200字范文 > 《欢乐好声音》电影精讲


时间:2023-03-10 15:06:16



Moon: Phew! All right, call everyone back to stage, Miss Crawly, and lets get...

Crawly: (FEEDBACK) Ohh! Hello! Can I have everybody back to stage, please? Everyone come back to stage for selection.

Moon: Okay. Thank you, Miss Crawly.

Crawly: You e welcome, Mr. Moon.

Moon: All right. Lets see, now.


Moon: Hmm. Ill take... You guys.


Moon: And which one of you is the girl?

Ash: Ha-ha. Very funny.

Moon: "Loud and horrible, but shows promise." Welcome to the show.

Lance: (SCOFFS) Cool. I guess we could hang.

Moon: No, no. I just want her, not you.

Lance Ash: What?

Moon: All right, the rest of the group acts, thank you so much.


Moon: Oh, don feel bad, folks. Therell be a 10% discount on tickets for everyone!

Unchosen: Yeah, sure, thanks a lot.

Lance: (SCOFFS) Lets get out of here, Ash. Ash?

Ash: Uh, yeah. Yeah, lets go.

Moon: Okay, soloists! Johnny, Mike, Pete, Richard, Daniel and Ray. Mike! Wowza! Ive got to have you in my show.

Mike: (CHUCKLING) Oh. If you insist.

Moon: And Ill take Pete.

Pete: Oh, yeah!

Moon: And one more. Let me see now.

Richard: (FARTS) Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. (FARTS) (GASPS) What is wrong with me?

Moon: Whoo! Uh, thanks for coming, Richard.




Richard: Oh, my... Ray! Are you all right?


Richard: Just hang in there, Ray. I got you. (FARTING) Oh! Oh! Oops!

Moon: Okay, then Ill take...Daniel. Thank you, Johnny.


Moon: Daniel, can you hear me? You e in the show!

Daniel: What? Are you talking to me?

Moon: Yes. (FEEDBACK) I was saying that you are in... Oh, geez, this is gonna drive me nuts. Johnny! Get back here. You e in. Thank you, Daniel. Goodbye!


Johnny: Yes!

Moon: Okay. Thats everyone on my list.


Moon: Um, wait a second. Rosita. Is Rosita still here?

Rosita: Yes! Yes, Im here!

Moon: Rosita, Rosita, Rosita. "Great set of pipes, but boring to watch."

Rosita: (SIGHS) I knew it.

Moon: So, what should I do? I could partner you up with Gunter. Gunter! Where are you?

Gunter: Ja! Ja! This is me.

Moon: (LAUGHS) Ja! Its gonna spice things up on stage.

Rosita: Wait. You want us to sing together?

Gunter: Ja! The two of us together, you joking me? We e going to be spicy, no? (LAUGHS EXCITEDLY)

Kangaroo: That koalas a fool, Sherry-Anne! You are gonna be a star one day!

Hippo: Auditions are over, pal. Shows already been cast.

Moon: Okay. You are my chosen few.


Moon: This is it, folks! A defining moment in all of our lives! Um, no... No, no, no. Not you guys. I dismissed all of the group acts already. You can go home.


Moon: Look, Im really sorry, but all of the slots are filled.



Moon: No, no, listen! No in show. Goodbye-bye! (MUSIC STOPS) Miss Crawly!


Crawly: Come on, you guys! Out of here. Come on. Off the stage. Thank you so much.

Mike: Hey, Moon. Whats the story? Is the prize really inside this thing?

Moon: The prize? Oh, sure. Yes, its all in there.

Mike: Open it, will ya? I wanna see what $100,000 looks like.

Johnny: Me, too!

Rosita: Yeah, go on. Open it, Mr. Moon.

Moon: Sure, Ill open it. Wait. What did you say?

Eddie: He said $100,000.

Moon: A hundred...(YELPS) Uh...(NERVOUS CHUCKLE) I forgot my keys. Koala be right back.

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
