200字范文 > 笔顺演示动画gif_如何将动画GIF插入PowerPoint演示文稿


时间:2020-08-13 16:28:18




During a presentation, a mix of different media types keeps things entertaining, and a well-placed animated GIF is no exception. You can use them to convey a message, demonstrate an activity, capture the audience’s attention, or just add some humor.

在演示过程中,多种不同的媒体类型可以使事情变得有趣,并且放置良好的GIF动画也不例外。 您可以使用它们来传达信息,演示活动,吸引听众的注意力,或者只是增加一些幽默感。

在PowerPoint中插入GIF (Insert a GIF in PowerPoint)

Inserting a GIF in a PowerPoint slide is just as easy as inserting any other image. Go ahead and locate the GIF that you’ll be using. In this example, we’ll use this awesome Final Fantasy VI GIF.

在PowerPoint幻灯片中插入GIF与插入任何其他图像一样容易。 继续并找到您将要使用的GIF。 在此示例中,我们将使用出色的Final Fantasy VI GIF。

niceseoguy/Imgurniceseoguy /伊穆尔

Next, go ahead and open up the PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide into which you’ll insert the GIF.Once there, head over to the “Insert” tab and click the Pictures” button.

接下来,继续并打开PowerPoint演示文稿,然后导航到要插入GIF的幻灯片。 到达那里后,转到“插入”选项卡,然后单击“图片”按钮。

In the window that opens, browse to the location of the GIF, select it, and then click “Insert.”


The GIF will now appear in the slide.


In theregular slide view, the GIF will appear static; it won’t animate until the actual presentation. To make sure it’s working correctly, head over to the “Slide Show” tab and click the “From Current Slide” button (or press Shift+F5).

在常规幻灯片视图中,GIF将显示为静态; 在实际演示之前,它不会动画。 为确保其正常工作,请转到“幻灯片放映”选项卡,然后单击“来自当前幻灯片”按钮(或按Shift + F5)。

You should now see the GIF in action.


When it comes to formatting, you have the same options as you do with a regular image. Play around with the different options until you have the perfect GIF for your PowerPoint presentation!

在格式化方面,您具有与普通图像相同的选项。 尝试不同的选项,直到为您的PowerPoint演示文稿准备完美的GIF!

翻译自: /403206/how-to-insert-an-animated-gif-into-a-powerpoint-presentation/

