200字范文 > 努力把日子都填满 别让孤单把你包围 请善待珍惜自己

努力把日子都填满 别让孤单把你包围 请善待珍惜自己

时间:2019-07-13 01:13:08


努力把日子都填满 别让孤单把你包围 请善待珍惜自己

生活如果不宠你,更要自己善待自己。这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己,如此而已。If life doesn spoil you, you should treat yourself kindly. This life, rain and wind, is to meet the best of their own, thats all.

我们每个人都要经历过一段特别难熬的时光,熬过了所有的苦都会变成甜,熬不过只能让自己慢慢堕落,慢慢失去对生活,对感情的信心。Everyone of us has to experience a particularly difficult period of time, through all the suffering will become sweet, but can only make ourselves slowly degenerate, slowly lose confidence in life and feelings.

努力把日子都填满,别让孤单把你包围,请善待珍惜自己,给自己一个坚强的理由,生活中没有什么过不去的坎。Make every effort to fill the day. Don let loneliness surround you. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a strong reason. There are no obstacles in life that can be overcome.

无论生活中还是工作中,我们很难事事顺心,但我们可以做到事事尽心。积极的态度就是成功的保证。认真细致、尽心尽力的去做每一件事,这样我们才能收获惊喜、成长自己。Its hard for us to get everything right in life and work, but we can do everything with our heart. A positive attitude is the guarantee of success. Careful and dedicated to do everything, so that we can harvest surprises and grow up.

我想留住你却无能为力,我想绕过你却无计可施。你是生活最无私的记录者,珍惜着你,才有明天的美丽!Theres nothing I can do to keep you, theres nothing I can do to get around you. You are the most selfless recorder of life, cherish you, only tomorrows beauty!

生活就像是跟老天对弈。你走棋,那叫选择,老天走棋,那叫挑战。早安!Life is like playing against God. When you play chess, its called choice. God plays chess, its called challenge. Good morning!

生命的长河中,我们艰难的跋涉着,承载着时光的对生命的期许,沉淀着岁月和生活的沧桑,这一路,每天上演着欢乐和疼痛,面对与逃离,生离死别的一幕幕,这就是人的一生。In the long river of life, we are trekking hard, carrying the expectations of time for life, precipitating the vicissitudes of life and years. This way, every day, there is joy and pain, facing and fleeing, life and death, which is the scene of human life.

每一夜都能干干净净、心安理得、筋疲力尽地入睡,每一天也能清清爽爽、心平气和、精神充沛地醒来,这就是最好的生活。Every night can be clean, safe, tired to sleep, every day can also be refreshing, calm, energetic wake up, this is the best life.

让生活变好的金钥匙不在别人手里,放弃我们的怨恨和叹息,美好生活就垂手可得。我们主观上本想好好生活,可是客观上却没有好的生活,其原因是总想等待别人来改善生活,不要指望改变别人,自己做生活的主人。早安The golden key to a better life is not in the hands of others. Give up our resentment and sigh, and a better life is within reach. Subjectively, we want to live a good life, but objectively, there is no good life. The reason is that we always want to wait for others to improve our life. We don expect to change others and be the master of our life. Good morning

希望你我都做个敢爱的人,不辜负年轻,不辜负爱情,互为奖赏,奖赏我们为了心爱的人疯狂一把的机会。互为救赎,救赎我们于乏善可陈而又平淡无奇的生活之中。——宋小君I hope you and I will be daring to love, to live up to our youth, to love, to reward each other, to reward us for the chance to be crazy for our loved ones. To redeem each other, to redeem us in a life of indifference and insipidity. —— Song Xiaojun

一个地球上的人,如何才能到天堂去生活?父老乡亲同志们,亲朋好友兄弟们,这绝对不是小公鸡上架--容易的事,这得需要脱胎换骨,超凡脱俗。How can a man on earth live in heaven? Father, fellow countrymen, relatives, friends and brothers, this is absolutely not an easy thing for a cock to get on the shelf - it needs to be transformed and exceptional.

一本新书像一艘船,带领我们从狭隘的地方,驶向无限广阔的生活海洋。A new book is like a ship, leading us from a narrow place to an infinite ocean of life.

你现在的生活也许不是你想要的,但绝对是你自找的。世界上100%的抱怨都可以用这句话来回答。Your life may not be what you want, but its absolutely what you ask for. 100% of the worlds complaints can be answered in this sentence.

他安然投入了下一段感情,你却无论如何也过不好自己的生活。他过得那么好,你却什么都忘不了。He threw himself into the next relationship safely, but you can live your life well anyway. Hes doing so well, but you can forget anything.

托明月传递一份牵挂的情怀,送一份温馨的祝福,愿君元宵佳节开心快乐,拥抱美好,拥有幸福,前途无量,事业辉煌,财气逼人,万事发达,生活舒心,百事顺心!Tuo Mingyue conveys a feeling of concern and a warm blessing. May the Lantern Festival be a happy and happy occasion for Jun Yuanxiao, embrace the beautiful, have happiness, unlimited prospects, brilliant career, financial pressure, all things developed, comfortable life, and all things go smoothly!

你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有鱼都会生活在同一片海里。You e going to be a quiet adult. Do not be emotional, do not secretly miss, do not look back. Live a different life for yourself. Be obedient, not all fish will live in the same ocean.

你人再好,不是每个人都会喜欢你有人羡慕你,也有人讨厌你;有人嫉妒你,也有人看不起你。生活就是这样,你所做的一切不能让每个人都满意,不要为了讨好别人而丢失自己的本性,因为每个人都有原则和自尊。No matter how good you are, not everyone will like you. Some people envy you, others hate you, others envy you, and others despise you. Life is like this. Everyone can be satisfied with what you do. Don lose your nature in order to please others, because everyone has principles and self-esteem.

假如生活欺骗了你,不要着急,拿出美颜相机,去欺骗生活。If life deceives you, dont worry. Take out your beautiful camera and deceive life.If life deceives you, don worry. Take out your beauty camera and deceive life. If life deceives you, dont worry. Take out your beautiful camera and deceive life.

一直很羡慕朋友小王的生活,因为他总是笑眯眯的,好像从来都没有什么烦心事。Always envy my friend Xiao Wangs life, because he always laughs and never seems to have any worries.

尊重你的男人,会主动和你谈钱,因为他知道娶你就应该给你好的生活,这是一个男人的责任和义务,他不忍心让你跟他吃糠野菜。当然前提是你是一个自尊自爱的女人!不尊重你的男人,只要你跟他谈钱,他就会说你嫌贫爱富,认为你看上的不是他的人。或者如果你谈钱,只管开价就是,但你也只是个数字,别谈尊重!记住:愚蠢的女人常常讨价,甚至抬价,所以廉价!聪明的女人从不开价,更不还价,所以无价!Respect your man, will take the initiative to talk with you about money, because he knows you should marry you to give you a good life, this is a mans responsibility and obligation, he can not bear to let you eat bran wild vegetables with him. Of course, if you are a woman with self-respect and self-love! If you don respect your man, as long as you talk to him about money, he will say that you dislike the rich and poor and think you are not looking at him. Or if you talk about money, just ask the price, but you e just a number, don talk about respect! Remember: silly women often bargain, or even raise prices, so cheap! Smart women never offer, let alone bargain, so priceless!

《洪堡亲王》是克莱斯特最真实的戏剧,因为它包含了他的整个一生。这里有他本质中全部的交错和冲突,生的热爱和死的需求,克制和激情,继承的东西和学得的东西:只有在这里,在他完全耗尽了自己的时候,他才能完全真实地超越自己的自我认识。因此才会有死亡一幕中那神秘的、预言性的音乐,那是自由赴死的陶醉,也是对命运的恐惧——是他自己的死亡时刻的预演,同时又是以往全部生活的回顾。只有献身死亡的人才会有这种最高的认识,这种透视过去和未来的双重目光,在所有德国戏剧中,只有《洪堡》和《恩培多克勒》送给我们这种富有精神性的音乐,这音乐自身已经作为一种强大的声音进入了无限。Prince Humboldt is Chrysters most authentic drama, because it covers his whole life. There are all his intrinsic interactions and conflicts, the love of life and the need for death, restraint and passion, inheritance and learning: only here, when he has exhausted himself, can he truly transcend his own self-knowledge. Therefore, there will be the mysterious and prophetic music in the scene of death, which is the intoxication of freedom to die, and also the fear of fate - a preview of his own moment of death, and a review of all his past life. Only those who devote themselves to death will have the highest understanding of this kind of double vision of the past and the future. Among all German dramas, only Humboldt and Empedocle have given us such spiritual music, which itself has entered the infinite as a powerful voice.

生活中所遭遇的种种困难挫折 既能成为掩埋我们的 泥沙 又能成为我们的垫脚石 只要我们善于运用它 就能克服困难 迈向成功.要不负众望,不负众爱?Difficulties and setbacks encountered in life can be both a burial of our sand and a stepping stone for us. As long as we are good at using it, we can overcome difficulties and achieve success. Should we live up to expectations and love?
