200字范文 > 区域协作 regional cooperation英语短句 例句大全

区域协作 regional cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-12 09:40:34


区域协作 regional cooperation英语短句 例句大全

区域协作,regional cooperation

1)regional cooperation区域协作

1.Research on Chongqing s industrial agglomeration based onregional cooperation;基于区域协作下的重庆产业集聚研究

2.Strengtheningregional cooperation is a demand to Huizhou library systerm , for adapting the development of Huizhou s economy and civilization , and for acting librarier s training and literature resource sharing , by setting up Huizhou library association.为适应惠州经济、文化的发展要求,必须进一步发展我市的图书馆系统,加强区域协作,实现文献资源共享;通过组建惠州市图书馆学会,推进全市图书馆的人才培养工作及文献资源共享系统工程建设的进程。


1.Issues and Policies of Regional Cooperation of under-Developed Provinces" Neighboring Areas欠发达省区毗邻地区区域协作的问题及对策

2.Interstate Contract: the Public Administration Mechanism of Regional Cooperation州际协议:美国的区域协作性公共管理机制

3.Research on Chongqing s industrial agglomeration based on regional cooperation;基于区域协作下的重庆产业集聚研究

4.A Study of School-based Teacher Training and Research and the Mechanism of Regional Cooperation;教师校本研修及其区域协作机制探索

5.On Strengthening Regional cooperation between Huizhou city libraries;加强惠州城市图书馆区域协作之设想

6.Cooperation Mechanism of Creative Industries Development in Circum-Bohai Economic Zone环渤海创意产业发展的区域协作机制

7.local and regional cooperative agreement地方和区域合作协定

8.agreement on criminal police cooperation in the subregion分区域刑警合作协定

9.Economic Cooperation Area Based on River Basin: A New Model;流域经济协作区:区域空间重组新模式

10.Regional Cooperative Arrangements for the Asian and Pacific region in the uses of nuclear techniques in the life sciences亚太区域核技术应用于生命科学区域合作协定

11.Regional Coordinated Development Strategy and the Direction of Cooperation in the Links Gulf of Tonkin Region;区域协调发展战略与泛北部湾区域合作的方向


13.The Legal Regulation of Governments Cooperation Agreements in Regional Harmony;论区域协调中政府合作协议的法律规制

14.Regional Cooperation Agreement on the Eradication of Illicit Trafficking in Drugs取缔非法贩运毒品区域合作协定

15.Agreement on Regional Cooperation for the Eradication of Illicit Traffic in Drugs消除非法贩运麻醉品区域合作协定

16.Regional Cooperation Agreement to Eradicate Illegal Drug Trafficking扫除非法毒品贩运区域合作协定

17.International Association for Regional Cooperation and Revitalization国际区域合作与振兴协会

18.Exert the Potential of Bangkok Agreement, Accelerate Regional Cooperation of Asia-Pacific发挥《曼谷协定》潜力 促进亚太区域合作


region"s coopretion区域协作

3)zone co-operation区域性协作

4)regional tourism cooperation区域旅游协作

1.The theoretic study ofregional tourism cooperation;区域旅游协作的理论研究

2.Development and Innovation Study on Tourism Circle Around Chaohu Lake Based on Regional Tourism Cooperation;基于区域旅游协作的环巢湖旅游圈开发及创新研究

3.Regional tourism cooperation plays an important role in leading the flowing of tourism elements by entities using and creating essential conditions based on the consideration of corporate interests.区域旅游协作,就是基于共同利益的需要,旅游经济实体利用和创造必要的条件,以实现区域之间或区域内部旅游要素的合理有序流动及协作各方效益最大化为最终目的,依据一定的目标、原则和制度,对协作区内旅游要素的流动加以引导和安排的行为。

5)regional tourism collaboration区域旅游协作

1.According to the shortage of present research,the paper brings forward the running mode ofregional tourism collaboration with the help of some researches of foreign scholars and the stakeholder theory in the management subject.针对现有研究的不足,借鉴国外一些学者的研究成果,结合管理学中的利益相关者理论,提出了中国旅游业发展区域旅游协作的运行模式,并针对运行模式中可能出现的利益冲突问题,运用帕雷托模型探讨了中国旅游业发展区域旅游协作的利益分配机制。

6)regional economic cooperation区域经济协作

1.This thesis based on the analysis about social economic development obstruction in the two regions of Qinghai and Tibet,and about the urgency in economic cooperation in the two provinces,and put forward the basic thinking way for growing theregional economic cooperation in Qinghai and Tibet regions.本文在对青藏两省区发展区域经济协作的基础条件和必要性进行分析的基础上,提出了发展青藏两省区经济协作的基本思路。


