200字范文 > 蹼泳 fin swimming英语短句 例句大全

蹼泳 fin swimming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-13 04:53:56


蹼泳 fin swimming英语短句 例句大全

蹼泳,fin swimming

1)fin swimming蹼泳

1.Evaluating method of training intensity by the power infin swimming;蹼泳训练强度的功率评价法

2.In thefin swimming event,the contour of the new type monofin is of three dimensionals,and its propulsicve performance is superior to the previous flat monofin.在蹼泳比赛项目中 ,新型三维立体外形的脚蹼的推进性能明显优于以前的平脚蹼 ,为了说明此问题 ,文中选取两个新型冠军蹼原型和一个平板冠军蹼原型为试验对象 ,对每一个蹼进行了不同水速、不同摆频和不同摆幅的系列比较试验 ,记录了蹼运动过程中三个自由度的力和力矩及蹼的角位移随时间变化的数据和曲线 。

3.Using this method, the unsteady hydrodynamic forces for web of the immersion competition are calculated, the propelling characteristics of the web are discussed and the technique of “dolphin type kicking” infin swimming sports is analyzed.并对蹼泳运动中“海豚状鞭水”技术,从流体力学角度进行了分析,主要讨论了脚蹼的水动力性能对器泳比赛中的几种技术动作的影响,提出了训练的原


1.A Numerical and Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Swimming Fin;蹼泳板水动力性能数值模拟与试验研究

2.Mechanical analysis of small range and high frequency techniques in surface;水面蹼泳小幅度高频率技术的力学分析

3.Evaluation and training of the elite young Chinese finswimmers’ psychological ability;我国优秀青年蹼泳运动员心理运动能力的评价与培养的研究

4.Ducks are web-footed to help them move through the water.鸭子脚上有蹼,便于游泳。

5.When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones.当它游泳时将无蹼的前脚收起紧靠躯体,伸出有蹼的后脚奋力推进。

6.Any of several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae, resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable them to swim.瓣蹼鹬瓣蹼鹬科的一种小型涉水禽鸟,类似矶鹞,但长有适于游泳的足蹼

7.an underwater swimmer equipped with a face mask and foot fins and either a snorkel or an air cylinder.只装备一个面罩和脚蹼,既没有通气管也没有氧气桶的水下游泳者。

8.Having webbed toes, as the feet of many water birds.有蹼足的有蹼的,如许多水禽的脚

9.(of the feet of some animals) not webbed.(一些动物的脚)没有蹼的。

10.Velvet paws hide sharp claws柔软的脚蹼里藏着利爪

11.chiefly web-footed swimming birds.主要是脚有蹼的游水鸟。

12.long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family.海鸥科长翅、蹼足的水鸟。

13."Even when Loyson steals, one feels that he has paws."鹅雏纵能飞,无以匿其蹼。

14.butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳和自由泳。

15.swim breast-stroke, back-stroke, crawl, etc游蛙泳、 仰泳、 爬泳等.

16.a wooden covering for the upper part of a paddlewheel.蹼轮上部一个木制的覆盖物。

17.His hind feet are webbed, somewhat like a duck"s.它的后脚有蹼,有点象鸭子的脚。

18.Having lobate toes. Used of birds.蹼足的有叶状趾的。指鸟类


swim fin游泳脚蹼

3)fin swimming for leisure休闲蹼泳

1.Through analyzing the development situation of fin swimming in China,as well as conducting to teachers and students of some colleges and universities,fin swimming for leisure meets the physical and metal development of university students and teaching,and many other needs.通过对中国蹼泳运动发展状况的分析,以及对部分高校师生进行调查发现,休闲蹼泳符合大学生的身心发展以及教学等诸多方面的需求,具有在高校中开设的可行性。


1.In the fin swimming event,the contour of the new typemonofin is of three dimensionals,and its propulsicve performance is superior to the previous flatmonofin.在蹼泳比赛项目中 ,新型三维立体外形的脚蹼的推进性能明显优于以前的平脚蹼 ,为了说明此问题 ,文中选取两个新型冠军蹼原型和一个平板冠军蹼原型为试验对象 ,对每一个蹼进行了不同水速、不同摆频和不同摆幅的系列比较试验 ,记录了蹼运动过程中三个自由度的力和力矩及蹼的角位移随时间变化的数据和曲线 。


1.The use ofweb-space rectangular flap combined with bilateral triangular flaps to repair theweb-space scar contracture;应用指蹼矩形瓣联合双指侧三角瓣整复严重指蹼瘢痕挛缩畸形

6)webbed foot蹼足


