200字范文 > 色盲算法_专为色盲而设计


时间:2024-02-14 23:28:24




Approximately 8% of North American males aredeuteranopic: red-green colour blind. That means that they cannot tell the difference between the two hues, or will see them substituted for each other. Conditions oftritanopia(shown above) are far rarer, but still present in every population.

大约8%的北美男性是氘核的:红绿色盲。 这意味着它们无法分辨两种色调之间的差异,或者会看到它们彼此替代。三角疲劳的情况(如上所示)要少得多,但仍然存在于每个人口中。

The condition of color blindness can’t be changed by the site designer, but it can be anticipated, and problems avoided, by applying a single simple rule and a few tools.


For designers, compensating for the most common form of color blindness means adhering to the simple rule“red and green should not be seen (together)”. This doesn’t mean that red and green can’t be used in a design, just that they should not appear in the sameplace: traffic lights are a real-world example of this principle.

对于设计师来说,补偿最常见的色盲形式意味着要遵循简单的规则“不应(一起)看到红色和绿色”。 这并不意味着不能在设计中使用红色和绿色,而不能将它们出现在同一位置:交通信号灯是该原理的真实示例。

This boils down to two best practices:


Don’t swap UI elements from red to green to show a change in status 不要将UI元素从红色交换为绿色以显示状态变化 Don’t overlap red and green elements that you intend to be seen as distinct. 不要重叠您打算被视为不同的红色和绿色元素。

There are other, more severe forms of color blindness, but they are very rare, and any designer who at least keeps deuteranopy in mind will tend todevelop a site that can be used by everyone, regardless what form of color blindness they may have.


With these conditions in mind, creation of your site should proceed as normal, but with the use of tools to preview how the pages will look to the color blind. A selection:

考虑到这些情况,您的网站的创建应该照常进行,但是要使用工具来预览页面在色盲状态下的外观。 一个选择:

Vischeck is the classic go-to, with free plugins and simulators to preview how your site and images will appear to the color blind.

Vischeck是经典的入门工具 ,它带有免费的插件和模拟器,可预览您的站点和图像在色盲者中的显示方式。

Color Oracle, a free tool for Mac, Linux and Windows that can flip your display into simulations of color blindness independent of any application.

Color Oracle ,这是一个适用于Mac,Linux和Windows的免费工具,可以将您的显示器转换为与任何应用程序无关的色盲模拟。

Sim Daltonism (OS X only) allows color blindness simulation byarea, rather than an entire screen.

Sim Daltonism (仅适用于OS X)允许按区域而不是整个屏幕进行色盲模拟。

If you’re designing in the browser, extensions like Spectrum and See allow you to see the effects of color blindness in Chrome.

如果您是在浏览器中进行设计,则可以使用Spectrum和See之类的扩展程序查看 Chrome中色盲的影响。

colorfilter, Etre's simulator and coblis offer further utilities.

colorfilter , Etre的模拟器和coblis提供了更多实用程序。

lowvision offers not only an in-browser closer blindness simulation of your site, but also the effects of other visual deficits, such as cataracts.


As a general rule, don’t try to use colors specifically to appeal to the color blind: doing so will almost inevitably make the palette appear “odd” to everyone else. Rather,make sites that allow everyone to use the web as equally as possible.

通常,不要尝试使用专门的颜色来吸引色盲:这样做几乎不可避免地会使调色板对其他所有人显得“奇怪”。 而是,建立允许所有人尽可能平等地使用网络的网站。

挑战:您如何看待颜色? (Challenge: How Well Do You See Color?)

Many people have some degree of color blindness without realizing it. Short of vision checkups, online color tests can help determine how well you see tones and shades, while Daltonize can highlight details on web pages in Chrome for the color blind.

许多人有一定程度的色盲而没有意识到。 缺乏视觉检查, 在线颜色测试可以帮助确定您对色调和阴影的感觉 ,而Daltonize可以在Chrome的网页上针对色盲突出显示详细信息。

更多资源 (Further resources)

The Colblindor site contains many more resources on color blindness, as does the WebAIM site.


翻译自: /383/Designing-For-Color-Blindness

