200字范文 > 税费改革 tax reform英语短句 例句大全

税费改革 tax reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-29 03:38:56


税费改革 tax reform英语短句 例句大全

税费改革,tax reform

1)tax reform税费改革

1.The Change in the Functions of the Rural after the Tax Reform:Problems and Trend;税费改革后乡村组织的职能转变:问题与走向

2.Ruraltax reform: analysis through double-level interaction evolutionary game model;农村税费改革:基于双层次互动进化博弈模型的分析

3.Report on Rural Compulsory Education Investment in Shanxi Province——An investigation intotax reform in five experimental counties in Shanxi province;山西省农村义务教育投入调查报告——对山西省5个税费改革试点县的调查


1.Major breakthroughs have been made in the tax payment reform.税费改革取得重大突破。

2.Viewing Our Country s Rural Tax Reform From the Way of the Fair Tax Principle;从税收公平原则看我国农村税费改革

3.Influence of Taxation Reform upon Rural Compulsory Education Funds;税费改革对农村义务教育经费的影响

4.On the Reform and Relationship between China s Taxes and Fees;市场经济的税费关系与我国的税费改革

5.The Reform of the Rural Taxation System and Associated Issues in the “Post-Tax Era”;农村税费改革及“后税费时代”相关问题分析

6.Rectifying Relations,Purging fees and Establishing Taxes;理顺关系 清费立税——关于税费改革的探讨

7.Ancient Chinese Views on Tax Reform, the Rule of Huang Zongxi, and Current Rural Tax Reform;中国古代的税费改革思想、黄宗羲定律与当今农村税费改革

8.The Reform of Taxes and Fees in the Countryside Should be Carried Out in Multiaspect;农村税费改革必须多管齐下——对安徽农村税费改革实践的思考

9.Problems and Thoughts on the Reform on Tax-fee in Rural Areas --An investigation of the reform on tax-fee in Zijin County;农村税费改革存在的问题及思考——紫金县农村税费改革调查

10.Second, deepening the reform of rural taxes and administrative charges and the reform of the grain and cotton distribution systems.二是深化农村税费改革和粮棉流通体制改革。

11.Innovating Administration Systems in Counties and Villages: Reconstruction in Background of Reform of Tax and Charges in the Countryside;县乡行政体制改革:农村税费改革背景下的重构

12.On the Path for Government Reform of Town and Village Under the Situaition of Tax and Fee Reformation;税费改革背景下乡镇政府改革的出路初探

13.On the Reform of Town/Township Government under the Background of Chinese Rural Reform in Taxation;论农村税费改革背景下的乡镇政府改革

14.Social Insurance System of Chinese Countryside:Component Train of Tax-cost Reform;农村社会保障制度改革:税费改革下的构建思路

15.Tax and Fee Reform in the Western Region during the Institutional Reform Study Township Government税费改革时期西部地区乡镇政府机构改革研究

16.Third, we carried out experimental reforms of taxes and administrative charges in rural areas.三是进行农村税费改革试点。

17.The Influence on the Agricultural Tax Reform to the Income of the Farmers in Sichuan;农业税费改革对四川农民收入的影响

18.Deepen the Research on Agricultural Taxation and Charge Reform in Hunan Province;深化湖南省农业税费改革问题的研究


tax and fee reform税费改革

1.The influences oftax and fee reform in rural areas on rural health service;农村税费改革对农村卫生事业的影响

2.The total report of research ontax and fee reform and adjustment of health funds raising policies in rural areas: part three;农村税费改革与卫生筹资政策调整研究总报告(三)

3.Positive analysis oftax and fee reform s impact on township finance: a case study of 11 towns of Taizhou in Jiangsu Province;农村税费改革对乡镇财政影响的实证分析——以江苏泰州4市1区11镇为例

3)taxation reform税费改革

1.Probing into the Affect of the Taxation Reform to FP Work in the Rural Area;从建湖县实践看农村税费改革对计划生育工作的影响

2.By investigating individually,we find that the government function of underdeveloped agricul- tural town is weakened by thetaxation reform.通过个案调查发现,税费改革虽然削弱了落后的农业型乡镇政府的汲取资源职能,但该镇政府职能以社会管理职能为主,公共服务职能严重缺失的基本状况并没有改变。

4)Tax-fee reform税费改革

1.Progress, problems and countermeasures of rural tax-fee reform;农村税费改革的进展、难点与对策——对延边农村税费改革试点的调查与思考

2.Tax-fee reform improved the welfare of farmers and did not make urban resident welfare worse,which was typical Pareto improvement.税费改革使农民的福利得到改善,同时城市居民的福利又未恶化,是典型的帕累托改进。

3.Township finance is facing a difficult environmental condition after tax-fee reformed in rural area.乡镇财政在农村税费改革之后陷入更大的困境。

5)reform of tax and fee税费改革

1.Thereform of tax and fee is the essential way to lessen farmers’ burden and increase farmers’income;税费改革是农民减负增收的必由之路

2.Rural tax ruled by law——Legal consideration on thereform of tax and fee in rural area;论农村税收法定——对农村税费改革的法律思考

6)transition from fee to tax费税改革

1.As the comprehension oftransition from fee to tax is not all-round, the orientation is incorrect and the connected measures are not enough.本文从我国财政、税收和收费的现状入手,结合财政性收费的基本理论分析,就上述问题进行了研究和探讨,并借鉴西方市场经济国家征收税费的体制和模式,提出了我国下阶段推进费税改革的构想和目标。


