200字范文 > python实现对称加解密3DES算法


时间:2022-10-28 14:13:03





Program : 3DES

In this program, you are required to implement the 3DES algorithm using the provided encrypt and decrypt function of DES. The encrypt and decrypt method of 3DES should also be pure functions, i.e. without side effects.

Your program does the following:

Read a hex string from the console input. The string represents the plaintext bytes as a hex string.

Read a hex string from the console input. The string represents the first key bytes as a hex string.

Read a hex string from the console input. The string represents the second key bytes as a hex string.

Read a hex string from the console input. The string represents the third key bytes as a hex string.

Encrypt the plaintext with the three keys.

Print the ciphertext bytes as a hex string.

Decrypt the ciphertext with the three keys.

Print the plaintext bytes after decryption as a hex string.

Example Input & Output





solution code

from libdes import DES_Encrypt, DES_Decryptdef validate_des_key(key: bytes) -> bool:for keyByte in key:binStr: str = "{0:0>8b}".format(keyByte)if sum([1 if b == '1' else 0 for b in binStr]) % 2 == 0:return Falsereturn Trueif __name__ == '__main__':plaintextHex: str = input('plaintext:')key1Hex: str = input('key1:')if not validate_des_key(bytes.fromhex(key1Hex)):raise Exception('Parity check failed on the key.')key2Hex: str = input('key2:')if not validate_des_key(bytes.fromhex(key2Hex)):raise Exception('Parity check failed on the key.')key3Hex: str = input('key3:')if not validate_des_key(bytes.fromhex(key3Hex)):raise Exception('Parity check failed on the key.')ciphertext1: bytes = DES_Encrypt(bytes.fromhex(plaintextHex),bytes.fromhex(key1Hex),)ciphertext2: bytes = DES_Decrypt(ciphertext1,bytes.fromhex(key2Hex),)ciphertext3: bytes = DES_Encrypt(ciphertext2,bytes.fromhex(key3Hex),)print('ciphertext:', ciphertext3.hex())plaintext3: bytes = DES_Decrypt(ciphertext3,bytes.fromhex(key3Hex),)plaintext2: bytes = DES_Encrypt(plaintext3,bytes.fromhex(key2Hex),)plaintext1: bytes = DES_Decrypt(plaintext2,bytes.fromhex(key1Hex),)print('plaintext:', plaintext1.hex())


plaintext:8787878787878787key1:133457799bbcdff1key2:0e329232ea6d0d73key3:133457799bbcdff1ciphertext: e98a0b8e59b3eeb7plaintext: 8787878787878787进程已结束,退出代码为 0
