200字范文 > 孤独六讲思维孤独_孤独编码


时间:2024-07-09 22:13:01




It's official.I'm a better programmer when I'm pairing with someone.Pair Programming (two people, one keyboard) has been around for at least 20+ years, if not much longer. Usually one person types while another person (paces around and) thinks. It is kind of a "driver and navigator" model.

这是官方的。与某人配对时,我是一个更好的程序员。配对编程(两个人,一个键盘)已经存在了至少20多年,甚至更长的时间。 通常一个人打字而另一个人(步调和)思考。 这是一种“驾驶员和导航员”模型。

Everyone is different, to be clear, so it's very possible that you are the kind of person who can disappear into a closet for 8 hours and emerge with code, triumphant. I've done this before. Some of my best projects have involved me coding alone and that's fine.

显然,每个人都是不同的,所以您很有可能会消失在壁橱中8个小时,并凭代码胜利地出现。 我以前做过我的一些最佳项目使我独自编码,这很好。

However, just has we know that "diverse teams make for better projects," the same is true in my experience when coding on specific problems. Diversity isn'tjustcolor and gender, etc, it's as much background, age, personal history, work experience, expertise, programming language of choice, heck, it's even google-ability, and more!

但是,据我们所知,“多样化的团队可以创造更好的项目”,以我的经验对特定问题进行编码时也是如此。 多样性不只是颜色和性别等,还包括背景,年龄,个人经历,工作经验,专业知识,选择的编程语言,技巧,甚至谷歌功能等等!

How many times have you banged your head against a wall while coding only to have a friend or co-worker find the answer on their first web search?


Good pair programming is like that. Those ah-ha moments happen more often and you'll feel more than twice as productive in a pair.

好的配对编程就是这样。 这些ah-ha时刻发生的频率更高,并且您将感觉到一对生产效率提高了两倍以上。

In fact, I'm trying to pair for an hour every week remotely. Mark Downie and I have been pairing on DasBlog on and off for a year or so now in fits and starts. It's great. Just last week he and I were trying to crack one problem using regular expressions (yes, then we had two problems) and because there were two of us looking at the code it was solved!

实际上,我正在尝试每周远程配对一个小时。 马克·唐尼( Mark Downie)和我已经在DasBlog上进行配对配对了大约一年,现在就可以开始了。 这很棒。 就在上周,他和我正尝试使用正则表达式破解一个问题(是的,然后我们遇到了两个问题),并且因为我们中的两个人正在看代码而已解决了!

为什么配对编程更好? (Why is pair programming better?)

Here's a few reasons why I think Pair Programming is very often better.


Focus and Discipline- We set aside specific times and wesprint.We don't chat, we don't delete email, we code. And we also code with a specific goal or endpoint in mind.

专注和纪律-我们留出特定的时间,然后冲刺。我们不聊天,我们不删除电子邮件,我们进行编码。 而且,我们在编写代码时还考虑了特定的目标或终点。

Collective ownership- I feel like we own the code together. I feel less ego about the code. Our hacks are our hacks, and our successes are shared.

集体所有权-我觉得我们在一起拥有代码。 我对代码没那么自负。 我们的黑客就是我们的黑客,我们的成功是共享的。

Personal growth- We mentor each other. We learn and we watch how the other moves around the code. I've learned new techniques, new hotkeys, and new algorithms.

个人成长-我们互相指导。 我们学习并观察其他代码如何移动。 我学会了新技术,新热键和新算法。

Let's talk about the remote aspect of things. I'm remote. I also like to poke around on non-work-related tech on the side, as do many of us. Can I pair program remotely as well? Absolutely. I start with Skype, but I also use Google Hangouts, Join.me, TeamViewer, whatever works that day.

让我们谈谈事物的远程方面。 我很遥远我也喜欢和其他许多人一起闲逛非工作相关的技术。 我也可以远程配对程序吗? 绝对。 我从Skype开始,但我也使用Google环聊,Join.me,TeamViewer,无论什么时候都可以使用。

If you're a remote person on a larger team, consider remote pair programming. If you're an consultant or perhaps you've left a big corporate job to strike off on your own, you might be lonely. Seriously, ask yourself that hard question. It's no fun to realize or have to declare you're a lonely coder, but I am and I will. I love my job and I love my team but if I go a day or two without seeing another human or spending some serious time on Skype I get really tense.Remote pair programming can really reduce that feeling of lonely coding.

如果您是较大团队中的远程人员,请考虑进行远程对编程。 如果您是一名顾问,或者也许您已经离开了一份大型公司工作以自己开始工作,那么您可能会感到孤独。 认真地,问自己这个难题。 意识到或不得不宣布自己是一个孤独的编码者并不是一件有趣的事,但是我是,我会的。 我热爱自己的工作,也热爱我的团队,但是如果我一两天都没见到其他人,也没有花一些严肃的时间在Skype上,我会变得非常紧张。远程结对编程可以真正减少孤独编码的感觉。

I was at a small tech get together in Atlanta a few days ago and I knew that one person there was a singular coder at their small business while another at the table was an emerging college student with an emerging talent. I made a gentle suggestion that maybe they consider pairing up on some side projects and they both lit up.

几天前,我在亚特兰大的一家小型科技公司聚会,我知道一个人在他们的小型企业里只有一个编码员,而在座的另一个人是一个正在崛起的新兴大学生。 我提出了一个温和的建议,也许他们考虑在某些副项目上配对,而且都亮了起来。

Consider your networks. Are there people you've met at conferences or at local user groups or meetups that might be good remote pairing partners? This might be the missing link for you. It was for me!

考虑您的网络。 您是否在会议,本地用户组或聚会中遇到过可能是很好的远程配对伙伴的人? 这可能是您缺少的链接。 是给我的!

Do you pair? Do you pair remotely? Let us all know in the comments.

你配对吗? 您可以远程配对吗? 在评论中让我们大家知道。

* Stock photo purchased from ColorStock - Your customers are diverse, why aren't your stock photos?


翻译自: /blog/lonely-coding

