200字范文 > java求职英文简历范本2篇_Java英文简历范文


时间:2019-03-14 23:22:00







Male, 23, The cantonese

Education: bachelor degree

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou huangpu - unlimited

Objective: the Java software development engineer | other software/Internet development

Education experience

Guangdong institute of science and technology of software engineering in school today

Project/training experience

In November - December restaurant order system based on SSH framework

training contents of project: the project for my university undergraduate course graduation design, developed by himself alone. The system database using the MySQL database, using Spring, Hibernate, the Struts framework integration development. The front desk mainly use JSP technology, js, HTML, CSS, Jquery Ajax libraries. System function development is relatively perfect.

Certificate of award

Issued by time: certificate of title: college English level 6 February

Certificate name: high-tech certificate issued by time: in February

Self description

I am a guangdong institute of science and technology university graduate, want to be able to find a of the's fourth yearat hogwarts with J2EE development related internship, learning experience, and standardize enterprise development lays the foundation for later work.

Professional skills: Java language, Struts, Spring, Hibernate three classical framework, Mysql, Oracle and other databases, the mainstream of HTML, CSS, JS, have certain ability to use (because of mainly for the background, use of AJAX in the JQuery library skilled).

Career aspirations: hope to find a job as a J2EE development, learning about enterprise development mode, standardize their own programming habits, learn more mainstream development technology at the same time, the accumulation of development experience.

Foreign language level: college English level 6.



Male, 27 years old

Education: bachelor degree

Working years: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: software engineer | | ERP technology/development application electronics/electrical engineers

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity Sunshine is bright Be good at innovation

Work experience (work for 6 months, 1 year do 1 job)

Guangzhou zhengxing software co., LTD

Working time: in February to August [] 1 year 6 months

Job title: Java programmers

Work content: according to the demand of the project to carry on the design code, and project document writing.

Education experience

Graduated in July Electronic information engineering of xi 'an university of posts and telecommunications

Professional skills

Java: proficient in experience: 3 years

Language skills.

English: good

Certificate of award

Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: in June , issuing authority: department of education

Self description

Self assessment As a Java programmer, software development in zhengxing software company for more than a year, the computer software industry development and research, software development has a profound accumulation of multiple


