200字范文 > 轻松说出全世界最美的语言 赞美3步曲 这些你都会吗?

轻松说出全世界最美的语言 赞美3步曲 这些你都会吗?

时间:2020-05-27 16:28:52


轻松说出全世界最美的语言 赞美3步曲 这些你都会吗?

在经典爱情电影「麻雀变凤凰Pretty Woman」里,潇洒多金的爱德华在与薇薇安的约会上迟到了…Vivian: You e late. (你迟到了!森77)Edward: You e stunning . (你今天的样子真是明艳动人)Vivian: You e forgiven. (我原谅你~)



1. 赞美他人的外貌或外在条件--- Complimenting appearance---


You look gorgeous / fabulous / incredible today!你今天看起来超棒der!I really love / like your shoes (or anything he or she wears). They look great with your jeans.我超喜欢你的鞋子的,它们跟你的牛仔裤搭配起来非常好看。 What a lovely necklace! Where did you get it?好漂亮的项链呀!你在哪里买的? Thats such a pretty watch.这支表真美!The skirt looks amazing on you.这件裙子穿在你身上真是令人惊艳。You look good in red.你穿红色的衣服非常出色。 You have an excellent taste in fashion.你对时尚的品味非常杰出。2. 赞美他人所具备的某项能力--- Complimenting ability---


You e so good with children.你对孩子们真有一套。You have a lovely voice.你的声音很甜美。You e great at V-ing.你对….真的很拿手欸!I wish I could V as well as you are.真希望我也可以….跟你一样的厉害。You are really talented.你真的很有天分。3. 赞美他人的表现--- Complimenting on performance---


You e so creative! I love the way you handle it.你真有创意!我非常喜欢你的处理方式。Youve worked very hard on this. Nice job!你非常努力,做得很好!Your presentation was very informative. Well done!你的简报充满讯息和意义。非常好!I admire your hard work.我很赞赏你的努力。Im impressed by the report you made. You e very professional.我对你的报告印象深刻。你真的非常专业。针对各式各样的夸奖,你可以简短直接的报以感谢: Express your gratitude directly:

Thank you for saying that.谢谢你这么夸奖我。Oh, you e so sweet. You just made my day.噢!你嘴巴真甜。你让我一整天都充满了好心情。Its very nice / kind of you to say so.你这么说真的是太好了。Thats a nice thing to say.你这么说真的是太好了。Im pleased / flattered!我好高兴!/我受宠若惊!Thank you. I really appreciate that.谢谢你。真的很感谢你这么夸奖我。Im glad you like that.我很高兴你喜欢。


Or offering some interesting details to open up a conversation:

I just got it from a thrift shop yesterday.我昨天才从二手衣店里买到它的。I just love being with kids.我非常喜欢跟孩子们相处。Ive practiced it many times with the mirror at home.我在家里对着镜子练习过好几次。My team members and I all put in a lot of effort.我跟我的团队都投注了很大的心力。都了解了吗?接着来学学综合应用在常见的生活情境对话中的例子吧!

Example 1:LooksMason: Debby, you look gorgeous today! I think those shoes match well with your skirt. You have an outstanding taste in fashion.Debby: Wow, Im flattered! Its nice to hear you noticing my new shoes. Actually I just bought them few days ago. But Ive been thinking about getting them for quite a while. I just can resist the unique design of them.Mason: Really? Where did you get them? Are they pricy?Debby : I got them at Nine West. It cost me $150 to bring them home. So I guess its a bit expensive but they e worth it.

Example 2:AbilityJean: You got a lovely voice, Helen. And I like the way you told the story to the kids. Look how they enjoyed it! I wish I could do it as well as you are.Helen: Thats a nice thing for you to say. Im glad you all liked it! Ive practiced it at home for days.Jean: It turned out pretty great. Well done!

Example 3:Performances or achievementsTimothy: I admire your work at the meeting, Steve. Your presentation is quite profound. You must put a lot of effort in it!Steve: Thank you, Tim. I truly appreciate that. It means a lot to me.


