200字范文 > 适合秋天发朋友圈的温柔文案 精致美好 值得细细品味

适合秋天发朋友圈的温柔文案 精致美好 值得细细品味

时间:2020-01-03 08:40:50


适合秋天发朋友圈的温柔文案 精致美好 值得细细品味


Autumn is a beautiful season, maple leaves will become yellow color, the wind will become fine and cool, our days will become better, even the air is full of romantic taste, everything is so gentle and romantic!


I walk alone in the night sky, to pick a star to crush, spread to this cold world, to add a little bit of light to this world, just as I give this autumn a little bit of tenderness.


Autumn is a season for missing, I hope this autumn, we buried the seeds of missing, until the next autumn will bear the fruit of love, before this we must work hard ah, see you next autumn!


In summer, gentle hiding in the blue sky and white clouds; In autumn, gentleness hides in the autumn wind and leaves.


Think carefully this world is not a lot of good things, spring flowers, summer water, autumn leaves, winter snow, and the smile of the gentleness of the unreasonable you.


In fact, autumn is a great season for walking hand in hand with your loved one, walking on the yellow leaves at your feet, quietly listening to the wind passing by your ears, and the sunset in the autumn evening, it must be wonderful.


Don worry, wait patiently, such as it is getting late, we are in this very gentle night wind, walk hand in hand together, to personally feel this belongs to the cool autumn.


Hope in this autumn, we will have new expectations and meet, make our life better and more romantic!


Autumn and summer and winter, it is neither the summer hot love, also does not have the cold in the winter, it is unique, unique to a lukewarm soft, in this special season, you can feel the soft wind, and it starts from the golden yellow leaves, you stepped on, also issued a "through" sound, I think it might be the sound of autumn!



