200字范文 > 神仙男头·扎心丧句:那些还没来得及说再见的孩子 大概不想分离

神仙男头·扎心丧句:那些还没来得及说再见的孩子 大概不想分离

时间:2023-12-21 00:49:50


神仙男头·扎心丧句:那些还没来得及说再见的孩子 大概不想分离


Every one of us has a sense of emotion, has been unwilling to a person, has also been discontented with a thing, we choose to hold in our hearts, occasionally touching the scene, recalling the past, and then inexplicably many more sad.


There is always such a person, it is difficult to be a lover, a friend, no longer have the right identity to meet, no longer have the right reason or excuse to disturb, in addition to hiding in the bottom of my heart, I don know what else.


Don regret what you missed. You miss people and things, others have a chance to meet, others miss, you have a chance to have. Everyone will miss, everyone has missed, truly belongs to you, will never miss.


There is a kind of people, no matter how much they miss, they never want to meet again. This is the person who has hurt each other. There is a kind of person, no matter how much hurt, still smile as before.


There are things to say, don wait for the other side to understand, because the other side is not you, don know what you want, until the end can only be sad and disappointed, especially feelings.
