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计算机李宁 李宁的个人主页-西北工业大学教师个人主页

时间:2022-07-11 12:51:29


计算机李宁 李宁的个人主页-西北工业大学教师个人主页


1.Bridging Effort-Aware Prediction and Strong Classification - a Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction Study, 40thInternational Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE , CCF A会议, Poster), May

2.Reliability Assessment and Prediction with Testing Efficiency Growth for Open Source Software, Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE'), Oct .

3.基于操作剖面搜索可疑参数的故障定位方法,华中科技大学学报,Vol.44 No.10,pp.82-84,.10

4.An Effective Strategy to Build Up a Balanced Test Suite, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp.1-13, .5

5.基于MPC编码方式的软件产品线配置优化算法研究.西北工业大学学报,Vol.34 No.1,pp.176-181,.2

6.面向故障定位的基于MC/DC的测试用例约简方法,计算机科学,Vol.42 No.10,pp.170-174, .10


8.基于关键字语义信息的XML 文档分类. 吉林大学学报(工学版).Vol.42 No.6,pp.1510-1514,.11

9.STVsm:Similar structural code detection based on AST and VSM.Proc of International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications (ASEA ). pp.15-21,Korea, Nov

10.基于标签序列的半结构化数据相似度度量. 华中科技大学学报. Vol.40 No.8,pp.78-81,.08

11.Mining frequent association tag sequences for clustering XML documents,in 14th Asia Pacific Web Technology Conference, APWeb , pp.85-96, Kunming, China, .04

12.一种图形化的软件缺陷描述语言.华中科技大学学报. Vol.40 No.2, pp.101-106, .02

13.Predicting software black-box defects using stacked.Proc of the Sixth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM).pp.294-299.Melbourne, Australia. .9

14.XIOTR:A Terse Ranking of XIO for XML Keyword Search.Journal of Software, .6(1), pp.156-163.

15.Classification of Software Defect Detected by Black-box Testing: An Empirical Study,Proc of Second World Congress on Software Engineering(WCSE ), Wuhan, China, pp.234-240, .12

16.Structure and content similarity for clustering XML documents.1st International Workshop on Advanced Techniques on XML Data Management (XMLDM),Held in Conj. with WAIM,pp.116-12, .07

17.一种新的基于N-gram模型的重复软件缺陷报告检测方法.西北工业大学学报. Vol.28, No.2, pp.98-103, .04

18.软件缺陷数据处理技术研究综述.计算机科学, Vol36, No.8, pp.21-25,.08


1.基于输入参数特征谱的软件缺陷定位方法, 专利号:ZL10161786.5, 授权日:.08.04

2.一种基于特征分布信息的文本分类特征筛选方法, 专利号:ZL10050583.4, 授权日:.02.10



