200字范文 > 这会是特朗普连任的“最后一根稻草”?真是拼了!


时间:2021-08-24 14:13:41





The President of the United States had a busy day on Thursday.


He began by admitting on TV that he wants to block emergency funding for the US Postal Service and state election authorities because he fears voting by mail would threaten his reelection.


Another 1,500 Americans had died only the day before of Covid-19, the disease President Donald Trump has assured us is going away.


It is Covid-19, of course, that has caused many Americans to want to vote by mail rather than risk their health and their lives in crowded polling places. Local election authorities are reporting difficulty even recruiting poll workers and election judges to run the precincts in November.


This is why congressional Democrats are insisting on emergency aid to the beleaguered Postal Service and to state and local election agencies that expect to be flooded with mail-in ballots. Their well-founded fear is that with the mail slowed, ballots won"t arrive in time to be counted, and millions of Americans will be disenfranchised.


That concern compounded Friday when, the Postal Service informed many states that they could not guarantee the timely delivery of ballots this fall.


Polls show that since the President started attacking mail-in voting, Republicans have begun to shy away from it.


The disproportionate share of voters who say they plan to vote by mail are Democrats. Problems with the delivery or counting of mail-in ballots would fall more heavily on Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, than the President. A Wisconsin poll last week showed that 81% of those who said they would vote by mail would vote for Biden. Just 14% said they would vote for Trump.

称计划通过邮寄投票的选民中,民主党人所占比例过高。与总统相比,民主党候选人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)面临的送达或计票的问题更为严重。威斯康星州上周进行的一项民意调查显示,有81%的人表示将通过邮件投票将为拜登投票。只有14%的人表示将投票支持特朗普。

For months, the President has been loudly proclaiming, without evidence, that widespread mail-in voting would lead to "massive fraud."


Now Trump, trailing in the polls, is pre-spinning the election results. But state election authorities and nonpartisan experts have been clear: The risk of mail-in voting, which has been practiced in America since the Civil War, is not fraud. The risk is whether the embattled US Postal Service can deliver ballots on time.


And here, Trump seems determined to muck up the works.


A few months ago, the President installed one of his million-dollar donors, Louis DeJoy, as the new Postmaster General, and DeJoy has chosen this moment to make deep cuts, end overtime pay and fire 23 experienced top managers at the Postal Service less than a hundred days before the election.


The Postal Service has long struggled financially due to the advent of email and stiff competition from shipping companies. But the timing of these changes and the resulting slowdown in mail delivery have raised suspicions that it was intended all along.


Normally, a president would see it as his responsibility during a pandemic to do everything within his power to ensure that every eligible voter who wants to cast a ballot can do so safely.


Not this President.


When CNN"s Kaitlan Collins asked him Thursday about voters who feel unsafe about voting in person, Trump brushed their concerns aside. "Well, they"re going to have to feel safe, and they will be safe, and we will make sure that they"re safe," he said.


Congressional leaders are pressing for a compromise with the White House on a stimulus plan that would allow for aid to the Postal Service and state and local election units. Instead, Trump is literally undermining the Postal Service to bolster his reelection chances.


