200字范文 > 英语高考作文万能套用 英语高考作文万能套用模板

英语高考作文万能套用 英语高考作文万能套用模板

时间:2019-09-09 20:52:18


英语高考作文万能套用 英语高考作文万能套用模板

1. 前言


2. 选择合适的题目





3. 明确文章结构


(1) 开头:开头要言简意赅,吸引读者的注意力。可以使用名言或者提出一些问题或观点,来引导文章的阅读。

(2) 正文:正文是文章的主体部分,要详细论述文章的中心思想。可以采用举例说明、对比分析、比较论证、实证说明等方法来展开文章论述。同时还要注重段落之间的衔接和逻辑关系的转换,保持文章的连贯性和条理性。

(3) 结尾:结尾是文章的总结部分,要简明扼要地概括文章的思想,并加以归纳和总结。也可以提出一些问题或者展望未来的发展方向,来增加文章的深度和厚度。

4. 采用模板句子和词汇



①. We are now in an age where…(我们现在处于一个...的时代)

例:We are now in an age where technology plays an important role in our daily life.

②. Nowadays, with the rapid development of…(如今,随着...的快速发展)

例:Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet, peoples lifestyle has changed greatly.


①. On the one hand,…on the other hand…(一方面,...另一方面...)

例:On the one hand, social media has brought people closer together, on the other hand, it has also led to a decline in face-to-face communication.

②. Furthermore,…in addition,…moreover…(此外,…而且…)

例:Furthermore, the government should also increase investment in education, in addition to improving the economic situation.


①. In conclusion, we can see that…(总之,我们可以看到...)

例:In conclusion, we can see that the use of bicycles is an important and effective way to protect the environment.

②. To sum up, it is high time that…(总而言之,...是时候...)

例:To sum up, it is high time that we take actions to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

5. 适当使用修饰语


(1)形容词:如beautiful, happy, hard, difficult, big, small等。

(2)副词:如intensely, carefully, actively, lately, slowly等。

(3)句型:如主语+动词不定式,such as, in order to等。

6. 注意语法和标点符号





7. 结语


2. 文体分类


3. 记叙文

3.1 模板一:序言引出主题

In my memory,something wonderful/unsatisfactory happened. At that time, I was (age) years old. It was an unforgettable experience because…

3.2 模板二:事件描述过程

Firstly, I (did something)… After that, (did something else)… It seemed nothing could go wrong. However, things went differently from what I had expected…

3.3 模板三:结论总结主题

In a word, (事件)taught me a great lesson. I realize that (人生道理).

4. 议论文

4.1 模板一:明确立场

There is no doubt that (观点). From my point of view, (支持或反对) has become a controversial issue of great concern to the public.

4.2 模板二:列举论据

Here are several reasons to support my view. Firstly, (论据1)… Secondly, (论据2)… Besides, (论据3)…

4.3 模板三:反驳对方观点

However, some people argue that (对方观点). Nevertheless, there are severe defects in this argument. To name just a few,…

4.4 模板四:结论总结立场

In conclusion, (总结观点). Although there may be some drawbacks in the process, the benefits are far more significant than the downsides.

5. 说明文

5.1 模板一:问题定义

It is generally known that (问题). However, it is critical for us to clarify what the problem actually is before finding solutions.

5.2 模板二:原因分析

There are several factors that contribute to the problem. Firstly, (原因1)… Secondly, (原因2)… Finally, (原因3)…

5.3 模板三:解决方法

In order to solve the problem, we need to take the following steps. First of all, (解决方法1)… Secondly, (解决方法2)… Finally, (解决方法3)…

5.4 模板四:结论总结

In sum, (结论). By taking the aforementioned measures, we can effectively deal with the problem and make a better future for all.

6. 应用文

6.1 模板一:序言引出写作目的

I am writing to (写作目的). I hope that my letter/email can help you...

6.2 模板二:列举原因

There are several reasons why I believe that (观点1). First of all, (原因1)… Secondly, (原因2)… Finally, (原因3)…

6.3 模板三:请求或建议

Therefore, I kindly request that you (请求或建议). I believe that (结果).

7. 总结
