200字范文 > 方音 dialect英语短句 例句大全

方音 dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-18 04:56:22


方音 dialect英语短句 例句大全



1.Yancheng-Bulin Dialect with its unique characteristics comes into being because of historical and geographical influences as well as the influence of otherdialects.其方音具有一定自身特质,文章根据作者调查的结果作一些分析,并对某些个性特征进行了描述。

2.There are differences between Baojidialect and standard Chinese in the initials and finals of syllables and tones, each having their correspondence rules.宝鸡方言语音与普通话语音在声母、韵母、声调等三个方面都存在一定的差异 ,但它们各自都有对应的规律 ,就宝鸡方音与普通话语音声母的对应而言 ,在翘舌音与平舌音、双唇音与唇齿音、尖音与团音、前鼻音与边音、送气音与不送气音等方面 ,规律十分显

3.Mutual explanation anddialects are the causes for the variant characters and pronunciations of this word.表“父”义的字形约有十四种之多,如“爸”“爹”“爷”等;音韵上分为三组,包括唇音、舌音、喉音;造成这种一词多形多音的原因是“转注”和方音。


1.An Attempt to Expound the Materials of Native Accent in Dialects;试论《方言》用字中的方音标音材料

2.based on or using the five tones and two semitones of the major or minor scales of Western music.西方音乐中大音节、小音节是基于或使用五个音阶或两个半音。

3.A half step or semitone is the smallest interval on the normal keyboard in Western music.半音是西方音乐通用键盘中最小的音程。

4.Influences of Dalian Local Accent over the Acquisition of RP Consonant;大连地区方音对英语公认音辅音习得之影响

5.The Rules of Sanskrit-Chinese Phonetic Transcription in the Sutras Translated by Xixia(西夏) and the Dialect of Northwest China;西夏译经的梵汉对音与汉语西北方音

6.A vowel sound changed in this manner.变元音由这种方式改变的元音发音

7.A note or tone in the alt octave.高八度音符,高八度音调高音谱表上方八度音中的一个音符或音调

8.A strongly nasal tone of voice, especially as a peculiarity of certain regional dialects.鼻音,土音说话时的浓厚的鼻音,尤指某些地方方言的特有的口音

9.The practice of transcribing speech sounds by means of phonetic symbols.表音速记法通过音标来描述语音的方法

10.A Fieldwork-Based Study on Affricate-Fricative Series in Zhenhai;镇海方言塞擦音—擦音音位系列的调查研究

11.Recognition of Pure Music from Speech Sound-Music Mixed Part of Audio Signal纯音乐与语音-音乐混合片段的高准确识别方法

12.A system of shorthand based on phonetic transcription.表音速记法基于语音表述的速记方法

13.(music) characterized by avoidance of traditional Western tonality.(音乐)有避免西方传统音调特征的。

14.A system of vowels used in a language or dialect.元音系统用于语言或方言的元音系统

15.a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase.音乐的音调和歌词开始的决定性方式。

16.(music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone.(音)结束乐音或乐句的一种收尾方式。

17.Music notation is a general term to describe the writing down of music.音乐记谱法是指音符通用书写方法。

18.The Phonetics and Phonology of the Neutral Tone in Yiyang Chinese;益阳方言轻声的语音学与音系学分析


local accent方音

1.A sample-based analysis of dialect andlocal accent on Putonghua learning;例谈普通话学习中的方语和方音理论

2.This paper attempts to study the negative transfer of Henanlocal accents on the English pronunciation.文章对河南英语学习者在元音、辅音、语调等方面的常见错误进行了分析,并就河南方音对英语语音的负迁移进行研究,旨在帮助河南英语学习者提高语音语调。

3)dialect words, pronunciations, etc方言词、 方音.

4)western music西方音乐

1.A Study of Western Music Research in China (1980-2000);西方音乐研究在中国(1980-2000)

2.There has been a keen debate about the advantages and disadvantages of eastern andwestern music as well as the relationship between them since the introduction ofwestern music into China.自西方音乐被介绍到中国之后,关于中、西音乐的优劣比较、如何处理中西音乐之关系等问题一直在中国音乐界争论不休。

3.Christian culture is the important soil for Western music,and the very source of its art style.基督教文化是西方音乐的重要精神土壤,也是其艺术形式的直接源头。

5)Local Accent地方口音

1.This paper analyses the causes of negative transfer of local accent to English majors in pronunciation and researches on the principles and strategies applied in English pronunciation teaching.该文就地方口音对英语专业学生语音学习的负迁移因素进行分析,找出形成负迁移的原因。

6)broadcast mode播音方式


