200字范文 > 读书之法-The Ways of Reading_2000字_英语作文

读书之法-The Ways of Reading_2000字_英语作文

时间:2019-08-24 12:45:20


读书之法-The Ways of Reading_2000字_英语作文

You may acquire knowledge by reading, but there are so many kinds of books and we have limited time. How should we do some reading?Many students spend a lot of ’time reading legends and swordsman novels. It’s a waste of time. A student should know how to make use of time and accumulate the knowledge.So choosing books is very important for reading. We should choose some good and helpful books.to read. Be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit, and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.我们可以通过读书获得知识,但是世上有许多种类的书,而我们的时间很有限,那我们应如何读书呢?许多学生花大量的时间读传奇和武侠小说,这是浪费时间。一个学生应知道如何利用时间和积累知识。所以选书对于阅读是很重要的。我们必须选一些好书、有帮助的书来读。选书要和交友一样谨慎,因为我们的习性受书籍的影响程度不亚于朋友。
