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时间:2023-01-09 15:30:17



Do you agree or disagree:All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal. 题型分类:绝对题+应不应该题 论证角度:利弊分析 观点选择:让步 开头:同意所有的大学生都应该学学基础的科学课。(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡) In general, all university courses can be divided into two kinds: liberal arts and science, which both serve as an impetus to the development of society. Lately, an interesting discussion has arisen about whether all university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal. From my perspective, I am a big fan of science and I fully advocate that basic science courses are a necessity for every university student. My reasons and examples are as follows. (86 words) 中间段1:科学是社会发展的第一推动力,学理科的学生学基础科学课可以打好基础,学文科的学生有基础科学知识今后更有优势。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子) Firstly, it is no denying that science is the primary productive force. From the past to present, numerous cases have proved that our world’s rapid development is based on the remarkable progress of science and technology. University students, whatever their majors are, will benefit a lot from the basic science courses they have taken. Students of science can certainly enhance their foundation of scientific knowledge and those who study liberal arts will be advantageous in job market if they also have a basic understanding of science. In modern society, almost all individuals who change the world have been under the influence of science and technology in university, such as Steve jobs, Zuckerberg and Jack Ma. (115 words)
