200字范文 > 计算机论文英文摘要范文 毕业论文英文摘要范文三篇

计算机论文英文摘要范文 毕业论文英文摘要范文三篇

时间:2021-05-18 11:43:48


计算机论文英文摘要范文 毕业论文英文摘要范文三篇



论文题目:On the Title of EST and Aesthetic Effect in Its Translation

Abstract: With the development of science and technology, translation of English of Science and Technology has become more and more important. A good title can help readers understand the main ideas about some articles of science and technology at the first step. And a good translation can also shows the artistic effect and the content of the translator. The author wants to offer all the translation learners some ways to attract more readers by researching the titles of EST and artistic effects of them in this essay.

Key words: EST; title; translation; artistic effects


论文题目:On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of Functional Equivalence

Abstract:The theories which proposed by Eugene A. Nida have affected many Chinese and foreign translators for a long time, especially the theory of functional equivalence. Functional equivalence refers to the equivalence on the functions but not on the forms and structures.

In our daily life, we live with different advertisements, some of which are translated works. These advertisements are aimed at giving the potential customers a lasting impression and persuading them to buy their product. Therefore, in order to express the ideas of the original works and realize the goal for sale, the translators should take account of the cultural elements and social elements in order to achieve functional equivalence.

This paper consists of three parts. The first part deals with the concept of functional equivalence and its aims and principles. The main aim of functional equivalence is to represent the information of the original work in the target language and achieve the equivalence of functions of languages. In order to make this concept clear, the author gives a brief introduction of different functions. Although different languages have different characteristics, their functions are nearly the same. That is to name the reality and to communicate with the people. The second part deals with the target, principles, requirements and cultural elements of advertisement translation. The third part, the most important part, points out the three main aspects of functional equivalence, semantic equivalence, social-cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence. At the meantime, the equivalence on different levels and how to achieve functional equivalence in advertisement translation are also systematically illustrated.

Key words: functional equivalence; advertisement translation; cultural elements


论文题目:On Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability in Chinese Version of The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe from Perspective of Functionalism

Abstract:This thesis is an attempt to apply functionalism to literary translation and prove its feasibility by analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps. Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation by focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations. And the four important representatives of functionalism are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer, Justa Holz-Mnttri and Christiane Nord. This thesis attempts to apply the core rules of Skopostheorie –?to analyze the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe which is caused by cultural gaps, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of literary translation from the perspective of functionalism.

This paper is composed of four chapters. The first one is introduction. Chapter 2 introduces the German Functionalism and translation theories including a brief introduction to the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and the author Defoe. Chapter 3 goes over the application of the main translation theory Skopostheorie in analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps with analyzing the culture factor in translation. Besides, this chapter also analyses the limitations of Skopostheorie. In chapter 4, the final conclusion is that functionalism is also applicable to literary translation and can provide a different perspective in solving the untranslatability causing by cultural gaps.

Key Words: functionalism; skopostheorie; untranslatability; culture gaps; The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

