200字范文 > php查询信息 wordpress插件 请求PHP大神协助修改一个WordPress插件

php查询信息 wordpress插件 请求PHP大神协助修改一个WordPress插件

时间:2023-10-31 16:41:51


php查询信息 wordpress插件 请求PHP大神协助修改一个WordPress插件

[PHP] 纯文本查看 复制代码<?php


Plugin Name: 腾讯云COS同步插件

Plugin URI: [url]/cos-sync-plugins[/url]

Description: 使用腾讯云对象存储服务 COS 作为附件存储空间。(This is a plugin that uses QCloud Cloud Object Service for attachments remote saving.)

Version: 2.0

Author: 水冷眸

Author URI: [url][/url]

License: MIT



use Qcloudcos\Auth;

use Qcloudcos\Cosapi;

if (!defined('WP_PLUGIN_URL'))

define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins');// plugin url

define('COS_BASENAME', plugin_basename(__FILE__));

define('COS_BASEFOLDER', plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));

// 初始化选项

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'cos_set_options');

// 初始化选项

function cos_set_options(){

$options = array(

'bucket' => "",

'regional' => 'gz',

'app_id' => "",

'secret_id' => "",

'secret_key' => "",

'nothumb' => "false", // 是否上传所旅途

'nolocalsaving' => "false", // 是否保留本地备份

'upload_url_path' => "", // URL前缀


add_option('cos_options', $options, '', 'yes');


// 设置COS所在的区域:

$cos_opt = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

$regional = esc_attr($cos_opt['regional']);



* 上传函数

* @param $object

* @param $file

* @param $opt

* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=155549]@Return[/url] bool


function _file_upload($object, $file, $opt = array()){


if (!@file_exists($file))

return FALSE;


$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

$cos_bucket = esc_attr($cos_options['bucket']);

if (@file_exists($file)) {

$dirname = dirname($object);

_create_folder($cos_bucket, $dirname);

$ret = Cosapi::upload($cos_bucket, $file, $object);

} else {

return FALSE;



echo $object.'


echo $file.'


echo $dirname.'





* 创建相应的目录

* @param $cos_bucket

* @param $dir


function _create_folder($cos_bucket, $dir){

$data = Cosapi::statFolder($cos_bucket, $dir . '/');

if ($data['code'] == -166) {

$dir_array = explode('/', $dir);

$dir_name = '';

foreach ($dir_array as $dir) {

$dir_name .= ($dir . '/');

$result = Cosapi::statFolder($cos_bucket, $dir_name);

if ($result['code'] == -166) {

$ret = Cosapi::createFolder($cos_bucket, $dir_name);







* 是否需要删除本地文件

* @return bool


function _is_delete_local_file(){

$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

return (esc_attr($cos_options['nolocalsaving']) == 'true');



* 删除本地文件

* @param $file 本地文件路径

* @return bool


function _delete_local_file($file){

try {


if (!@file_exists($file))

return TRUE;


if (!@unlink($file))

return FALSE;

return TRUE;

} catch (Exception $ex) {

return FALSE;




* 上传附件(包括图片的原图)

* @param $metadata

* @return array()


function upload_attachments($metadata){

$wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir();


if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') {


$metadata['file'] = str_replace("./", '', $metadata['file']);


$object = str_replace("\\", '/', $metadata['file']);

$object = str_replace(get_home_path(), '', $object);


$file = get_home_path() . $object; //向上兼容,较早的WordPress版本上$metadata['file']存放的是相对路径


$opt = array('Content-Type' => $metadata['type']);


_file_upload('/' . $object, $file, $opt);


if (_is_delete_local_file()) {



return $metadata;



if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/update.php') <= 0)

add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'upload_attachments', 50);


* 上传图片的缩略图


function upload_thumbs($metadata){


if (isset($metadata['sizes']) && count($metadata['sizes']) > 0) {


$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);


$nothumb = (esc_attr($cos_options['nothumb']) == 'true');


$is_delete_local_file = (esc_attr($cos_options['nolocalsaving']) == 'true');


if ($nothumb) {

return $metadata;



$wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir();

$basedir = $wp_uploads['basedir'];

$file_dir = $metadata['file'];


$file_path = $basedir . '/' . dirname($file_dir) . '/';

if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') {

$file_path = str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path);

$file_path = str_replace(get_home_path() . "./", '', $file_path);

} else {

$file_path = str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path);


$object_path = str_replace(get_home_path(), '', $file_path);

//there may be duplicated filenames,so ....

foreach ($metadata['sizes'] as $val) {


$object = '/' . $object_path . $val['file'];


$file = $file_path . $val['file'];


$opt = array('Content-Type' => $val['mime-type']);


_file_upload($object, $file, $opt);


if ($is_delete_local_file)




return $metadata;



if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/update.php') <= 0)

add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'upload_thumbs', 100);


* 删除远程服务器上的单个文件


function delete_remote_file($file){


$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

$cos_bucket = esc_attr($cos_options['bucket']);


$file = str_replace("\\", '/', $file);

$del_file_path = str_replace(get_home_path(), '/', $file);

try {


Cosapi::delFile($cos_bucket, $del_file_path);

} catch (Exception $ex) {


return $file;


add_action('wp_delete_file', 'delete_remote_file', 100);

// 当upload_path为根目录时,需要移除URL中出现的“绝对路径”

function modefiy_img_url($url, $post_id){

$home_path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), array('', ''), get_home_path());

$url = str_replace($home_path, '', $url);

return $url;


if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') {

add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'modefiy_img_url', 30, 2);


function read_dir_queue($dir){

if (isset($dir)){





if(is_dir($path) && $handle=opendir($path)){


if($file=='.'||$file=='..') continue;

$files[] = $real_path = $path.'/'.$file;

if (is_dir($real_path)) $queue[] = $real_path;

//echo explode(get_option('upload_path'),$path)[1];






foreach ($files as $v){


if (!is_dir($v)){

$dd[$i]['j'] = $v;

$dd[$i]['x'] = '/'.get_option('upload_path').explode(get_option('upload_path'),$v)[1];




$dd = '';


return $dd;


// 在插件列表页添加设置按钮

function cos_plugin_action_links($links, $file){

if ($file == plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cos-sync.php')) {

$links[] = '' . 设置 . '';


return $links;


add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'cos_plugin_action_links', 10, 2);

// 在导航栏“设置”中添加条目

function cos_add_setting_page(){

add_options_page('腾讯云COS设置', '腾讯云COS设置', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'cos_setting_page');


add_action('admin_menu', 'cos_add_setting_page');

// 插件设置页面

function cos_setting_page(){

if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {

wp_die('Insufficient privileges!');


$options = array();

if (!empty($_POST) and $_POST['type'] == 'cos_set') {

$options['bucket'] = (isset($_POST['bucket'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['bucket'])) : '';

$options['regional'] = (isset($_POST['regional'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['regional'])) : '';

$options['app_id'] = (isset($_POST['app_id'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['app_id'])) : '';

$options['secret_id'] = (isset($_POST['secret_id'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['secret_id'])) : '';

$options['secret_key'] = (isset($_POST['secret_key'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['secret_key'])) : '';

$options['nothumb'] = (isset($_POST['nothumb'])) ? 'true' : 'false';

$options['nolocalsaving'] = (isset($_POST['nolocalsaving'])) ? 'true' : 'false';


$options['upload_url_path'] = (isset($_POST['upload_url_path'])) ? trim(stripslashes($_POST['upload_url_path'])) : '';


if(!empty($_POST) and $_POST['type'] == 'cos_sync_all'){

$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

$cos_bucket = esc_attr($cos_options['bucket']);

$synv = read_dir_queue(get_home_path().get_option('upload_path'));

$i = 0;

foreach ($synv as $k){

$ret = Cosapi::stat($cos_bucket, $k['x']);

if ($ret['code']!=0){


_file_upload($k['x'], $k['j']);



echo '




// 若$options不为空数组,则更新数据

if ($options !== array()) {


update_option('cos_options', $options);

$upload_path = trim(trim(stripslashes($_POST['upload_path'])), '/');

$upload_path = ($upload_path == '') ? ('wp-content/uploads') : ($upload_path);

update_option('upload_path', $upload_path);

$upload_url_path = trim(trim(stripslashes($_POST['upload_url_path'])), '/');

update_option('upload_url_path', $upload_url_path);




$cos_options = get_option('cos_options', TRUE);

$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');

$upload_url_path = get_option('upload_url_path');

$cos_bucket = esc_attr($cos_options['bucket']);

$cos_regional = esc_attr($cos_options['regional']);

$cos_app_id = esc_attr($cos_options['app_id']);

$cos_secret_id = esc_attr($cos_options['secret_id']);

$cos_secret_key = esc_attr($cos_options['secret_key']);

$cos_nothumb = esc_attr($cos_options['nothumb']);

$cos_nothumb = ($cos_nothumb == 'true');

$cos_nolocalsaving = esc_attr($cos_options['nolocalsaving']);

$cos_nolocalsaving = ($cos_nolocalsaving == 'true');


腾讯云 COS 附件设置


