200字范文 > 地权契约 land ownership contract英语短句 例句大全

地权契约 land ownership contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-01 17:22:11


地权契约 land ownership contract英语短句 例句大全

地权契约,land ownership contract

1)land ownership contract地权契约


1.The Transformation of Land Property Contract from "Government" to "Market" in China Rural中国农村地权契约由“政府型”向“市场型”转变论析

2.Freedom of Contract,"Right for Freedom of Contract "and Contractual Right:An Analysis from the Perspective of the Logic of Private Rights;契约自由、“契约自由权”与契约权利——一个私权逻辑理论视角的分析

3.A collection of deeds or charters, especially a register of titles to all the property of an estate or a monastery.契据登记簿契约或契据集,尤指一处地产或一所修道院所有财产的所有权登记簿

4.On Zhuang Commoners Land Ownership under the Rule of Tusi - The Second paper on Land Deed of Zhuang Nationality"s Tusi System论壮族土民田地所有权的确认——壮族土司田地契约文书研究之二

5.They have a prior claim to the property, ie one which invalidates any other claim(s), eg because based on an earlier legal agreement.他们有优先获得该房地产的权利(如根据先前的合法契约).

6.In a CIF contract title to the goods is conditionally transferred to the buyer on delivery of the bill of lading.在CIF契约中,货物的产权于交付提单时有条件地转移给买方了。

7.Rent-seeking Contract, Property Rights Constraints and Financial Development in China;寻租型契约、产权约束与中国金融发展

8.lease enforcement unit [Lands Department]契约执行小组〔地政总署〕

9.surrender a contractual right.放弃契约上规定的一项权利

10.The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner.这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。

11.marriage articles(规定财产权等的)结婚契约

12.Study on the Equity-based Plan and Managerial Optimal Contracts;现代企业制度下的股权激励契约研究

13.Capital Structure, Financial Contracts and Disposal of Financial Governance Rights;资本结构、财务契约与财务治理权配置

14.Study on Supply Chain Sale-Surety Contract Based on Options;基于期权的供应链销量担保契约研究

15.On The Essence and Nature of Tax From the Perspective of Power and Contract;“权力说”、“契约说”与税收的本质和性质

16.On Property Transaction: Contract Issue of Eastern Zhejiang in the Qing Dynasty;产权交易下的清代浙东契约文书述论

17.Analysis of Priority System of Contract in the Salt Industry Ⅱ;盐业契约中的优先权制度探析(下)

18.Analysis of Priority System of Contracts in the Salt Industry(Ⅰ);盐业契约中的优先权制度探析(上)


land property rights contract农地产权契约

3)option contract期权契约

1.Research on Supply Chain Coordination with Option Contracts;基于期权契约的供应链协作模型的研究

2.Supply chain coordination under disruptions by adjustingoption contracts期权契约下应对突发事件的供应链协调

3.According to the signaling game theory,theoption contract was designed,which made the retailer share his private demand information with the supplier by purchased option quantity.通过批发价格契约分析了信息不对称导致供应链效率下降的机理,运用信号博弈理论设计相应的期权契约,激励具有信息优势的零售商,通过其期权购买量向供应商传递真实的市场需求信息,并据此优化供应商的产能和价格决策,以及零售商的期权购买策略,最终达到供应链的协作。

4)property rights contract产权契约

1.Patenting technology standards is the mainstream of newproperty rights contract for technology standards consortia in software industry.技术标准专利化是软件业技术标准联盟新产权契约关系发展的基本趋势,技术专利的认定、获取与许可是技术标准联盟的三大基本职能。

5)Creditor"s Rights Covenants债权契约

6)Equity contract股权契约

1.For example,debt contract get used to using price mechanism which is the invisible hand, and that equity contract get used to using power mechanism which is the visible hand.创业者协调其与物质资本所有者的交易冲突有不同的契约形式,债务契约主要是利用价格机制(利率)这只“看不见的手”来进行市场协调,股权契约则是利用权威机制这只“看得见的手”来进行内部协调。


