200字范文 > 双语:保持大脑健康 请远离这7种食物!

双语:保持大脑健康 请远离这7种食物!

时间:2022-03-04 00:14:02


双语:保持大脑健康 请远离这7种食物!

作为人体最重要的器官之一,大脑不但控制着人体其他器官的运作,存储着你的思想和记忆,还左右着你的情绪。 那么,如何才能让我们的大脑保持健康和活力,延缓大脑衰老呢?当然要多吃一些营养丰富的健康饮食啦。但是,下面这7类食物却要少吃,因为它们对你的大脑都有害无益。 1. Trans Fats 反式脂肪 The good news is that not all fats are bad for you. However, a particular kind of fat called trans fat does have a detrimental effect on the brain. Trans fats are found naturally in animal products including meat and dairy, but even these are not as problematic as the industrially produced trans fats that get pumped into all sorts of packaged foods. 好消息是,不是所有的脂肪对你都没好处。但是,反式脂肪确实会给大脑造成损害。反式脂肪天然存在于肉制品和奶制品等动物产品中,但这些脂肪都没有各种包装食品中的工业反式脂肪危害大。 Otherwise known as hydrogenated oil, people who eat a lot of trans fat in the form of margarine, store-bought baked goods, chips and crackers, frozen and canned meals, and creamy beverages are at a greater risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia. Studies have shown that high consumption of trans fats also leads to earlier cognitive decline, lower brain volume, and poorer memory. 工业反式脂肪又名氢化油,通过吃人造黄油、商店买来的烘焙食品、薯片和饼干、冷冻和罐头食品、奶油饮料摄入反式脂肪的人更容易得阿尔茨海默病和痴呆症。研究显示,大量摄入反式脂肪还会导致认知功能过早衰退、脑容量降低和记忆力减退。 2. Sugary Drinks 含糖饮料 Sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and even fruit juice have little to no nutritional value. Regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to a whole host of physical impairments, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and yes – Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. 汽水、运动饮料、能量饮料甚至果汁等含糖饮料都没有什么营养价值。经常摄入含糖饮料会引发一系列身体损伤,包括2型糖尿病、高血压、高胆固醇、阿尔茨海默病或痴呆症。 A high intake of fructose that’s found in many sugary drinks, has been shown to reduce learning ability, memory, overall brain function, and the formation of new neurons in the brain. It may also lead to increased inflammation in the brain, which negatively affects all types of brain function. 研究显示,大量摄入果糖(许多含糖饮料都含有果糖)会降低学习能力、记忆力、整体脑功能和大脑中新神经元的生成速度。摄入果糖也许还会加重大脑炎症,对各种大脑功能产生负面影响。 3. Refined Carbs 精制碳水化合物 Refined carbohydrates are products made with processed grains. They may not necessarily taste sweet, but they break down into sugar in your body very quickly. That’s because the refining process strips all of the fiber and nutrition out of the original grain. A meal rich in refined carbs represents a high glycemic load that spikes your blood sugar. 精制碳水化合物是用加工过的粮食制成的产品。它们的味道也许不是甜的,但很快就会在体内分解成糖。这是因为精制过程中从原始谷物中剔除了所有的纤维和营养。富含精制碳水化合物的一餐意味着让血糖飙升的高血糖负荷。 That causes all the same issues as if you had eaten straight sugar, including memory impairment, inflammation, and a higher risk of developing dementia. Studies have shown that children who consume diets high in refined carbohydrates score lower on nonverbal intelligence tests. And elderly people who take in more than 58% of their daily calories in refined carbs have twice the risk of mental impairment and dementia than those who eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. 这就会引发和直接吃糖一样的问题,包括记忆力减退、炎症和更高的痴呆症风险。研究显示,摄入大量精制碳水化合物的孩子在非言语智力测试中得分更低。精制碳水化合物日常摄入量超过总热量58%的老年人智力受损和痴呆的风险比吃更多全谷物、水果和蔬菜的人高两倍。 4. Processed and Packaged Foods 高加工和包装食品 Processed and packaged foods remove important nutrition from whole food and replace it with sugar, fat, and salt. This is our so-called Western diet, one which relies on convenience and fast foods. And we get it – people are busy and sometimes it just isn’t possible to make your own sauces, dressings, pastas, and baked goods. 高加工和包装食品从天然食物中移除了重要营养,并用糖、脂肪和盐取而代之。这就是我们所谓的依赖方便食品和快餐的西式饮食。我们理解,人们很忙,有时候没办法自己做酱汁、调料、面条和烘焙食品。 However, it is important to cook with whole nutritious foods as often as you can swing it, because the Western diet is notorious for causing an accumulation of fat around the vital organs. This, in turn, is associated with damage to the brain tissue and a reduction in the brain’s volume. It may also cause disruptions to the blood-brain barrier, the membrane that is responsible for protecting the brain from harmful substances. 但是,只要你能腾出空来,你应该尽量自己多做全营养食品,因为西式饮食会导致脂肪在重要器官周围积聚,进而对大脑组织造成损伤,降低脑容量,也许还可能破坏血脑屏障,血脑屏障是保护大脑不被有害物质侵入的薄膜。
