200字范文 > 托福写作考试如何避免词汇和语句重复


时间:2023-07-16 12:08:39









避免词汇重复的最重要和最基本的一点是背诵单词。在这个时候,很多考生会说我们每天都带着文字,无论是用书的背面,还是用各种文字软件回来,每天都在朋友圈的电话结束后。但是,大多数候选人支持单词的方法都存在问题。因此,许多候选人可能会看到他们所看到的词语(有时会误解上下文中的含义),并且在撰写本文时,听到这个词可能需要反应很长时间才能想到它。我不记得我背诵的是什么词。归根结底,当他们背诵单词时,忽略了发音和用法,是对拼写和汉语解释过于关注的候选人。当你背诵单词时,每个单词应该注意单词在例句中的用法和搭配,并按照单词(chunk)来背诵单词,而不是简单地背单词。同时,您可以在计算机上创建备忘录以记录这些单词/单词和用法。例如,当你背诵单词“exert”时,会有一个短语,例如对例句中的确切影响。考生可以使用这个短语来取代影响/影响/影响力,从而“对某些东西产生影响”。 “你可以





1.增加句型的多样性。很多候选人都有疑问。有几种英语句型。文章中有这么多句子。怎么不重复?实际上,英语句型的数量还不够。每个托福写作句子一个,但每个有多种逻辑关系词,引导词和句子模式的连接词。我们可以改变不同的逻辑词,引导词和连接词而不改变句型,从而实现句子的多样性。例如,许多候选人喜欢使用转折点,但是有一些连接词表示转向:但是,然而,正如所说的那样。事实上,让步和过渡意味着同样的事情。为什么我们不能使用“尽管”而不是“但是”?有很多单词说“尽管”,除了使用过滥用的候选人之外,尽管如此,尽管如此,还有一些指导性词语,例如具有一些高级用法的词汇。 。再举一个例子,如果我们想表达“因为”,除了使用开头之外,因为,因为在那个中,我们也可以使用一些介词,例如鉴于给定的介词,因为当然,由于某些词语(导致,导致,产生,归因于,归因于等),可以改写原始状语状语从句。通过这种方式,您可以使用相同的句型,但可以使用不同的书写样式。此外,使用状语状语或独立主语结构来代替状语从句,非谓词动词来取代定语从句等是改变句型的常用方法,不仅可以使语言更加多样化,而且可以提高整体文章可读性。2.当无法采用不同的句子时,我们可以通过改变句子的主语来改变句子的显示方式。不难发现很多候选人特别喜欢用人作为主题。例如,当候选人想要使用背景句子“儿童受到压力”时,首选的表达方式是儿童今天有很大的压力。在你想要加入结果之后,你会选择写这样的句子,它们......虽然这两个句子本身有不同的含义而且不能完全重复作为陈述,但阅读的感觉是一样的。主语是句子的基调,固定主语后基本可以使用的动词是固定的。如果人们继续使用科目作为科目,候选人很可能会继续使用像has,make,let这样的低级词汇。该问题的解决方案是改变主题,并用任何其他名词替换放置在主题位置的“人”。例如,“儿童处于压力之下”,我们可以使用沉重的压力或繁重的压力作为主题。这句话可以写成今天的Onerous压力折磨孩子,或者你可以写出Onerous压力渗透今天儿童生活的每个角落。这样,每个段落的每个句子都可以从不同的主题开始,并且读者的直观感觉是每个句子是不同的,这最小化了重复句子的可能性。






Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Primary school is considering that they may spend more time on teaching young students (aged between 5 and 11) technology, such as computers, than on teaching music and art.



The years between the ages of 5 and 11 is the critical period when people’s characters form. 【“横向展开”时,第一句话不是段落的中心句,而是“卖关子”的开始。】They either become charismatic individuals, who have good aesthetics and proper manners and can give an artistic touch on everything they do, or become boring people, whose thought is mechanically programmed. 【第二句话,顺沿第一句话的中心信息(people’s characters form),但是依然不把话说破。】At this point, isn’t it clear that young minds are cultivated when music and other forms of art are learned and they may be stiffened when they are occupied by the codes? 【到了第三句话,一下子命中要害。】 For example, ...... 【然后正常举例诠释上面的道理,举例过程可以和大家日常习惯的局里方式无异。】


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Taking a lot time to make decisions was a bad quality for people to have, but now, is a good quality for people to have.



【我们再试一次“横向展开”:】Often, poor decisions have a number of limitations in common. 【第一句说不好的决定肯定有问题,又是“卖关子”的开始:】 When the decision-making is broken down, we see no step-by-step calculation, no swings or hesitation, and obviously no discussions with others.【第二句具体说说做出不好的决定的过程中缺失的东西。】 Instead, there are impulses, underestimation of the implications and plenty of blind spots. 【第三句说说这个过程中有哪些问题。】At this point, isn’t it apparent that all of these deficiencies are time-related? In other words, if the decision-maker could take some time, the decision would not be bad.【到了第四句话,一下子命中要害。】For example, x.x.x.x. 【然后正常举例诠释上面的道理,举例过程可以和大家日常习惯的局里方式无异。】



10月20日托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People were friendlier in the past than they are today.




【A phenomenon as Reason 1】


First, rarely do neighbors 【语法:表否定的副词置于句首时的倒装现象,是一个很好模仿的语法现象,这里是在主语前助动词,单复数和主语一致;注意:这种语法现象其实也是在强调句子表达的否定意义】exchange pleasantries nowadays, whereas people in the same neighborhood used to greet each other. This phenomenon happens in my apartment building. 【写作法:长句之后的短句,用来调整/缓一下信息节奏】 I have to confess that I am unfamiliar with the person who lives next door, and I am almost sure that he knows nothing about me but my apartment number, although we often bump into each other in the elevator. We may make eye contact a few times, but never ask the other’s name, probably because we are uninterested. Also, I do not think that my neighborhood is an exception to the overall situation.

【Reason 2 stated and illustrated by examples】


In the past, when the financial gap between people was small, people were friendlier. The minor advantage a person had could barely provoke another’s jealousy. Nor could 【语法:nor置于句首时的倒装现象,这里是把情态动词提前到主语前】it be the richer person’s asset be contemptuous of another. As a matter of fact, people used to be generous in offering care or giving a hand. At present, a person can be far wealthier than another, and the richer one may have an annoying sense of superiority, and meanwhile the less privileged may display hostility. China is an example. 【写作法:这个短句前后的信息都很丰富,尤其是之前一句较长,所以这个短句在这里起到调整/缓和信息节奏的作用】 When my grandfather was my age, he would spare 50 cents from his only dollar to help a neighbor who needed it. Today, a person who works in our office building, who drives an economical car, won’t stop blowing the horn to hustle my boss, who drives an expensive car, just because “expensive cars should go faster”.


10月14日托福独立写作题目:Do you think that one needs to take risks to finally reach success, or to keep cautious and careful and take risks less?

Do you think that one needs to take risks to finally reach success 【审题关键词】, or to keep cautious and careful and take risks less?






【本文的 introduction 就采用了内置让步内容的方法】

Many people have the conception that they need to take risks to achieve success. This thought is provoked by the many inspiring stories where entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, dropped out of college and started their own businesses. Their bold moves are believed to be the key to their accomplishments. However, these successful individuals are the rare individuals. For the overwhelming majority of people, keeping cautious and careful is more rational.

this thought --- the conception 名词指代名词

their bold moves --- dropped out of college 名词指代动词



首先,conclusion也不宜长,不要在conclusion 里过度重复 body 里的细节。


In conclusion, if a person’s goal is to achieve tremendous success, conservatism may be undesirable, because the greater is the risk, the greater is the reward. However, most people, whose objective is to secure moderate success, should keep cautious and careful.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

One’s job has a greater influence on the one’s overall happiness than the one’s social life does.


Our overall happiness is subject to many influences. The two paramount ones may be our jobs and our social lives. Here comes [“套路深”之 倒装句 机会] the question: is one’s job a greater influence than the one’s social life? I would rely in the affirmative [习语]. [“套路深”之 设问句(自问自答) 机会]

Before everything starts, a relatively clear definition of happiness is needed. It is fair to believe that prior to other factors, one’s financial security, which relies mostly on the one’s job – stability of the position and the salary, is the fundamental of the one’s happiness. [中心句] One who has difficulty making a living as is desired hardly has the mood to enjoy life’s other offerings. For example, one of my friends is recently suffering from a substantial salary cut and now can barely make ends meet [习语]. His mind is now where the source of income is, and he is obviously absent-minded even though there are friends around. Although he may put the worry aside [put … as

Here comes [“套路深”之 倒装句 机会] the follow-up question. [段落之间的联系不是简单的平行并列,而是 层进/递进] What about a financially secure person? When a job can fully satisfy the person’s economic need, in what ways does the job bring more happiness to the job holder than does the one’s social life? [“套路深”之 设问句 机会] One’s happiness is definitely not limited to [be limited to] how much money the job pays. Feeling needed, appreciated and respected is the next level up [习语]. This is what a job can provide and what a social life may not. [两句合成 中心句功能] [回答前面的 设问] In the job, one makes personal breakthroughs or accomplishments, gets better paid or promoted, feels trusted and admired by the peers, and plays a role that matters. In comparison, the social life may be pleasant but not that fulfilling. Friends like each other and not necessarily need to look up to each other; they enjoy each other’s company but can live without each other; their respect to each other often does not build on recognition on each other’s capability but on shared interests or common personalities.

Admittedly, that is not denying how important one’s social life is. Rarely does [“套路深”之 倒装句 机会] a high achiever at work live happily if he (or she) has nowhere to go except the office. While the job can challenge, frustrate or even irritate the person, the friends can keep the person undefeated, optimistic and delighted.

At this point, one should be convinced that a person’s job plays a bigger role in one’s overall happiness than does the person’s social life. We need to socialize and, to a greater extent, need to work.


ide] for a moment, for the most of time, he struggles.
