200字范文 > 元宵节的英语 元宵节的英语作文带翻译

元宵节的英语 元宵节的英语作文带翻译

时间:2023-11-01 00:38:37


元宵节的英语 元宵节的英语作文带翻译

Title: The Lantern Festival: A Glowing Celebration

The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is a time when families come together to enjoy delicious food, marvel at beautiful lanterns, and participate in traditional activities. In this article, we will explore the origins of the Lantern Festival, its customs and traditions, and some of the highlights of this vibrant celebration.

Origins of the Lantern Festival

The origins of the Lantern Festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. It is believed that the festival was originally celebrated as a way to ward off evil spirits and avert disaster. Lanterns were used to light up the night sky and scare away any malevolent forces. Over time, the festival evolved into a celebration of reunion, prosperity, and happiness.

Customs and Traditions

There are many customs and traditions associated with the Lantern Festival. One of the most popular is the eating of tangyuan, sweet glutinous rice balls filled with sesame, peanut, or red bean paste. Tangyuan is said to signify family togetherness and unity, and it is believed that the more tangyuan you eat, the closer your family will be. In addition to tangyuan, other traditional foods such as rice cakes, steamed buns, and dumplings are also enjoyed during the festival.

Another important tradition is the lighting of lanterns. Lanterns come in all shapes and sizes, from small ones held in the palm of your hand to large ones shaped like dragons, pandas, and other animals. The lanterns are brightly colored and decorated with elaborate patterns and designs, and they are lit up with candles or electric bulbs. It is said that the light from the lanterns can guide lost souls home and bring good luck and prosperity to the family.


Apart from eating and lighting lanterns, there are many other activities that take place during the Lantern Festival. These include solving riddles, playing games, and watching performances. One popular game is the lantern riddle guessing game, where riddles are written on the lanterns and people have to guess the answers. Another popular activity is the dragon and lion dance, where performers dressed in elaborate costumes dance to the beat of drums and cymbals.

Highlights of the Festival

There are many amazing sights to see during the Lantern Festival. In Beijing, the Pingxiang Lantern Festival at the Temple of Earth is a must-see event. Here, thousands of lanterns are released into the night sky, creating a stunning display of color and light. In Taiwan, the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival is a thrilling spectacle that attracts thousands of visitors every year. Participants dress in protective gear and dance in the midst of a shower of fireworks, hoping to gain good fortune and ward off evil spirits.


Title: The Festival of Lanterns - Celebrating the Chinese Lantern Festival


The Chinese Lantern Festival, also known as Yuan Xiao Jie (元宵节), is a traditional Chinese festival that marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month, which falls on February 26th in . During this festival, people all over China light lanterns, eat sweet glutinous rice dumplings (tang yuan), and participate in various other activities to bring in good luck and fortune for the New Year.

History and Origin

The Chinese Lantern Festival has a long history that dates back over 2,000 years. According to legend, the festival originated during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) when Emperor Wu declared the 15th day of the first lunar month as a day of worship for the gods. It was also believed that on this day, the god of fire was angry and would cause disasters, so people lit lanterns to calm him down.

Another legend associated with the festival is that of a young woman named Yuan Xiao who lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty. She was famous for her beauty and intelligence but was forced to marry a man she did not love. She decided to take her own life and created a dessert called yuanxiao, which she gave to the poor to pay tribute to her loyalty to her love. Later, people started making and eating yuanxiao on this day to commemorate her.


1. Lighting Lanterns - The main activity during the Lantern Festival is lighting lanterns. People make lanterns of all shapes and sizes from paper, silk and bamboo. Some even have riddles or poems written on them.

2. Eating Tang Yuan - Tang Yuan, also known as yuanxiao, are a type of sweet glutinous rice dumplings that are boiled in water and served in a sweet soup. They symbolize family reunion and happiness.

3. Dragon and Lion Dance - Another traditional activity is the dragon and lion dance, where performers dress up as dragons or lions and dance to the beat of drums and cymbals. This symbolizes prosperity and good fortune.

4. Guessing Lantern Riddles - Some lanterns have riddles or poems written on them. Participants have to guess the answer to the riddles to win prizes.

