200字范文 > ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改应用程序的语言

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改应用程序的语言

时间:2023-09-13 10:33:31


ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改应用程序的语言

ipad iphone开发

BigTunaOnline/BigTunaOnline /

Apple’s iOS 13 makes the iPhone and iPad multilingual. Now, you can change the language of an individual app without changing your primary system language. Each app can have its own separate language setting.

苹果的iOS 13使iPhone和iPad具备多种语言。 现在,您可以更改单个应用程序的语言,而无需更改您的主要系统语言。 每个应用程序可以具有自己的独立语言设置。

First, ensure your iPhone or iPad has multiple languages installed. To do so, head to Settings > General > Language & Region. Tap “Other Languages” and add a language you want to use.

首先,请确保您的iPhone或iPad已安装多种语言。 为此,请转到设置>常规>语言和区域。 点击“其他语言”并添加您要使用的语言。

This is also where you can set your overall system language on your iPhone or iPad. But you don’t have to switch to the new language—just add it to this list.

您也可以在这里在iPhone或iPad上设置整体系统语言。 但是您不必切换到新语言,只需将其添加到此列表中即可。

Next, head to the main Settings screen and scroll down until you see an alphabetical list of installed apps. Tap the app you want to modify language settings for.

接下来,转到“设置”主屏幕并向下滚动,直到看到按字母顺序排列的已安装应用程序列表。 点击您要修改语言设置的应用。

You’ll see a “Language” option under Preferred Language. Tap it and select the language you want to use for that app.

您会在“首选语言”下看到“语言”选项。 点按它,然后选择要用于该应用程序的语言。

Repeat this process to change the language individually for additional apps.


Not every app offers multiple languages. If an app doesn’t offer additional languages, you won’t see a Language option on its settings screen at all.

并非每个应用程序都提供多种语言。 如果某个应用程序不提供其他语言,则您将不会在其设置屏幕上看到“语言”选项。

If you don’t see the Language option on any app’s settings screen, you probably just don’t have multiple languages installed on your device.


Head to Settings > General > Language & Region and ensure you have more than one language on the list. If you don’t, the per-app Language option won’t appear.

转到设置>常规>语言和地区,并确保列表中有不止一种语言。 如果您不这样做,则不会出现按应用程序显示的语言选项。

翻译自: /441716/how-to-change-the-language-of-an-app-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

ipad iphone开发
