200字范文 > 史无前例的全球疫苗大接种 | 经济学人全球早报精选

史无前例的全球疫苗大接种 | 经济学人全球早报精选

时间:2020-05-24 16:02:46


史无前例的全球疫苗大接种 | 经济学人全球早报精选

文 /王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)



This robotic origamicould be foiled by any of 344 “single-point failure” manoeuvres.


single-point failure:单点失效;单点故障引起的、直接导致违反安全目标的失效。

single-point fault:单点故障;指那种没有被安全机制覆盖并直接导致违反安全目标的元器件故障。

This robotic origami,自动化折纸艺术,代指“韦伯太空望远镜”。

根据上一段“Ground controllers will unfold five tennis-court-sized sunshields and 18 mirror panels.(地面控制人员远程展开5个网球场大小的遮阳板和18块镜面)”的描述,文章的作者将韦伯太空望远镜比喻为自动化折纸艺术品,用来夸赞这种装置的灵巧。

再加插播上周五文章《疫情肆虐经济遭殃,欧洲央行出手刺激,举步维艰 | 经济学人全球早报精选1217》的部分完善。

感谢@孙永利,@ELIEZER,@Kevin Yang,@弓长川亘等群友的分析及指正。

it seems to reflect one-off disruptions more than booming demand.

More than 表示“多于;不仅仅;不只是”等意思。



1.本段前2句“Output in the euro area has nearly regained its pre-pandemic level. Annual consumer-price inflation, at 4.9% in November, is at its highest since the single currency was created. ”表明欧洲经济正在快速恢复。

2.第3句转折“But parts of the zone are still experiencing outbreaks of covid-19, and the economic consequences of the Omicron variant are uncertain.” 表示部分地区还在遭受疫情折磨,所以这种良好的经济形势不确定是否会继续保持下去。

3.第4句“Nor is it clear that inflation will last: it seems to reflect one-off disruptions more than booming demand.”接着说,不确定这种增长是疫情带来的短期经济重创之后的恢复,还是经济发展真正地恢复了。


Jabbing the world

By the end of , about 800m doses of covid-19 vaccine will have been delivered to 144 countries. Covax, a global jab-sharing initiative, had hoped to get hold of 2bn doses by the end of , but now expects to receive only 1.4bn, of which 1.2bn will go to poor countries. This will be enough to fully vaccinate 20% of their adult populations.

Covax has faced many setbacks in obtaining jabs. The development and production of some shots, such as the vaccine from Novavax, a biotechnology firm, were delayed. There were export bans from some vaccine-making countries: India had been set to supply large quantities to the alliance but, instead, kept most of its doses for domestic use. Covax says that if India is excluded from its coverage calculations, it will have obtained enough doses this year to vaccinate 40% of the adult populations in poor countries. The challenge ahead will be getting these doses into arms.

Jabbing the world


By the end of , about 800m doses of covid-19 vaccine will have been delivered to 144 countries. Covax, a global jab-sharing initiative, had hoped to get hold of 2bn doses by the end of , but now expects to receive only 1.4bn, of which 1.2bn will go to poor countries. This will be enough to fully vaccinate 20% of their adult populations.


By the end of 到…结束时 ; 在…尽头

doses 给服药 ; dose的第三人称单数

vaccine 疫苗 ; 菌苗 ; 牛痘的 ; 预防疫苗的 ; 种痘的

get hold of 得到 ; 设法和…取得联络 ; 领会 ; 获得

by the end 到…为止

but now 刚刚,适才

go to 去… ; 费工夫;花钱 ; 求助于;求教于

enough to 足够…去做 ; 足以 ; 足够……可以

vaccinate 接种疫苗 ; 给…接种疫苗

Covax has faced many setbacks in obtaining jabs. The development and production of some shots, such as the vaccine from Novavax, a biotechnology firm, were delayed. There were export bans from some vaccine-making countries: India had been set to supply large quantities to the alliance but, instead, kept most of its doses for domestic use. Covax says that if India is excluded from its coverage calculations, it will have obtained enough doses this year to vaccinate 40% of the adult populations in poor countries. The challenge ahead will be getting these doses into arms.


setbacks 挫折 ; 阻碍 ; setback的复数

jabs 戳 ; 刺 ; 捅 ; 猛击 ; 用拳猛击 ; 注射 ; 接种 ; 预防针 ; jab的第三人称单数和复数

such as 例如 ; 像 ; 象…这样 ; 诸如…之类

vaccine 疫苗 ; 菌苗 ; 牛痘的 ; 预防疫苗的 ; 种痘的

biotechnology 生物科技

bans 明令禁止 ; 取缔 ; 禁止做某事 ; 禁令 ; ban的第三人称单数和复数

set to 认真着手 ; 动手做 ; 打起来 ; 吃起来

most of 大多数

doses 给服药 ; dose的第三人称单数

excluded 不包括 ; 不放在考虑之列 ; 防止…进入 ; 阻止…参加 ; 把…排斥在外 ; 排除 ; 认为…不可能 ; exclude的过去分词和过去式

coverage 新闻报道 ; 信息范围,信息质量 ; 提供的数量 ; 覆盖范围

calculations 计算 ; 估计 ; 预测 ; 推测 ; 算计 ; 自私的打算 ; calculation的复数

obtained 获得,赢得 ; 存在 ; 流行 ; 沿袭 ; obtain的过去分词和过去式

vaccinate 接种疫苗 ; 给…接种疫苗

populations 人口,人口数量 ; 某领域的生物 ; 族群 ; 人口 ; population的复数

ahead 向前地 ; 提前 ; 领先 ; 向前面,在前面 ; 预先 ; 提早 ; 占优势
