200字范文 > 现代科技带给儿童的不良影响_3000字_英语作文


时间:2024-01-11 09:59:29




The Bad Influence on Children Brought by Modern Science and TechnologyIf we depend on modern technology too much, it will bring bad effects especially to children.During the growth of children, basic education is essential. Computers and scientific tools should not replace school education. Through systematic study in school, children can oversimplify the life. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind.Besides, staying in front of the computer to long will bedetrimental to chitdren's health. The radiation from the compurer will arise many uncomfortable feelings. For instance, losing hair, not sleeping very wett and having a headache, etc. The biggest harm to children is that staring at the compurer for a tong time will damage the vision. So the children have to wear a pair of glasses early from their school days. It will do harm to the whole process of their growth.This kind of dependence on computer atso can arise the dependence on their parents in life. If they do their homework with easy tools, how can they do their own businesses through themselves? They may just sit in front of the computer and ask for this and that without moving, at the same time, they will reduce the amount of exercise.So, it's time to limit their bad manners. It is not only for them but also for the advance of the whole nation. What should be developed is their mind. Chidren should achieve success through their own efforts.[点评]现代科技在给人们带来便捷的同时,也带来一些不良影响,尤其是孩子。作者举了两个例子说明孩子过分依赖于电脑的后果,令人担忧。其实这种担忧似乎有些片面,只能看作一家之言。[参考译文]现代科技带给儿童的不良影响如果过分依赖于现代科技,那么它就会给我们,尤其是我们的孩子带来不良影响。在孩子的成长期间,基础教育至关重要。计算机和科学工具不应取代学校教育。通过在学校的系统学习,孩子们都能学会如何学习,如何创造和如何做人。但是通过电脑孩子们只能学会如何简化生活。这样一来,他们就会变得很懒惰并且不愿动脑。除此之外,在电脑前停留时间过长不利于孩子们的健康。电脑射线会引起许多不适的感觉。例如:脱发、睡眠不良和头痒等等。最大的不利就是损伤视力。因此,有些孩子不得不从上小学就带眼镜。这对他们的成长是有害的。这种对电脑的依赖也会导致他们在生活上对父母的依赖。如果他们仅会用简单的工具来做他们枯燥的作业,那么他们怎么能独自做事?他们可能只是坐在电脑前,一动不动地要这要那,同时减少他们的身体锻炼。因此,现在是限制他们坏习惯的时候了。这不仅仅是为了他们,而且是为了整个国家的进步,应该发展他们的头脑。孩子们应该通过自身的努力来取得成功。
