200字范文 > 在老家找到好吃的美食英语 品尝各地美食英语

在老家找到好吃的美食英语 品尝各地美食英语

时间:2023-04-12 06:15:16


在老家找到好吃的美食英语 品尝各地美食英语

A: 和“家”相关的单词有哪些?

B: homeless 无家可归

homeland 家乡

home / h əʊm / 家

(谐音)和睦 : 家庭最重要的是和睦 。

✅ Welcome home .欢迎回家 。

1⃣️ homeless = home +less

无家可归 家 没有

✅ The poor cat is homeless . 可怜的小猫无家可归 。

2⃣️ homeland = home +land

家乡家 土地

✅ I love my homeland . 我爱我的家乡 。

#桂林头条# 网红打卡地—桂海晴岚

Somewhere you haven't been to is oasis---- worth your expectation

没去过的地方是远方---- 值得期待

Someplace you can't find yourself back is hometown----- worth your backlooking

回不去的地方是家乡------- 值得回望

The place you are stepping on is landscape ------ worth your appreciation

脚下的地方才是风景------- 值得欣赏

#回老家的英语#My dream is to return home, to the place where I grew up. The memories and experiences of my childhood are dear to me, and I long to reconnect with my roots.

Going back home means revisiting the streets where I used to play, seeing familiar faces, and catching up with old friends. It also means being able to fully immerse myself in the culture and traditions that shaped who I am today.

Returning home also holds a deeper significance for me. It means reconnecting with my family and loved ones, and being able to share with them the person I have become. It means being able to give back to the community that raised me and to contribute to its growth and development.

My dream of returning home is not just about nostalgia, it's about being able to truly come full circle and to be able to appreciate the place and the people that have made me who I am.



healthy 正常合理的It's not healthy the way she clings to the past.她那种沉湎于过去的态度不明智。顺利的Your car doesn't sound very healthy.你的车听声音好像不很正常。兴旺的A healthy economy will come after new year.新年过后,将会出现繁荣的经济。可观的You have a healthy bank balance in your account.在你的账户上,有一大笔银行结余。A healthy profit will be got at the end of next year.下年年底,将得到一笔丰厚的利润。#英语知识分享# #英语拔尖交流# #每日打卡背单词#






​ 晚上约了包头的朋友一起来捧场,朋友先到,点了卷饼,也买了刚榨的甘蔗汁儿,所以晚饭就是西北的卷饼就着广东的甘蔗汁儿。

​ 小曹两口子在珠海的第一家店第一天开业,200张饼全部卖完,我到的时候店铺前还在排队。昨天还和我说,在老家是开一家火
