200字范文 > 围城书评_书评:移动优先


时间:2018-10-26 09:54:57




According to a recent report, by more people in the US will be accessing the Internet using mobile devices than through PCs. If this was the only thing mobile had going for it, it would be enough to justify the need for Luke’s new book ‘Mobile First’.

根据最近的一份报告 ,到,美国使用移动设备访问互联网的人数将超过通过PC访问互联网的人数。 如果这是移动公司唯一要做的事情,那么足以证明需要卢克的新书“ Mobile First” 。

Luke argues that you should design, and build, your mobile experience first. He hits you (gently) over the head with data point after data point making it increasingly obvious that this mobile first technique not only makes sense, but should in fact be the de facto standard for creating sites on today’s web. He makes his case carefully, succinctly and convincingly.

Luke认为您应该首先设计和构建您的移动体验。 他用数据点接连击您(轻轻地)击中了您的头,这使得越来越明显的是,这种移动优先技术不仅有意义,而且实际上应该成为在当今网络上创建站点的事实上的标准。 他审慎,简洁而有说服力地陈述案情。

After he has you sold on the importance of this approach, he spends the rest of the book arming you with the information you’ll need to start creating better mobile experiences. He walks you through how to organize your content, develop appropriately sized touch targets, embrace new touch gestures, simplify the process of input on mobile devices and more. Amazingly, he manages to do this in only 120 pages.

在您向您介绍了这种方法的重要性之后,他将用书的其余部分为您提供开始创建更好的移动体验所需的信息。 他将指导您如何组织内容,开发适当大小的触摸目标,采用新的触摸手势,简化在移动设备上的输入过程等等。 令人惊讶的是,他仅用120页就能做到这一点。

All of this knowledge is described in very clear detail. The book is interspersed with subtle humor that makes the book not just educational, but entertaining as well. I was particularly fond of the revelation that anchor tags are part of HTML 0 which works in most browsers except Internet Explorer.

所有这些知识都非常清楚地描述了。 这本书散布着微妙的幽默感,使这本书不仅具有教育意义,而且也很有趣。 我特别喜欢这样的启示:锚标记是HTML 0的一部分,该标记在Internet Explorer以外的大多数浏览器中都可以使用。

If you pair this book with Ethan’s ‘Responsive Web Design’ (the last book published by A Book Apart) you are arming yourself for the future. Combine these two approaches and you are well on your way to creating more bulletproof sites (if there is such a thing on today’s web).

如果将本书与Ethan的“ Responsive Web Design” (A Book Apart出版的最后一本书)搭配使用,您将为未来做好准备。 结合这两种方法,您就可以轻松创建更多的防弹网站(如果今天的网络上有这样的事情)。

Needless to say, I highly recommend Luke’s book. As with the rest of the A Book Apart series, it succeeds brilliantly at fulfilling their goal of arming you with the information you need quickly so you can get back to work. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not adding it to your library.

不用说,我强烈推荐卢克的书。 与“ A Book Apart”系列的其余部分一样,它在实现他们的目标方面取得了出色的成就,该目标可为您Swift提供所需的信息,以便您可以重新开始工作。 如果不将其添加到库中,将会对自己造成损害。

翻译自: //10/book-review-mobile-first/

