200字范文 > 陕西省米脂县 Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

陕西省米脂县 Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-28 10:28:19


陕西省米脂县 Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

陕西省米脂县,Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province

1)Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province陕西省米脂县

1.Simulation and Application of Household"s LUCC Based on a Multi-Agent System:A Case Study for Mengcha Village ofMizhi County of Shaanxi Province基于MAS的农户土地利用模型构建与模拟——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例


1.Study on Cultivated Land Change and Grain Security in Mi Zhi County of Shaan Xi Province陕西省米脂县耕地动态变化与粮食安全研究

2.Land use change at farm household scale based on game theory--A case study of Mengcha Village基于博弈论的农户土地利用行为研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例

3.Agent-based Modeling of Simulation on Households Land-use Behavior--A Case of Mengcha Village of Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province基于Agent建模的农户土地利用行为模拟研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例

4.Simulation and Application of Household"s LUCC Based on a Multi-Agent System:A Case Study for Mengcha Village of Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province基于MAS的农户土地利用模型构建与模拟——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例

5.Irrigation simulation studies for winter wheat and summer corn at Fufeng (twenty-three years) and Dali (twenty-nine years) in Shaanxi province have been carried out.对陕西省的扶风县和大荔县分别进行了和29年的冬小麦和夏玉米的灌溉模拟。

6.Based in Xixiang County, Jia County and Yulin of Shaanxi Province.该职位在位于陕西省的西乡县、佳县和榆林工作。

7.The Stady of Adaptation on Re-Introducing Crested Ibis in Non-Original Habitat in Ningshan of Shaanxi Province;陕西省宁陕县朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)异地释放适应性研究

8.The Study on the Development Modes and Countermeasures of County Economy in Shanxi Province;陕西省县域经济发展模式与对策研究

9.A Case Study of Foping Forest Health Demonstration Site陕西省佛坪县森林健康经营措施浅探

10.Airborne Pollens in Shenmu County, Shanxi Province in Successive Three Years陕西省神木县连续三年气传花粉监测

11.Discussion on the Regional Distribution of Planting Industry in Pucheng,Shaanxi Province陕西省蒲城县种植业区域布局的探讨

12.Methods of increasing the income of farmers in poor counties: The case of changwu county贫困县农民增收方式初探——以陕西省长武县为例

13.Longxian County, which was called Longzhou in ancient times, lies in the westernpart of Shaanxi Province, bordering Gansu Province to the west and north.陇县古称陇州,是陕西省西部的一个边际县,西、北两面与甘肃省接壤。

14.Based in Pucheng County, Chunhua County, Xixiang County, Jia County and Yulin of Shaanxi Province.该职位在位于陕西省的蒲城县、化县、乡县、县和榆林工作。

15.Analysis of the Current Village Deficit in Shaanxi Province;对当前陕西农村村级债务问题的分析——以陕西省H县GH乡为例

16.13. Pao-an was a county in the northwestern part of Shensi Province. It is now called Chihtan County.〔13〕保安是当时陕西省西北部的一个县,即现在的志丹县。

17.The geometrid Apocheima sp. is one of the worst pest of the locust tree in Mei County.刺槐尺蠖是陕西省眉县地区刺槐林的主要害虫。

18.Adaption Study of Introducing Small Tail Han Sheep in Wuqi County of Shaanxi Province陕西省吴旗县引种小尾寒羊的适应性研究


Hu county of Shaanxi province陕西省户县

1.This paper makes a brief survey of the actual situations,the places of historical interest,and the civilization ofHu county of Shaanxi province,thus making some preparations for the construction of the new campus of Xi an Shiyou University.从陕西省户县的县情县貌、风光遗迹、文明传承等不同视角,作了简要概述,为西安石油大学建设户县新校区作必要论证研究。

3)Zhen"an County Shaanxi Province陕西省镇安县

4)Hengshan of Shaanxi Province陕西省横山县

5)Wu Qi county in shaanxi province陕西省吴起县

6)Danfeng Country of Shaanxi Province陕西省丹凤县




有点像过桥米线。最重要的就是那碗老汤,越是陈年的越好,黑黑的酱油色,上面漂满切碎的韭菜叶。吃时,夹一小箸面条,放入汤里摆一摆,然后再吃,故名“摆汤面”。摆汤面乃户县传统名吃,获中华名小吃誉称,与一般面吃法不同,一碗上好的臊子汤,汤中配有黄花、木耳、油豆腐丁、西红柿、蒜苗、韭菜、葱花、肉丁(用酱油、醋、盐、大料、葱姜、肥瘦肉盘好的臊子肉),一碗温汤西面条,吃时挑一筷头面条放入臊子汤中,来回摆动,让其充分沾上调味汁子,喜庆宴席、团体用餐,节日待客中间搁一盛有温水的面盆,每人面前一碗臊子汤,将面条挑入汤碗中,如此往复,席间香气四溢,主宾谦让,亲亲热热、和和美美、温馨融融,别有一番情趣。 其特点:面薄筋光,油汪汤煎,酸香适口,素有薄如纸,细如线,下到锅里莲花转,捞到碗里象条线,吃到嘴里光又绵。
