200字范文 > 谷歌play商店_Google Play商店有哪些其他选择?

谷歌play商店_Google Play商店有哪些其他选择?

时间:2019-11-19 15:00:08


谷歌play商店_Google Play商店有哪些其他选择?


Curious about alternatives to the Google Play Store (formerly the Android Market) for reading app reviews and downloading content? Read on as we explore some of the alternatives.

是否对Google Play商店(以前称为Android Market)的替代产品(用于阅读应用程序评论和下载内容)感到好奇? 在我们探索某些替代方法时,请继续阅读。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of Android Enthusiasts—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的问答环节由Android Enthusiasts提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,Stack Exchange是一个由社区驱动的问答网站组织。

问题 (The Question)

Android Enthusiasts reader Captain Toad is curious about alternatives to the Google Play Store (aka Android Market):

Android发烧友的读者Toad船长对Google Play商店(又名Android Market)的替代品感到好奇:

How many competing Android markets (other than Android Market itself) are there and are they any good?

那里有几个竞争的Android市场(除了Android Market本身),它们有什么用?

I know that there are at least two others:SlideMEandAppBrainwhich I have looked at and seem useful but which ones do you use and why?

我知道至少还有另外两个: SlideME和AppBrain ,我看过它们似乎很有用,但是您使用哪个,为什么?

So where else can shoppers go?


答案 (The Answers)

Android Enthusiasts contributor Stefano offers not only a long list of alternative markets but what’s interesting about each of them:


There are actually several alternatives to the ‘official’ google android market. I personally like to search for new apps from my PC browser, and a bit less from my phone. Most (all?) of the markets nowadays offer both, via a dedicated phone-app that you’ll have to install… except from the official one which is already there.

实际上,“官方”谷歌安卓市场有几种选择。 我个人喜欢从PC浏览器中搜索新应用,而从手机中搜索则少一些。 如今,大多数(全部?)市场都通过专用的电话应用程序提供了这两种服务,您必须安装这些应用程序……除了已经存在的官方应用程序。

Until, well, yesterday, the ‘official’ market would not have been available from your PC (meaning: on a PC web browser). Now it is, with a neat push-to-your-phone one click installation that is taking away one of the advantages of the competition (see appbrain). The alternative markets, though, have still their peculiarities… I’ll make a short summary but don’t expect it to highlight all of the differences. Some markets (eg. andspot) do not offer very specific features to users, but try to gather developers by offering advanced features such as easy stats.

直到昨天为止,您的PC都无法提供“官方”市场(这意味着:在PC Web浏览器上)。 现在,通过简洁的“一键通”电话一键安装功能消除了竞争的优势之一(请参阅appbrain)。 但是,替代市场仍然具有其特殊性……我将作一个简短的总结,但不要期望它会突出所有差异。 某些市场(例如andspot)没有为用户提供非常具体的功能,而是尝试通过提供简单的统计信息等高级功能来吸引开发人员。

Amazon AppStore: latest big entry. countries limitations; catalog looking very promising with some (exclusive?) good pay-for apps; also features special offers and daily freebies. Def worth checking out if you’re in the US

亚马逊应用商店:最新的重要条目。 国家限制; 目录看起来非常有前途,并带有一些(专有的)付费应用; 还提供特别优惠和每日免费赠品。 Def值得一查,如果您在美国

AppBrain: born to let you install android market application directly from your PC web browser, also allows you to discover new apps based on the ones you have. It’s ameta-store(my favourite before the official market update)

AppBrain:旨在让您直接从PC Web浏览器安装android market应用程序,也使您能够根据已有的应用程序发现新的应用程序。 这是一家元商店(在正式市场更新之前我最喜欢的商店)

SlideME: they provideapplications to niche markets, based on geographic location, payment method or even types of applications that users can’t find in traditional channels


Samsung Apps: samsung app store, which of course requires you to own a samsung droid phone

Samsung AppsSamsung AppStore,这当然需要您拥有三星droid手机

AndSpot: focused around an app for sharing and discovering apps


appsfire: yet another app for discovering official market applications (iOS/Android)

appsfire:另一个用于发现官方市场应用程序的应用程序(iOS / Android)

PocketGearby : a huge, cross-platform (symbian/android/java/winmobile…) market

的PocketGear:一个巨大的跨平台(Symbian / android / java / winmobile…)市场

aproov: a quite different web look. register to download via a specific phone app.

aproov:完全不同的网络外观。 注册以通过特定的电话应用下载。

MobiHand OnlyAndroid: more focused on (expensive) pay apps, but offers discounts and free deals


GetJar: my latest discovery. Quite a lot of apps, and they have specials (“GOLD”) commercial apps for free. Extremely interesting platform for developers, since they seem to offer above-the-average marketing and PS activities!

GetJar:我的最新发现。 有很多应用程序,并且它们免费提供特殊(“ GOLD”)商业应用程序。 对于开发人员而言,这是一个非常有趣的平台,因为它们似乎提供了高于平均水平的营销和PS活动!

[Also] a lot of review/forum sites will link to one or more of these markets, egandroidtapporandroidpitandrolib.

而且经常有很多的审查/论坛的网站将链接到一个或多个这些市场,例如androidtapp或androidpit androlib 。

I suggest you click on some of these links and see for yourself if the look/applications suit your style!


Various sources and in particular article.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users?Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗?在评论中听起来不对。是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案?在此处查看完整的讨论线程。

翻译自: /169538/what-alternatives-are-there-to-the-google-play-store/

