200字范文 > 英文自我评价 初中生英文自我评价

英文自我评价 初中生英文自我评价

时间:2023-06-06 20:16:10


英文自我评价 初中生英文自我评价



Self-evaluation is an important tool to assess ones strengths and weaknesses. As a learner and a professional, it is necessary to frequently evaluate oneself and work towards self-improvement. In this article, I will reflect upon my skills, knowledge, and experiences to give a comprehensive self-evaluation.

Education and Knowledge

I am a graduate with a Bachelors degree in Commerce, specializing in Accounting and Finance. During my degree years, I developed a thorough understanding of various accounting principles, taxation laws, and financial management. Through practical assignments, I gained experience in applying this knowledge to real-life scenarios.

Furthermore, I am currently pursuing a Masters degree in Business Administration. This program has enhanced my critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills. I am constantly exposed to new concepts and ideas that challenge me to think outside the box.


Communication - I am an excellent communicator. I can articulate my ideas clearly and concisely, whether it is written or oral communication. In addition, I am a good listener, which helps me to understand the perspectives of others.

Analytical Skills - my critical thinking skill is my strongest attribute. I can analyze and synthesize large amounts of data and draw appropriate conclusions. This skill has been instrumental in solving complex problems and formulating effective strategies.

Leadership - I have experience in leading teams and managing projects. I am proficient in delegating tasks, motivating team members, and ensuring the completion of projects within the given timelines. My leadership skills have been honed through my participation in various student clubs and organizations.


Internships - during my undergraduate studies, I completed two internships at reputable accounting firms. These internships provided me with hands-on experience in tax preparation, financial statement analysis, and bookkeeping. Furthermore, I learned valuable soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management.

Community Service - I have volunteered for several organizations, including Habitat for Humanity and the local food bank. Through these experiences, I developed a sense of empathy and compassion towards marginalized communities. These experiences also taught me the value of giving back to society and cultivating a servant-leadership mindset.







