200字范文 > python爬虫教程书籍-python入门书籍(爬虫方面)有哪些推荐?


时间:2020-04-08 06:29:14




Python网络数据采集 />



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/Apress/practical-web-scraping-for-data-science 星级 低于100

This book provides a complete and modern guide to web scraping, using Python as the programming language, without glossing over important details or best practices. Written with a data science audience in mind, the book explores both scraping and the larger context of web technologies in which it operates, to ensure full understanding. The authors recommend web scraping as a powerful tool for any data scientist’s arsenal, as many data science projects start by obtaining an appropriate data set.

Starting with a brief overview on scraping and real-life use cases, the authors explore the core concepts of HTTP, HTML, and CSS to provide a solid foundation. Along with a quick Python primer, they cover Selenium for JavaScript-heavy sites, and web crawling in detail. The book finishes with a recap of best practices and a collection of examples that bring together everything you've learned and illustrate various data science use cases.

用Python写网络爬虫 第2版 />

《用Python写网络爬虫(第 2版》讲解了如何使用Python来编写网络爬虫程序,内容包括网络爬虫简介,从页面中抓取数据的3种方法,提取缓存中的数据,使用多个线程和进程进行并发抓取,抓取动态页面中的内容,与表单进行交互,处理页面中的验证码问题,以及使用Scarpy和Portia进行数据抓取,并在最后介绍了使用本书讲解的数据抓取技术对几个真实的网站进行抓取的实例,旨在帮助读者活学活用书中介绍的技术。

《用Python写网络爬虫(第 2版》适合有一定Python编程经验而且对爬虫技术感兴趣的读者阅读。 />
