200字范文 > leapmotion 定义识别手势改变物体颜色

leapmotion 定义识别手势改变物体颜色

时间:2021-07-01 08:15:38


leapmotion 定义识别手势改变物体颜色


2. 脚本


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using Leap;using Leap.Unity;public class LeapGestures : MonoBehaviour {public static bool Gesture_left = false;public static bool Gesture_right = false;public static bool Gesture_up = false;public static bool Gesture_down = false;public static bool Gesture_zoom = false;public static float movePOs = 0.0f;private LeapProvider mProvider;private Frame mFrame;private Hand mHand;private Vector leftPosition;private Vector rightPosition;public static float zoom = 1.0f;[Tooltip ("Velocity (m/s) of Palm ")]public float smallestVelocity = 1.45f;//手掌移动的最小速度[Tooltip ("Velocity (m/s) of Single Direction ")][Range(0,1)]public float deltaVelocity = 10.0f;//单方向上手掌移动的速度// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {mProvider = FindObjectOfType<LeapProvider>() as LeapProvider;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {mFrame = mProvider.CurrentFrame;//获取当前帧//获得手的个数//print ("hand num are " + mFrame.Hands.Count);if (mFrame.Hands.Count > 0) {if (mFrame.Hands.Count == 2) zoom = CalcuateDistance(mFrame);if (mFrame.Hands.Count == 1) LRUDGestures(mFrame,ref movePOs);}}float CalcuateDistance(Frame mFrame){Gesture_zoom = true;Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = false;float distance = 0f;//print ("Two hands");foreach (var itemHands in mFrame.Hands) {if (itemHands.IsLeft) {leftPosition = itemHands.PalmPosition;//print ("leftPosition" + leftPosition);}if (itemHands.IsRight) {rightPosition = itemHands.PalmPosition;//print ("rightPosition" + rightPosition);}}if (leftPosition != Vector.Zero && rightPosition != Vector.Zero ) {Vector3 leftPos = new Vector3 (leftPosition.x, leftPosition.y,leftPosition.z);Vector3 rightPos = new Vector3 (rightPosition.x, rightPosition.y,rightPosition.z);distance = 10*Vector3.Distance (leftPos, rightPos);print ("distance" + distance);}if (distance != 0)return distance;elsereturn distance = 1;}void LRUDGestures(Frame mFrame, ref float movePOs){Gesture_zoom = false;foreach (var item in mFrame.Hands) {int numFinger = item.Fingers.Count;//print ("item is " + numFinger);//print("hand are " + isOpenFullHand (item));// print ("isOpenFullHands is " + isOpenFullHands(item));if (item.GrabStrength == 1) {print ("num is 0, gestures is woquan");}else if ( item.GrabStrength == 0) {//print ("num is 5, open your hand");//print("PalmVelocity" + item.PalmVelocity);//print("PalmPosition" + item.PalmPosition);movePOs = item.PalmPosition.x;if (isMoveLeft (item)) {Gesture_left = true;Gesture_right = false;print ("move left");} else if (isMoveRight (item)) {Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = true;print ("move Right");}else if (isMoveUp (item)) {Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = false;print ("move Up");}else if (isMoveDown (item)) {Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = false;print ("move Down");}else if (isMoveForward (item)) {Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = false;print ("move Forward");}else if (isMoveBack (item)) {Gesture_left = false;Gesture_right = false;print ("move back");}}}}//判断有多少个手指是伸开的,以及伸开的手指是哪个public int extendFingerNum(Hand hand){int extendedFingers = 0;//一个手指的一次遍历for (int f = 0; f < hand.Fingers.Count; f++){Finger digit = hand.Fingers[f];if (digit.IsExtended) {print ("Fingers is " + digit);extendedFingers++;}}return extendedFingers;}//是否抓取public bool isGrabHand (Hand hand) {return hand.GrabStrength > 0.8f; //抓取力 }//hand move four directionpublic bool isMoveRight (Hand hand) {//print (hand.PalmVelocity.x);return hand.PalmVelocity.x < -deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);} // 手划向右边public bool isMoveLeft (Hand hand){//print (hand.PalmVelocity.x );return hand.PalmVelocity.x > deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);} //手向上 public bool isMoveUp (Hand hand) {return hand.PalmVelocity.y > deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);}//手向下 public bool isMoveDown (Hand hand) {return hand.PalmVelocity.y < -deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);}//手向前public bool isMoveForward (Hand hand) {//print (hand.PalmVelocity.z);return hand.PalmVelocity.z > deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);}//手向后 public bool isMoveBack (Hand hand) {return hand.PalmVelocity.z < -deltaVelocity && !isStationary (hand);}//固定不动的public bool isStationary (Hand hand) {return hand.PalmVelocity.Magnitude < smallestVelocity;//Vector3.Magnitude返回向量的长度}}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class CubeChange : MonoBehaviour {private bool isSure = true;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {if (LeapGestures.Gesture_left) {ColorGreen ();MoveCube (LeapGestures.movePOs);} else if (LeapGestures.Gesture_right) {ColorRed ();} else if (LeapGestures.Gesture_up) {ColorWihte ();} else if (LeapGestures.Gesture_down) {ColorBlue ();} else if (LeapGestures.Gesture_zoom) {if (true) {ZoomCube (LeapGestures.zoom);}}}void MoveCube (float move_x){float pos_x = transform.localPosition.x;float pos_y = transform.localPosition.y;float pos_z = transform.localPosition.z;}void ZoomCube (float scale){scale *= Mathf.PI;this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);}void ColorGreen(){this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material.color = Color.green;//this.transform.localScale = }void ColorRed(){this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material.color = Color.red;}void ColorWihte (){this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material.color = Color.white;}void ColorBlue(){this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material.color = Color.blue;}}


