX=0, adjY=0): # Return True if the piece is within the board and not colliding for x in range(TEMPLATEWIDTH):for y in range(TEMPLATEHEIGHT): isAboveBoard = y + piece[y] + adjY = 0:if isCompleteLine(board, y): # Remove the line and pull boxes down by one line. for pullDownY in range(y, 0, -1): for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): board[x][pullDownY] = board[x][pullDownY-1] # Set very top line to blank. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): board[x][0] = BLANK numLinesRemoved += 1 # Note on the next iteration of the loop, y is the same. # This is so that if the line that was pulled down is also # complete, it will be removed.else: y -= 1 # move on to check next row up return numLinesRemoved def convertToPixelCoords(boxx, boxy): # Convert the given xy coordinates of the board to xy # coordinates of the location on the screen. return (XMARGIN + (boxx * BOXSIZE)), (TOPMARGIN + (boxy * BOXSIZE)) def drawBox(boxx, boxy, color, pixelx=None, pixely=None): # draw a single box (each tetromino piece has four boxes) # at xy coordinates on the board. Or, if pixelx & pixely # are specified, draw to the pixel coordinates stored in # pixelx & pixely (this is used for the "Next" piece). if color == BLANK:return if pixelx == None and pixely == None:pixelx, pixely = convertToPixelCoords(boxx, boxy) pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, COLORS[color], (pixelx + 1, pixely + 1, BOXSIZE - 1, BOXSIZE - 1)) pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, LIGHTCOLORS[color], (pixelx + 1, pixely + 1, BOXSIZE - 4, BOXSIZE - 4)) def drawBoard(board): # draw the border around the board pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, BORDERCOLOR, (XMARGIN - 3, TOPMARGIN - 7, (BOARDWIDTH * BOXSIZE) + 8, (BOARDHEIGHT * BOXSIZE) + 8), 5) # fill the background of the board pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, BGCOLOR, (XMARGIN, TOPMARGIN, BOXSIZE * BOARDWIDTH, BOXSIZE * BOARDHEIGHT)) # draw the individual boxes on the board for x in range(BOARDWIDTH):for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): drawBox(x, y, board[x][y]) def drawStatus(score, level): # draw the score text scoreSurf = BASICFONT.render(Score: %s % score, True, TEXTCOLOR) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.topleft = (WINDOWWIDTH - 150, 20) DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) # draw the level text levelSurf = BASICFONT.render(Level: %s % level, True, TEXTCOLOR) levelRect = levelSurf.get_rect() levelRect.topleft = (WINDOWWIDTH - 150, 50) DISPLAYSURF.blit(levelSurf, levelRect) def drawPiece(piece, pixelx=None, pixely=None): shapeToDraw = PIECES[piece[shape]][piece[ otation]] if pixelx == None and pixely == None:# if pixelx & pixely hasn been specified, use the location stored in the piece data structurepixelx, pixely = convertToPixelCoords(piece[x], piece[y]) # draw each of the boxes that make up the piece for x in range(TEMPLATEWIDTH):for y in range(TEMPLATEHEIGHT): if shapeToDraw[y][x] != BLANK: drawBox(None, None, piece[color], pixelx + (x * BOXSIZE), pixely + (y * BOXSIZE)) def drawNextPiece(piece): # draw the "next" text nextSurf = BASICFONT.render(Next:, True, TEXTCOLOR) nextRect = nextSurf.get_rect() nextRect.topleft = (WINDOWWIDTH - 120, 80) DISPLAYSURF.blit(nextSurf, nextRect) # draw the "next" piece drawPiece(piece, pixelx=WINDOWWIDTH-120, pixely=100) if __name__ == \__main__: main()

代码一开始仍是一些变量的初始化,我们这里还加载了time模块,后面会用到。BOXSIZE, BOARDWIDTH, BOARDHEIGHT与前面贪吃蛇相关初始化类似,使其与屏幕像素点联系起来。



MOVEDOWNFREQ 这个固定值与上面的是一样的除了它是告诉当游戏者一直按下方向下键时方块下落的频率。





I_SHAPE_TEMPLATE = [[..O.., ..O.., ..O.., ..O.., .....], [....., ....., OOOO., ....., .....]]







while True: # game loop if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:pygame.mixer.music.load( etrisb.mid) else:pygame.mixer.music.load( etrisc.mid) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) runGame() pygame.mixer.music.stop() showTextScreen(Game Over)




def runGame(): # setup variables for the start of the game board = getBlankBoard() lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time() lastFallTime = time.time() movingDown = False # note: there is no movingUp variable movingLeft = False movingRight = False score = 0 level, fallFreq = calculateLevelAndFallFreq(score) fallingPiece = getNewPiece() nextPiece = getNewPiece()


while True: # game loop if fallingPiece == None:# No falling piece in play, so start a new piece at the topfallingPiece = nextPiecenextPiece = getNewPiece()lastFallTime = time.time() # reset lastFallTimeif not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): return # can fit a new piece on the board, so game over checkForQuit()






if (event.key == K_p): # Pausing the game DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) pygame.mixer.music.stop() showTextScreen(Paused) # pause until a key press pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) lastFallTime = time.time() lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()


elif (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a): movingLeft = False elif (event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d): movingRight = False elif (event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s): movingDown = False


elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # moving the piece sideways if (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a) and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=-1):fallingPiece[x] -= 1movingLeft = TruemovingRight = FalselastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()





elif (event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] + 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]]) if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] - 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]])


if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] - 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]])


elif (event.key == K_q): # rotate the other direction fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] - 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]]) if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece): fallingPiece[ otation] = (fallingPiece[ otation] + 1) % len(PIECES[fallingPiece[shape]])


elif (event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s): movingDown = True if isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1):fallingPiece[y] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time()

如果下键被按下,游戏者此时希望方块下降的比平常快。fallingPiece[‘y’] += 1使方块下落一个格子(前提是这是一个有效的下落)moveDown被设置为True,lastMoceDownTime变量也被设置为当前时间。这个变量以后将被检查当方向下键一直按下时从而保证方块以一个比平常快的速率下降。

elif event.key == K_SPACE: movingDown = False movingLeft = False movingRight = False for i in range(1, BOARDHEIGHT):if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=i): break fallingPiece[y] += i - 1


if (movingLeft or movingRight) and time.time() - lastMoveSidewaysTime > MOVESIDEWAYSFREQ: if movingLeft and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=-1):fallingPiece[x] -= 1 elif movingRight and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjX=1):fallingPiece[x] += 1 lastMoveSidewaysTime = time.time()


如果用户按住键超过0.15秒。那么表达式(movingLeft or movingRight) and time.time() – lastMoveSidewaysTime > MOVESIDEWAYSFREQ:返回True。这样的话我们就可以移动方块向左或向右移动一个格子。


if movingDown and time.time() - lastMoveDownTime > MOVEDOWNFREQ and isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1): fallingPiece[y] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time()


if time.time() - lastFallTime > fallFreq: # see if the piece has landed if not isValidPosition(board, fallingPiece, adjY=1):# falling piece has landed, set it on the boardaddToBoard(board, fallingPiece)score += removeCompleteLines(board)level, fallFreq = calculateLevelAndFallFreq(score)fallingPiece = None else:# piece did not land, just move the piece downfallingPiece[y] += 1lastFallTime = time.time()

