200字范文 > 世界杯半决赛史上最大“比分失利” 巴西惨败!

世界杯半决赛史上最大“比分失利” 巴西惨败!

时间:2022-01-22 01:32:54


世界杯半决赛史上最大“比分失利” 巴西惨败!

The Germans tore apart Brazils porous defense time and time again Tuesday, routing the hosts 7-1 in the World Cup semifinals, the largest margin of defeat at this stage in the history of the tournament. 当地时间周二,德国队屡次撕破巴西队漏洞百出的防线,在世界杯半决赛中7比1击败东道国球队,创造了世界杯半决赛历史上最大的比分失利。 Margin of defeat就是“比分失利”,即比赛中双方的得分差距。往届世界杯半决赛阶段出现过的最大比分失利是5分,曾经出现过三次。 下面我们来看看有关“惨败”的英文表述 Brazils World Cup dreams ended in humiliating and brutal fashion as Germany inflicted their heaviest defeat in the first semi-final in Belo Horizonte. 在贝洛奥里藏特的体育场举行的巴西世界杯首场半决赛中,德国让巴西遭遇最惨一败,巴西的世界杯之梦以屈辱和残酷的方式结束。 The loss matched Brazils most-lopsided defeat ever, and its the first time the team has lost in an official competitive match on home soil since 1975. 这场失利是巴西遭遇的最一边倒的失败,同时也是1975年以来他们在本土举行的官方比赛中遭遇的第一次失败。 Germany scored five goals in 18 first-half minutes on the way to a 7-1 destruction of Brazil in the semi-final on Tuesday to leave the host nation in a state of stunned disbelief at the most amazing World Cup result of all time. 当地时间周二的世界杯半决赛中,德国队上半场就在18分钟内连进5球,并一路挺进以7比1大败巴西,使东道国在面临世界杯史上最不可思议的比赛结果时目瞪口呆、难以置信。 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

