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计算机相关本科专业汇总 计算机专业本科毕业论文汇总.doc

时间:2021-12-27 05:41:15


计算机相关本科专业汇总 计算机专业本科毕业论文汇总.doc

昌吉学院 论文(设计)分类号:本科毕业论文(设计)密级:



系 院 计算机工程系 学科门类 计算机 专 业 计算机科学与技术 学 号 0425829001 姓 名 指导教师 教师职称 讲 师

年 月 日摘 要

随着计算机科学的发展和Internet的发展,网上购物服务逐渐深入到人们的生活中,给人们的生活带来方便。为了充分利用现有资源,提高工作效率,降低人们的劳动成本,对网络图书在线销售系统做了开发,网上图书系统的实现能够降低商家和买家的劳动成本,提高了工作效率,网上售书这是信息社会发展的必然要求,国际互联网的开通,为信息社会的飞速发展创造了条件。本系统采用了传统的软件工程的设计思想,通过对用户的需求分析,完成了系统的基本功能设计,前台实现了用户登录、注册、图书分类查看、图书搜索、图书购买、注销登录等功能,后台管理中心实现了对注册用户和站内图书的管理功能,能满足一般用户网上销售图书的基本要求。作为图书在线销售系统,对客户来说,具有操作简单,界面直观等优点;对于系统管理员来说,管理功能完备,操作方便,该系统基本具备了上述优点。本系统以Visual Studio .NET为开发平台,开发语言选用了C#,后台数据库选用了SQL Sever2000。

关键词: 登录 购买 C# SQL AbstractWith the development of computer science and the development of Internet, online shopping service gradually into people's lives, to facilitate the lives of people. To make full use of existing resources, improve efficiency and reduce people's labor costs, online sales of books on network systems to do the development, on-line library system for merchants and buyers to reduce labor costs and improve work efficiency, the Internet Booksellers This information is the inevitable requirement of social development, the opening of the Internet for the rapid development of information society have created conditions. This system uses the traditional software engineering design ideas, through the user's needs analysis, completed the basic functions of the system design, the prospects of achieving the user login, registration, classification Show Book, Book Search, the purchase of books, write-off log, and other functions, Back office of the Centre has registered users and station management books, Internet users can satisfy the basic requirements of selling books. As a book online sales system, the customer, is simple, intuitive interface, and other advantages of the system administrator, management fully functional, easy to operate, the basic system with th
