200字范文 > 今天开始学习Qt!


时间:2022-11-30 13:56:02



Start Learning Qt Today!


November 11, byHanna Humaljoki|Comments

​11月11日 Hanna Humaljoki |评论

I'm happy to share with you that our new learning center has been published atqt.io/learn.From there, you can find ournew course catalogand other materials related to learning Qt.


Courses are free and don't require logging in.


What can I find there?


General courses introduce you toQt Group and its products,licensing, andinstalling Qt.You are also guided throughQt Design Studio: what it is and how to get started.

​一般课程将向您介绍Qt Group及其产品、许可和安装Qt。您还将了解Qt Design Studio:它是什么以及如何开始。

Yourfirst missionis to create a simple To-Do application and share it with a web link by using Qt Design Viewer. You get step-by-step instructions on how to do it - here's an example screenshot from the course:

​您的第一个任务是创建一个简单的待办事项应用程序,并使用Qt Design Viewer将其与web链接共享。您将获得如何操作的分步指导-以下是课程中的示例屏幕截图:

And when you are ready, you can learn more about how to create user interfaces. In theIntroduction to 2D UI designcourse, you'll learn to create this application UI by using Qt Quick Controls:

​准备好后,您可以了解更多关于如何创建用户界面的信息。在2D UI设计简介课程中,您将学习使用Qt快速控制创建此应用程序UI:

In the course catalog, you can also find individual tutorial videos, such as this popular guide onhow to create a simple Qt Quick application.

​在课程目录中,您还可以找到个别的教程视频,例如这本关于如何创建简单Qt Quick应用程序的流行指南

Is there more?


Of course, there is a lot more to learn when using Qt, and we are continuously creating new courses. The first materials focus more on Qt Design Studio, but fear not – we will also take Qt Creator IDE as a starting point!

当然,在使用Qt时还有很多需要学习的内容,我们正在不断地创建新的课程。第一批材料更多地关注Qt Design Studio,但不要担心——我们还将以Qt Creator IDE为起点!

Here are some learning topics currently in progress:


How C++ and QML work together?C++和QML如何协同工作?Qt for MCUs Quick StartMCU快速启动的QtIntroduction to 3D design with Qt Design StudioQt design Studio 3D设计简介

Feedback or learning topic suggestions?


Each course contains a feedback form for anonymous feedback, but you can also give us overall feedback or learning topic suggestions with a form that you can find atqt.io/learn.


And don't forget theQt Forum,where you can share your cool projects and discuss them with others! You can find a separate newQt Learningcategory there.


Start learning Qt today!

