200字范文 > 描写人的英语作文 描写朋友的英语作文

描写人的英语作文 描写朋友的英语作文

时间:2021-11-18 23:42:39


描写人的英语作文 描写朋友的英语作文


第1867天 英语超级写作奶爸,5.1年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:117.5万字 英文47.8万字,中文69.7万字


第1867天(5.1年) 1月23日(一)

Day 1867, Jan 23, (Mon)


This was a daytrip, so to speak, to the village where Xixi’s laolao lives. Astonishing, bewildering, fascinating – Xixi’s toys deserve such adjectives, simply leaving you dazzled and blowing your mind. A trampoline and a tractor even!. Kids today luxuriate in all conceivable attention. That was redolent of the lean era when I almost had nothing to play with as a kid, one when poking around for scrapped cigarette packaging in garbage sites after school or hunting crickets in the fields in the outskirts of Xi’an was a simple delight for me and my peers. Now, for you it was time to be in with the toys!



-daytrip 一日游

-dazzle 使眼花缭乱

-so to speak 可以说

-blow one’s mind 令人印象深刻

-luxuriate 享受

-redolent 使想起

-poke 戳

-scrap 遗弃

-peer 同龄人

-be in with 与…有交情


胡鑫宇英文作文第一句话是“the story moved me a lot”。首先这句话时态有问题,应该是现在完成时,而不是过去式,表示过去影响到现在较为合适。其次,a lot一般修饰有形的物体,受故事的很大感动,抽象的修改成 greatly,再高级的将move修改成touch。

“it was my birthday gift”这句,my与后面的my father重复,应该修改为“as a birthday gift,it was given by my father”。

第三句“ i am active to go out”,似乎很别扭,active替换成inclined是稳妥的。

还有丢自行车那句“it disappeared”,显然不应该这么表述,自行车不会自己主动消失,disappeared应该作为表语,表示状态,修改为“it was disappeared”比较合适。




第1866天 英语超级写作奶爸,5.1年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:117.5万字 英文47.8万字,中文69.7万字


第1866天(5.1年) 1月22日(日)

Day 1866, Jan 22, (Sun)


This is the first day of the first lunar month of the Year of Rabbit. You were rigged out in red, and mummy edited a number of your shots - where you looked your best - in a way that did justice to the Year of Rabbit



-lunar 月亮的

- rig out 穿某种衣服

- shot 照片

- look one’s best 展示最好一面

- do justice to 公平对待

I suddenly have a great idea. From today on, I'll keep an English diary every day. I realize that's a good way to improve myself. Do you agree with me?

For example, I can write something about my daily life, Such as What I eat and what I do in a day.

This morning I cooked a delicious breakfast for my family and I. In fact,there are only my husband and I at home. Because my child Is working outside our city.

Because of COVID-19 pandemic, I Haven't Work for several days. I even not went out to buy food at the market. So there is nothing much left in my fridge.

But don't worry, I still have something to eat. I have some noodles, some meat, some eggs and some vegetables.

This morning I decide to cook some vegetables for me and for my husband.

I put some cold water in the pan, Heat it, Put an tomato into it, Then took it out and peeled it,cut it up.

I added some noodles into the hot water. After about 10 minutes. I added some meat and an egg and the tomato pieces. And cook for another two minutes.

At last I put some Chopped green onion into it.

It smells nice, It tastes delicious!

There's only an egg in the Noodles. So I left it for my husband, I only eat a bowl of noodles with some meat ,some potatoes and a little chopped green onion.

Look at my pictures, How do you like them? Is my breakfast delicious?

I hope to work soon. I hope everything will go well.#英语日记# #学英语# #努力的人#

It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human. ---W. Rogers

