200字范文 > 研究揭示ILC2促进癌症肺部转移的机制—小柯机器人—科学网


时间:2018-11-26 21:35:14



研究揭示ILC2促进癌症肺部转移的机制 作者: 发布时间:/8/4 21:12:04 英国剑桥大学Timotheus Y. F. Halim研究团队的最新研究,揭示了在肺部ILC2诱导的先天免疫检查点机制拮抗NK细胞的抗转移功能。相关论文发表在8月3日出版的《自然-免疫学》杂志上。

研究人员发现,肺部驻留2型先天淋巴样细胞(ILC2s)的激活有效抑制了自然杀伤(NK)细胞介导的先天抗肿瘤免疫,这导致肺转移和死亡率增加。使用多种肺转移模型,研究人员发现肺部白介素(IL)-33依赖的ILC2激活主要参与了肿瘤负荷。ILC2诱导的2型先天性炎症伴随着干扰素- 的产生和肺部NK细胞细胞毒性功能的局部抑制。




Title: ILC2-driven innate immune checkpoint mechanism antagonizes NK cell antimetastatic function in the lung

Author: Martijn J. Schuijs, Shaun Png, Arianne C. Richard, Anastasia Tsyben, Gregory Hamm, Julie Stockis, Celine Garcia, Silvain Pinaud, Ashley Nicholls, Xavier Romero Ros, Jing Su, Matthew D. Eldridge, Angela Riedel, Eva M. Serrao, Hans-Reimer Rodewald, Matthias Mack, Jacqueline D. Shields, E. Suzanne Cohen, Andrew N. J. McKenzie, Richard J. A. Goodwin, Kevin M. Brindle, John C. Marioni, Timotheus Y. F. Halim

Issue Volume: -08-03

Abstract: Metastasis constitutes the primary cause of cancer-related deaths, with the lung being a commonly affected organ. We found that activation of lung-resident group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) orchestrated suppression of natural killer (NK) cell-mediated innate antitumor immunity, leading to increased lung metastases and mortality. Using multiple models of lung metastasis, we show that interleukin (IL)-33-dependent ILC2 activation in the lung is involved centrally in promoting tumor burden. ILC2-driven innate type 2 inflammation is accompanied by profound local suppression of interferon- production and cytotoxic function of lung NK cells. ILC2-dependent suppression of NK cells is elaborated via an innate regulatory mechanism, which is reliant on IL-5-induced lung eosinophilia, ultimately limiting the metabolic fitness of NK cells. Therapeutic targeting of IL-33 or IL-5 reversed NK cell suppression and alleviated cancer burden. Thus, we reveal an important function of IL-33 and ILC2s in promoting tumor metastasis via their capacity to suppress innate type 1 immunity. Pathological group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) have mainly been implicated in allergy. Halim and colleagues demonstrate that ILC2s orchestrate a prometastatic pathway via the recruitment of eosinophils that suppress NK cell function.

DOI: 10.1038/s41590-020-0745-y



Nature Immunology:《自然 免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格 自然出版集团,最新IF:23.53


