200字范文 > 《死亡诗社》影评(作业)


时间:2023-06-07 02:24:15





Often when I get into a discussion of favorite movies with people I meet, they are astounded by the fact that I hate this movie. That I loathe and despise this movie. "How can you hate it?" they ask. "It's so inspirational!" The only thing it inspired in me was a need to vomit.

"Oh Captain, My Captain",After all the hoopla, what really happens in this movie? One kid kills himself, a teacher loses his job, and the system remains the same. Why does the kid shoot himself? Because he has a stock character of a dad that doesn't understand his son's desire to wear tights and spout poetry. What is a lad to do? Try and really stand up to dad? No. Try and talk to mom or another sympathetic ear that might be able to sway dad? No. Run away from home until dad realizes he made a mistake? No... wait, I got it: Blow your own skull off! And what about the lad's mentor? The teacher who dared to defy the system and take the fall? All the desk stomping and Shakespearean one-liners didn't save his job or reputation in the end. He leaves and the system wins again. So did anything really change in this movie? Doesn't really seem that way. A couple kids were more "enlightened" I guess. But how? Ethan Hawke, whom I presume is the protagonist, watches his one pal kill himself in an act of cowardly selfishness, and his star teacher get crushed by the bureaucracy.

I have enjoyed much of Robin Williams' work. I have greatly enjoyed Peter Weir's work - "The Truman Show" and "Witness" are among my favorite films. But "Dead Poets Society" just bothers me. I appreciate the theme, I appreciate the idea of a teacher who inspires his students. I just can't stand being hit over the head with it every few seconds. I can't stand the plastic characters.

But what really gets to me is this - there's a strange sense of defeatism about this movie. As much as it would purport to advocate individuality, it seems to advocate the belief that individuality can only lead to ruin. Take a long look at the fate of some of the major characters and think about how much the filmmakers really believe in the positive power of unconventional thinking.











