200字范文 > 华珍 Huazhen英语短句 例句大全

华珍 Huazhen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 17:00:28


华珍 Huazhen英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of Planting Density on the Sweet Corn VarietyHuazhen种植密度对甜玉米品种华珍的影响

2)pearl sinter珍珠硅华

3)Scleria ciliaris [Chinese nut rush]华珍珠茅

4)Sarcocheilichthys sinensis blecker华


1.flos ferri【地质】文石华, 铁华, 霰石华

2.----Arthur Schopenhauer----A.叔本华。

3.If our mothers --- who are Chinese ---do not speak Mandarin, it will be difficult to regard Chinese language to be the mother tongue of these people.华族母亲不讲华语,华语枉为华族母语。

4.rich clothes, furnishings华丽的衣服、 豪华的家具

5."The head-bands, and the arm-chains, and the worked bands, and the perfume-boxes, and the jewels with secret powers,"华冠,足链,华带,香盒,符囊。

6.North China Pharmaceutical Sinowin Co., Ltd.华北制药华盈有限公司

7.Price Waterhouse Coopers普华大华会计师事务所

8.Wordsworth s Dilemma: A Study of Wordsworth s Concept of Nature in "Michael";华兹华斯的困境:《迈克尔》中华兹华斯自然观研究

9.The Cultural Identity of the Younger Generation of Overseas Chinese in Kobe;神户华侨华人二三代的中华文化认同

10.Bright color or showiness, as of dress;finery.服装华美,华丽华丽鲜艳或华丽颜色,如服装上的颜色;华丽

11.The Effects to the Chinese Economy and Its Development from Overseas Chinese Investments;华侨华人资本对华投资对中国经济发展的作用

12.About Worship of Mazu by Overseas Chinese of Chaoshan Natives and Overseas Chinese in Thailand;潮汕籍华侨与泰国华侨华人的妈祖信仰

13.Do A Good Job On The Work Of Overseas and Ethnic Chinese And Enhance The Chinese Nation s Cohesive Force;努力做好华侨华人工作 增强中华民族凝聚力

14."The album," said Edward sulkily.“画册。”爱德华说道。

15.In Washington D.C..“在华盛顿特区。”

16.Robinson Edward G.爱德华·G·鲁滨逊

17.a propensity to extravagance [ for gambling ]奢华[赌博]的癖好

18.New Atlas of China《中华民国新地图》


pearl sinter珍珠硅华

3)Scleria ciliaris [Chinese nut rush]华珍珠茅

4)Sarcocheilichthys sinensis blecker华


1.Study on Protection Plant of Rare Imminent Danger in Datong大通县珍稀濒危保护植物研究

2.Introduced the situation of Legislation and some Chinese laws and rules of protecting the resources ofrare and endangered wild plants.分析我国珍稀濒危野生植物资源的有关法律法规,阐述法律保护珍稀濒危野生植物资源的立法状况,重点剖析2002年刑法修正案(四)出台的背景及其所规定的"违反国家规定""国家重点保护的其他植物"相关法律规定,根据司法实践,提出统一国家重点保护植物的刑法概念,统一刑法规定的罪刑相当原则。

3.There are 6 families 11 belongs 12 species belong to therare category in Jiamusi.从1996~,在佳木斯地区进行蝶类资源的系统调查研究,共采集到蝴蝶标本3000余件,隶属于7科91属192个品种,其中属于佳木斯地区珍稀种类的有6科11属12种。


1.In situ Resonance Raman Spectra of Organic Pigments in Freshwater Cultured Pearls;淡水养殖珍珠中有机物的激光共振拉曼光谱分析

2.Orthogonal Design for Pearl Hydrolyzing Technology and the Elements Determination;珍珠水解工艺的正交实验及微量元素的测定

3.An AFM and SEM study on microscopic figure ofpearl surface;珍珠表面微形貌的AFM和SEM研究


